Aetherians bad guys fr fr... foreshadowing in story is blatant. Anomaly allows you to go anywhere in the multiverse, and they just happen to take control of it and not collapse it?
it was 50% off the first time it was introduced. this bundle was b4 Mudd Shop and at 35% off now, it is over priced. Should move it over to Mudd Shop and have it take part when its 50% off for bundles.
just did the event on 2 accounts... no credit for the event counter... this is for TFO: Iupitar Iratus. No selection of boxes outside of just choice of fleet and terran marks. no event progress at all.
time. you finish off mobs faster you move on to the next task to do or log off and do something else. time is money and your winning your time... maybe not a sizable amount of time... really depends on your build, kit, gear etc. also it effects space as well... space traits going in to superior traits. maybe you do do pvp…
copium is strong in this thread. you can use $ to improve the abilities of your bridge officers... its pay to win. might not be a sizeable increase in dmg output.... but its an increase. but this game isnt really pvp is it? so pay to win in a mostly pve game... /yawn. this isnt diablo immortal here. folks already pay $ for…
use a F'ing carrier and park on 1 of 3 points. Move to under 3km of rift and close as needed. 4th member can park in middle... 5th can fly around as needed to help or go watch youtube till boss spawns, after closing 15 rifts. It is not indicated in objectives... it really should be. or forget rifts and go pew pew for a…
Admiral Leta? Thought she married Rom and is wife of the current grand negus? Or you mean Mirror Leta... didnt know your rank transfers over from the Mirror Universe... she is a civilian at best... criminal/terrorist at worse. Unless the Fed just accepted her and give her the rank... which is BS.
tooth fairy looking for its homebase... game should just jump the shark already and get ships that can transform into robots... it'll generate sales. do a crossover with star wars... disney would love to get some buz and generate some interest after they tanked the ip... lock box star wars ships would sell too.
they need to change this so that you need to click all the candles in an area to make mobs vulerable.... skels not going by the candle light... so it taking forever and a day to clear one section.
hmmm its been a while but for Delta it was tutorial and the recent klingon one as well... lets see... ok you get it when you "die" and the guide saves you... so yeah you do get it at the end of the 23rd cent... but I figured that was part of the tutorial... to teach you the ropes of the game. like the fed tutorial where…
lol theory craft and copium is strong here. fat old retired guards at WW2 death camps... after war, was tried and you know what... didnt matter if they didnt do anything directly bad and just stood there collecting their pension/monthly stipend. I am driving and you decide to drop off and make a deposit at a bank and I…
The Kelvin Destoryer pack is a bit redundant now a days since ship faction locks are basically all but gone. So basically 1 ship and a 2nd admiralty card. oh well no zen so not gonna bite. will wait and see if it comes around for BF or Xmas at 75% off again.
yes but I would also like to open up the inventory on chars who has the lowest or low space. in order for me to find that info... I need to count out em out. once in a blue moon this happens when I get an elite box or etc.
you know... sci fi allows practically anything... so I shouldnt judge... but this ship and its design is whack. and not in a good way. this idea of parts of a ship being able to move/shift around unconnected or joined to anything else to re-connect in different ways, in this and in janeways ship... seems to me to be a…
right click on the launch pets... it gets a green border... each cycle it will try to launch new pets... if pets already up, does jack. if pet dead... well you get a new one. Lets face facts, that que is strictly time gated. if the players arent asleep at wheel, you almost always only get 18 freights escaping... also…
Just speed run thru the missions... think you need to get promoted to the next rank before you get the perks/rewards. not sure how its set up now via mission rewards etc... but it was roughly for KDF after the Torg arc was done you would be L10, for Feds them sending you off away to the next star base. this is all based on…
Easy work around... still collect parts... dont need a lot just some. after next stage... do the adjustments for the parts you have. work around done. at end of event you get rewards. since rewards is not based on rocket results... its all the same at the end of the day. this happens to me several times already on several…
well it wouldnt apply to lock box/gamble ships or lobi ships... you cant reclaim em on zen store. if you can you have an account unlock via mudd store.