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What is the Arc Client?
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stargazerjmb Arc User



  • Thanks for the info. I was really worried that I was going to have to leave this game after all the effort I'm putting into my star base. I hope they see sense and don't ever make ARC mandatory. Guess it will be back to Eve for me if they do.
  • I noticed that a recent patch was huge and it made me suspicious that ARC may have been downloaded without our knowing. In the launcher options I now see a check box for displaying all games. If I click this it says the launcher needs to be re-started before continuing. I unchecked the box again as I have no intention of…
  • It's a FAAAAAKE! No really? Really, really free??? Temba, his arms wide! :)
  • Nor would I or anyone else expect him too. However the chat was not particularly busy at that time and I distinctly got the impression that he was trying to avoid the subject (perhaps because he had been instructed to do so). You are right that it would be pointless to continually report "Nothing new" however I would argue…
  • Well I just asked Brandon if there was any update on the auto-ban feature in the REDALERT channel and he ignored me completely. Looks like we have heard the last from him. Updated: To be fair to Brandon, after continued hounding he did give a response which was along the lines of: The GM team is closely monitoring it. So…
  • Unfortunately I think I'm starting to agree. The silence speaks volumes.
  • I agree completely. Just before I found out about this thread I was beginning to think that there may be a small chance I would play something else associated with either Cryptic or PWE at some point in the future, assuming that there was a period of AT LEAST 3 years good customer service and consideration shown. However…
  • I have been waiting around 2 years for them to fix the bug I reported which is affecting 2 of my characters who are unable to beam to ship or leave the First City or visit the bridge as these options are ALWAYS ghosted. After repeated GM requests I have been told basically to just report it as a bug and put up with it…
  • I agree with OP. In fact this is the very reason that I don't even consider using the crystals for anything as it is too difficult for me to keep track of which character has how many lobi. If I knew when I opened a box that I could use the crystals for any character then I may even buy some keys occasionally but I hardly…
  • As someone else rightly pointed out Brandon we are not holding you personally responsible for this whole mess. That said however, a statement like, "...we are hoping to be able to make it display even more clearer than it already does." rings of complete obliviousness and denial to the fact that many have stated they…
  • <Dev> Brandon@PWE_BranFlakes: I hear some PMs coming in, but I have that channel turned off as there are too many coming to to respond to :) Sorry! Whilst I wouldn't begrudge Brandon the chance to play the game same as everyone else I would have thought that a proper response to this length of thread would have been a…
  • I was thinking along similar lines myself given that I have previously been in touch with someone from Future Publishing who was very helpful (for another matter not concerning STO). However I have no wish to add to the previous bad press that the game has received given that the recent expansion shows much promise for the…
  • The problem is not that it was in the middle of a huge patch but the system itself. For any system to be in place which auto-bans players for simply typing a word is beyond ridiculous. The fact that it has been stated to be "working as intended" either shows considerable short sightedness (given that the warning can be…
  • CRYPTIC/PWE please read! I really cannot believe that there is still no apology over this. I put down the silence to the holiday weekend but now...VERY bad form indeed! As I stated earlier, had I read about this before I purchased the expansion I would have kept my money. It is only after the recent improvements that I…
  • I nominate this post for the title of "Most obvious troll attempt in STO history". Do I have a 2nd?
  • This sounds like a good idea in the making. Block global chat until level 10 and have a "newbie" channel which is moderated in order to help those genuine new starts and which also at the same time means capturing any attempts at gold selling. It has rightly been pointed out how easy it is for the spammers to just create a…
  • Another short name for Richard is banned now? ROFL, hope there aren't too many Richards in the game or people might get banned for talking to them. :confused:
  • I agree completely. It is unacceptable for a system that can result in a ban to be completely auto-mated the way it currently is without being absolutely watertight. I remember when the first system messages were flying around letting you know that every Tom, **** and Harry were "apparently" winning lock box ships so I…
  • What he said. This is ridiculous. There is no justification for the 119.99 Euro. WILL NOT BE BUYING