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We need another shield balancing abillity!

svimepelsensvimepelsen Member Posts: 28 Arc User
For pvp as good as everyone uses tactical teams - it has become a must have abillity. It is extremly rare to see someone fly without it and not get killed within seconds. Tactical team is pretty much the only abillities that is included in all builds and cannot be replaced.

I don't like that I cannot fly in pvp without a certain abillity without beiing doomed, and therefore I would like to see another abillity in the game that balances shields or does something similar so we will have an alternative option for Tactical team.

Also because we "have to have" Tactical team in our builds, science team and engineering team becomes less appealing and thus less used - rendering science disabling abillities more effective in pvp as no one is carrying it's counter abillity

If you agree with me that we schould have an alternative to tactical team - Let your voice be heard in this thread!
Post edited by svimepelsen on


  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    This could be a terrible idea, but what if all three team types could ballence shields? I forsee a lot of ships becoming a lot more fun.
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    OK, I've been mulling this over for a while and the more I think about it the more I like the idea of all team abilities balancing shields. The ramifications are huge, but I think positive.

    What would happen if all team abilities had their function changed. Instead of a direct damage boost or heal all teams would give a modest boost to the captain skills appropriate to the team (science, engineering or tactical skills) and re-balance shields.

    Now we would be most likely to use the team our ship had an abundance of ensign ability slots for. So cruiser and science ships could enjoy using their tacticle ability slots for fun skills like beam overload or torpedo spread and all three ship types would be better at filling their roles due to the skill boost.

    Boarding teams wouldn?t be pointless as not every one would run tactical team.

    New players could compete a little better with established ones as they could forgo the expense of the must have com officer doffs.

    Galaxy class proponents could get slightly better use out of their favourite hull.

    I am sure the list of benefits goes on.
  • jadensecurajadensecura Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    What would happen if all team abilities had their function changed. Instead of a direct damage boost or heal all teams would give a modest boost to the captain skills appropriate to the team (science, engineering or tactical skills) and re-balance shields.

    We'd need a new hull heal if they did that though, and probably a new shield heal as well. Not that it's a bad idea, just pointing out the extra layer of complexity. In many ways I rather like it.
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Im not sure we would need new heals.

    We currently have three ways to heal our own shields, science team, transfer shield strength and emergency power to shields. Most builds get by without science team already because it puts tacticle team (with its all important shield redistribution) on cool down.

    We currently have three ways to heal our own hull, Enginearing team, Auxilery to structual integrity field and Hazard emmiters. Enginearing team does get used a little more often then science team as cruisers have a greater hull buffer to work with so they can afford to spend a little longer without a tac team up. Generaly these builds are less effective and the cool down on auxilery to structual integrity field is short enough that enginering team isnt necisery any way.

    Also by having all teams boost their associated skills enginearing will boost the efectivness of hazard emiters, transfer shield strength, extend shields, emergency power to shields and auxilery power to structual.
  • crownvic2doorcrownvic2door Member Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Some people don't play fair so if you don't know what I was about to talk about My lips are sealed.:cool:
  • svimepelsensvimepelsen Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The ide of having engineering team and science team rebalancing shield is intriguing. Altough I don't like the ide of removing the heal effect from these abillities. If your suggestion where to happend I'd rather see tactical team buffed.

    I personly wouldn't mind something like an enginering abillity that balanced you shield and either gave you one of the following, increased regen, reduced bleadtrough (Go away transphasic's!), damage reduction to shield or resistans to shield drain.

    And a science abillity with a name like - shield face merging. An abillity that would combine all your shield faces into one for a limitid time period, possibly at the expends of some shield cap and regen.
  • cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    For pvp as good as everyone uses tactical teams - it has become a must have abillity. It is extremly rare to see someone fly without it and not get killed within seconds. Tactical team is pretty much the only abillities that is included in all builds and cannot be replaced.

    I don't like that I cannot fly in pvp without a certain abillity without beiing doomed, and therefore I would like to see another abillity in the game that balances shields or does something similar so we will have an alternative option for Tactical team.

    Also because we "have to have" Tactical team in our builds, science team and engineering team becomes less appealing and thus less used - rendering science disabling abillities more effective in pvp as no one is carrying it's counter abillity

    If you agree with me that we schould have an alternative to tactical team - Let your voice be heard in this thread!

    No. What is needed is a COUNTER to tactical team.

    Tachyon beam should interrupt shield balancing and cut shield healing by 50% rather than drain shields.

    Tachyon Beam 1 - Beam lasts 3 seconds.
    Tachyon Beam 2 - Beam lasts 6 seconds.
    Tachyon Beam 3 - Beam lasts 10 seconds.

    Voila. I just fixed Tachyon beam AND tactical team shield balancing bullturdness all in one. Im a freakin' genious.
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    No. What is needed is a COUNTER to tactical team.

    Tachyon beam should interrupt shield balancing and cut shield healing by 50% rather than drain shields.

    Tachyon Beam 1 - Beam lasts 3 seconds.
    Tachyon Beam 2 - Beam lasts 6 seconds.
    Tachyon Beam 3 - Beam lasts 10 seconds.

    Voila. I just fixed Tachyon beam AND tactical team shield balancing bullturdness all in one. Im a freakin' genious.

    Actualy I do like the tachyon beam interupting shield balancing a lot. You could take it a step further, Rather then just preventing shield balencing it could also shunt shield strength away from the target facing and into others.

    That said, I dont see why we shouldnt have shield balencing through other means then tacticle team as well. it opens up a world of new build options.
  • svimepelsensvimepelsen Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Letting tachyon beam be a counter to tactical team is a very creative and interesting ide. However I do believe this would totally change the way pvp is played (not saying this would necesserly result in worse pvp experience).

    I do believe quite strongly that if tactical team is the only shield balancing abillity and we get a counter to it - even the strongest tanks in this game will feel like a "glass cannon" in pvp not to mention if an organised team quick swaps to an escorts in pvp. At this point escorts needs tactical team to compansate for weak shield faces.

    An alternative ide is to do both the suggestion to create a shield balancing counter of some sort and introduce more shield balancing abillities.

    So we would have pehaps a new abillity like tachyon pulses (creative name - yes I know :rolleyes:) instead of changing tachyon beam since - if I remember correctly it counters ships stacking "damage reduction to shields" if it wasn't so ridiculously weak. And then have something like one engineering and one science abillity that also balanced shield.

    If this where to happend I also suggest that a third abillity is introduced that grants immunity against tachyon pulses (or whatever it would have been called) to prevent people from stacking shield balancing counter in pvp like crazy.
  • gralerongraleron Member Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    My thoughts:
    • Either add shield distribution to the other Teams, or remove it from Tactical Team.
    • If removed from Tactical Team, then a new power should be created specifically for the task, preferably belonging to Engineering.

    I like the idea of Tachyon Beam disrupting shield heals and redistribution, although I would prefer to see it laid out like this:
    • A duration of 5 - 10 seconds that is the same across all tiers of the power.
    • The power decreases shield healing and the speed at which shield distribution happens.
    • Higher tiers would further reduce healing effects and distribution speed.
    • Power doesn't stack at all.
    • Counts as a Science debuff for clearing purposes.
    • Power would be boosted by Flow Capacitor skill.
    • Common cooldown with other deflector abilities.
    Vice Admiral Elaron, USS Hard Light
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Of tachyon beam is to disrupt shield balancing it may be good to make it disrupt extend shields as well.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    All three teams should balance shields. It would open up so many more build possibilities and varieties it would be amazing.

    Granted something would need added to tac team then most likely but not a big deal. Perhaps +5% acc/def or something.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bareel wrote: »
    All three teams should balance shields. It would open up so many more build possibilities and varieties it would be amazing.

    Those possibilities exist to people who play on regular teams, who coordinate, who work together.

    That's really all there is to it.

    Good teams have all team abilities slotted, min/maxed, onto different ships to avoid cooldown conflicts. ET and ST are extremely valuable cleanses and heals.

    If Sci Team had shield re-balancing, then it would become the new must have on every single ship in the entire game.

    Giant shield heal? Cleanse most of the really nasty sci debuffs? AND Shield Redistribution?

  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This could be a terrible idea, but what if all three team types could ballence shields? I forsee a lot of ships becoming a lot more fun.

    I like this idea.
  • gralerongraleron Member Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Those possibilities exist to people who play on regular teams, who coordinate, who work together.

    Unified team builds are somewhat out of scope for most players, but I do agree that any changes to the Teams should be balanced for that situation.
    If Sci Team had shield re-balancing, then it would become the new must have on every single ship in the entire game.

    Giant shield heal? Cleanse most of the really nasty sci debuffs? AND Shield Redistribution?

    If shield redistribution was added to the other Team abilities, then I would expect there to be a significant reduction to the heal component.

    Overall, though, I favour removing that component from Tac Team and creating a new (Engineering) ability for it.
    Vice Admiral Elaron, USS Hard Light
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I like this idea.

    As do I. Though no one will use TT with ET and ST offering heals. The shield balance is TT's go point-to reason.
    TT will need a new extra buff that supports tactical play. I say an accuracy buff. we already have enough damage buffs.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    graleron wrote: »
    My thoughts:
    • Either add shield distribution to the other Teams, or remove it from Tactical Team.
    • If removed from Tactical Team, then a new power should be created specifically for the task, preferably belonging to Engineering.

    I like the idea of Tachyon Beam disrupting shield heals and redistribution, although I would prefer to see it laid out like this:
    • A duration of 5 - 10 seconds that is the same across all tiers of the power.
    • The power decreases shield healing and the speed at which shield distribution happens.
    • Higher tiers would further reduce healing effects and distribution speed.
    • Power doesn't stack at all.
    • Counts as a Science debuff for clearing purposes.
    • Power would be boosted by Flow Capacitor skill.
    • Common cooldown with other deflector abilities.

    hahah yes. on deflectors. sure. so you have a short cd ability that crushes defenses and also offers another chance for your doff to reduce snb cooldown by a lot.

    Nice try, captain.

    Here is MY solution:

    NO power should b required for this.

    Rework the existing shield distribution mechanic.

    Make it scale its effect based on shield power, eps flow or whatever.

    The basic ability to shunt power from one shield arc to another effectively is not something that should require BOFF magic.
  • wast33wast33 Member Posts: 1,855 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    If Sci Team had shield re-balancing, then it would become the new must have on every single ship in the entire game.

    Giant shield heal? Cleanse most of the really nasty sci debuffs? AND Shield Redistribution?


    ^this and...

    reynoldsxd wrote: »

    NO power should b required for this.

    Rework the existing shield distribution mechanic.

    Make it scale its effect based on shield power, eps flow or whatever.

    The basic ability to shunt power from one shield arc to another effectively is not something that should require BOFF magic.

    ^this. my 25th century computer should be able to handle that. may connect the length of the gap to related specs, or tie the ability to the ships itselves (like kdf cloak). also f.e. higher tier ships then could get better built-in-shield-distribution-abilities than lower tier ships.

    but i'm also fine with the way it is now, though i see the op's point.
  • gralerongraleron Member Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    reynoldsxd wrote: »
    hahah yes. on deflectors. sure. so you have a short cd ability that crushes defenses and also offers another chance for your doff to reduce snb cooldown by a lot.

    Meh, the current version of the power is on Deflectors, so wasn't going to change it. If it were to be implemented, I can see both that and the degree of defence reduction being ways to tune it to be reasonable.
    reynoldsxd wrote: »
    The basic ability to shunt power from one shield arc to another effectively is not something that should require BOFF magic.

    Same goes for a number of things, really (tractor beams, hazard emitters, and so on). But that's the basis of Cryptic's design, and they have no incentive to invest in the kind of redesign required to change it.
    Vice Admiral Elaron, USS Hard Light
  • cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Of tachyon beam is to disrupt shield balancing it may be good to make it disrupt extend shields as well.

    Well... since I said tachyon would disrupt shield heal by 50% and shield balancing that means it also disrupts extend shields (its a shield heal plus resist bonus) if you aim the tachyon beam at the person receiving the extend shields.
    Actualy I do like the tachyon beam interupting shield balancing a lot. You could take it a step further, Rather then just preventing shield balencing it could also shunt shield strength away from the target facing and into others.

    That said, I dont see why we shouldnt have shield balencing through other means then tacticle team as well. it opens up a world of new build options.

    Shunting shield strength into others wouldn't be advisable since the tachyon affects all shields as it is.

    The things I proposed are in addition to the current WEAK shield drain. Other shield balancing options would just be exploitable. Heck you can now simply macro balance all shields and have a perma-tac team enabled.
    graleron wrote: »
    My thoughts:
    • Either add shield distribution to the other Teams, or remove it from Tactical Team.
    • If removed from Tactical Team, then a new power should be created specifically for the task, preferably belonging to Engineering.

    It would make a bit more sense if each team type simply boosted the team type's stuff:

    Tac Team:
    - Lowers power cost for weapons by -1 per tier (tier 3 = -3 cost per weapon)
    - counters enemy boarding parties by tier (aka tac team 1 only counters boarding party 1)
    - prevents enemy boarding parties (if enabled before beamed/shuttles arrive.. not tier based).
    - +X % (tier based) accuracy to weapons.

    Sci Team:
    - cleanses sci debuffs by tier.
    - increases all science stats by +20 per tier
    - damage reduction of +10% per tier to shields for 30 seconds.

    Eng Team:
    - medium Regen over time for both hull and shield
    - shield balancing to shield facings being hit (not all shields at once)
    - cleanses engineering debuffs
    - damage reduction to hull of +10% per tier for 30 seconds.
    I like the idea of Tachyon Beam disrupting shield heals and redistribution, although I would prefer to see it laid out like this:
    • A duration of 5 - 10 seconds that is the same across all tiers of the power.
    • The power decreases shield healing and the speed at which shield distribution happens.
    • Higher tiers would further reduce healing effects and distribution speed.
    • Power doesn't stack at all.
    • Counts as a Science debuff for clearing purposes.
    • Power would be boosted by Flow Capacitor skill.
    • Common cooldown with other deflector abilities.

    My proposed system is simpler and does the same thing..better. You need to think about how an escort would abuse a tachyon 1.. in my example he'd only have the ability for 3 seconds (unless his ship has lt sci or higher). In contrast a sci ship can disrupt shields for much longer. Stacking is irrelevant as there is currently no problem with people stacking weapon damage on you..so this ability isnt a problem either.
  • milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    TT should be only dist skill. ET is useful, but significantly less than other teams. I think there needs to be some sort of adjustment to bring it on par with its cooldown cousins.

    ET is decidedly less used because of its limited applicability and shared teams cool down. Think about how fast an alpha strike knocks a guy out. Hit ET too early waste insta heal. Wait too long and you heal yourself cause buddy is dead.

    Really I think aux2sifnand ET should swap powers. Or ET should not share cd with other two teams because itis a spike use. ST and TT are similar in effect, ET is only similiar in name and shares cool down more for political symmetry than application in game.

    The other side is give acetone beam more umph and let ET undue it as well as clear hull resist debuffs and kinetic damage resist.
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
  • stongbadsstongbads Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I thought they already added another hull heal with the Singularity powers?
  • milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    stongbads wrote: »
    I thought they already added another hull heal with the Singularity powers?

    Not sure, but if they did it will be for rommies only.
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
  • tenkaritenkari Member Posts: 2,906 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    stongbads wrote: »
    I thought they already added another hull heal with the Singularity powers?

    it's not actually a hull heal. its a shield heal that also grants temporary hull HP. when the buff ends, those temporary hull points disappear, even if you never took any hull damage, you will be back at the point you started, minus any skills/passive regen that might have happened during that time.
  • canisanubiscanisanubis Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Honestly, you might as well just discard shield facings altogether if you provide yet more means to balance shields.
  • milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Honestly, you might as well just discard shield facings altogether if you provide yet more means to balance shields.

    Agreed. By providing another balance it removes the necessity of TT.
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    At the very least, a doff that adds automatic shield redistribution to Engineering Team and Science Team would be cool.
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Healing isn't the problem. The problem is that invariably shield rebalancing is more valuable to your tank then healing abilities are. Yes if your committed to doing so you can go without tactical team, but such builds are not conventional for good reason.

    So we have a situation where the number one, most important, most used tanking ability does not occupied an engineering or science slot but rather a tactical one. Nearly all older ship designs, which include all the iconic ones people actually join STO to fly, have slot layouts that assume tactical slots will be used for offensive abilities. Instead those ships with two tactical ability slots use them for tanking and suffer as a result. On the other hand those ships with an abundance of tactical slots suffer no DPS loss from the addition of a couple of level 1 tactical teams and can supplement the tanking advantage those teams give them with heals and defensive buffs from their limited engineering and science slots with no problems.

    Every day people wine about the imbalances in STO. The vast majority of these imbalances are not due to ships or weapons, they are due to tactical team. Change the team abilities to supplement their intended ships role abilities, give them all shield rebalancing and remove healing. Suddenly a huge range of ability build options will open up making ships competitive that were not competitive before, and nerfing no one.
  • makburemakbure Member Posts: 422 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Manually balancing shields is not fun gameplay at all and yes, I agree that tactical team is a must have go-to ability for all builds.

    As mentioned above, this lopsided usefulness would be mitigated if all three teams could rebalance the shields like TT does. This is probably the best suggestion for making all the teams even.
  • makburemakbure Member Posts: 422 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Honestly, you might as well just discard shield facings altogether if you provide yet more means to balance shields.

    This is a good idea too.
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