Yeah because the Devs are taking something away to try to solve a problem they have created. I mean yeah of course if you get a free token might aswell use it, loosing that entirely sounds simply bad practice. Nobody likes having stuff taken away from them especially if its none of their fault. Personally I don't like the…
Id love vanity Weapons, even overriding types of weapons, like still having beams instead of cannons and such. Sometimes even same weapon types have different effects, so it would make everything look more unison. Another one would lockbox weapon crafting blueprints, for some of the older types. I there is plenty of those…
No none of those really indicate anything much anymore. Constant sales and events are actually something Publishers noticed, that drives player engagement. They want the opposite, they want as many people playing as possible right now and hope as many as possible buy stuff. Marathons are usually a good deal with those…
When I looked at mine, they said they are not bound, can be traded, but not put on the exchange. The same as the ones from the Token sales last year for me.
First of all no were not the Costumer were more like cattle in such a comparison sadly. Why? Because perfect world like most other gaming companies are Publicly traded companies, wich means their customers and the people they cater to are the shareholders not us, our job in such companies is simply to spend money, generate…
Loving those so far! I bought em and just started a new Romulan char with a friend, allows me like the recent full equipment set to skip having to craft gear for the ranks and is fun to use overall. More then that, I do hope they put more of the lockbox weapons in store like that. Claiming what you want is so much more…
Loving every second of it! I wished for more time related stuff since they fist intruduced the wells class back in the day. And now that its here it was worth the wait. ^w^
Don't see much sence in going back said boffs you can buy are all green the teleporter effects are the same for 24c and those said 23c skills are all ensign. I didn't even notice much of a difference in their effects at all, infact they are pretty much the same its your guns that are different. I took my time on the old…
Well I feel abit sad for the people not able to getting the Timepack, but them not making anymore ships was to be expected because its essentially just a special type of Fed char. Still to be fair riding those retro style ships in the future will feel abit awkward in itself though XD
Why always this bitternes about something getting rebooted for a new generation of people. TOS was more like a space western for the time where people liked womanizers good old fist fights etc. I love TOS but guess what if they stopped there called it a day and didnt make TNG most of us would not even know it at all. TNG…
Wow I am always surprised how much curses are thrown at the JJ version of Star Trek nowerdays. I grew up with star trek and can say I been loving it ever since. From TOS to even JJ versions. Why? Simply I don't run around with some kind of fundamentalist additude, aslong the creators of each series put effort into it I…