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torleik Arc User



  • Hey thanks for the responses. SA has found a home in the SRS Armada.
  • Had this problem also. You need to rush into the room to get the cutscene BEFORE you kill the guards off. They are the guards you need to kill.
  • I have both the Cardassian Galor and the Jem'Hadar Dreadnought and I wouldn't want that to stand in the way of a Cardassian "fraction". It's not all about the Galor anyway, that's just one ship of many. I would still have my lockbox Galor and it would still be special for the character it's on. I'm also comfortable with…
  • STO has a few issues around its end-game and content. There's no getting away from that. Tons of new shinies and not a lot of things to use the new shiny on. Give me more things to do in space. The new space adventure zone was a good idea, but it really needs better rewards. Take the ground battlezone idea and put it in…
  • There is usually a re-run of all the previous limited time projects before the new holding becomes available.
  • The simple reason for their weird walking rate is so that players can catch up to them if they get SQUIRREL!... distracted. Happens in escort quests throughout all MMOs, the NPCs walk/ride/move slower than the maximum speed of the player. The alternative is to make them go at the actual walking speed... at which point…
  • Culver System patrol in the Beta Ursae sector, the Jem'hadar are not scaling to the player's level. It does award the correct skill points for mission completion though.
  • Yeah don't think that's a bug though. After you select an ally and do the patrols or explores you are doing your ally's missions which are handed in to the appropriate group, SFC/KDF.
  • Correction on that, it appears that new EDCs appearing in inventory stacking with existing EDCs cause the inventory space. The salvage just sometimes doesn't appear at all.
  • We did this as a team of 4 (the NPC kept dying as above), and managed to get through it. The boss at the end, and many of the NPCs, also have a tendency to fall through the world making it even weirder. I recommend holding him in place and tanking him without running around if you're doing it as a group (as much as…