Merge shield faces - the abillity would merge two and two of your ships shield faces - leaving you with only two shield faces for the duration of the effect. Each new shield face would cover a 180 degree arc. It would come in two edition. One that merges the shield faces so you would end up with on front and one aft shield…
All power to systemX / Reroute power to systemX - The abillity would give an increase in power and power reacharge speed of a system while the three reimaining systems would get a reducwed power and power recharge speed. In addition power transfer rate would be reduced to 1/3 of value. The power to systemx and power…
Deflector beam overload / deflector overload - It would create a huge beam from the deflector that would hit a single target. The abillity would look similar to the spinal lance of the dreadnougth except that it would only fire once. It would be the most (or among the most) powerfull energy attacks in the game. -…
Eject antimatter injector / Eject and detonate antimatter injector - Shoots (ejects) a antimatter injector (visual item) from the aft section of the ship. after it travels 3-5 km it detonates creating a powerfull shockwave similar to the photonic shockwave. the shockwave blast radius would be about 5 km. It would ahve a…
Yes yes - laugh of me all you want, but if you are a veteran sto pvp'er you'l know what I'm talking about (give it some time it will come to you :P). Yes the pvp has alot of flaws - broken mechanics/boffs and yes we have been neglected (mostly) from day one and none of the promises ever came trough (mostly). If you are…
Don't worry about it - you would have failed even harder if you actually had set up a draining build - as it doesn't work!. The fix is TBA from Cryptic :P
Hm - unable to chain emgx back to back - goodbye dragon build ( 2emgx1 + 2emgx2) and auxbat build - and emgx 3 (lieutenant commander emgx) for cruisers. If there is a cruiser captain out there who see a way to use 3 ensign engineering station in pvp without running into some kind of cooldown issue I would be most…
The patch that nerfed draining is the patch that was released in the following days after the theta radiation console was given to the federation, I innitially guessed that they just where trying to nerf the theta radiation console as it was ridiculously powerfull in pvp, but now I'm not so sure since they don't seem to…
I agree that science abillities in general need balancing - however this thread only focus on draining abillities as these have only "recently" been rendered useless (patch after the release of theta radiation console to fed side) and such would be far more easily fixed by the developers than the general balancing of…
Is there really no science ship captains in this forum who want to do draining again??? Or escort captain wanting to use subsystem targeting again????? Or cruisers wanting to benefit from the tetryon glider ???? Or someone who wants the polaron and tetryon proc to be effective?
Letting tachyon beam be a counter to tactical team is a very creative and interesting ide. However I do believe this would totally change the way pvp is played (not saying this would necesserly result in worse pvp experience). I do believe quite strongly that if tactical team is the only shield balancing abillity and we…
I agree that something have to be done with the ensign engineering abillities avalible. My suggestion is going to be very simple - why not introduce some new Boff abillities in the game including engineering ensign slot???
The ide of having engineering team and science team rebalancing shield is intriguing. Altough I don't like the ide of removing the heal effect from these abillities. If your suggestion where to happend I'd rather see tactical team buffed. I personly wouldn't mind something like an enginering abillity that balanced you…
Make shield drain not be effected by defence value or shield damage reduction as it is not exactly the same as damage is it. Furthermore since it is not exactly damage they can make it so that damage buffs doesn't improve shield drain - this way tacical captains cannot abuse it. Furthermore it would provide a counter to…
As far as I can se it is not the abillity that is broken it is the system (drain) itself wich is broken. I had a shield draining build with tractor and doff, charged particle burst and tachyon beam 3 and it worked perfectly. Then cryptic introduced theta radiation console to the fed side and the next day or so they nerfed…
I would agree that selling ship packs for 45 euros is to expensive unless it is an elite item wich is pretty much alitle bit better than any other ship of its class. However I do think what the developers are doing letting all high end ships (fleet and z-store) range from about 193 euros to 45 (2000 zen to 5000 zen) is not…