Also got kicked. Was playing Fluid Dynamics when I started to suffer from as well as rubber-banding, and the lag kicked itself up a few notches. Went into an Elachi Alert, and things were a bit smoother, then went back into Fluid Dynamics and it felt like the game was having a stroke. Now I can't log back in.
1st try, couldn't get in. 2nd try, got in, a wee bit choppy. Launched into a SFB... first wave fine. Second wave? ... Lol. Ping>2500 3rd try: lets see...
I admire the way you were able to extrapolate and build upon the comparatively small dataset from the Voyager episode, into all of this. *Awesome*. With the dino-critters though, I can't help but think that Teleios has somehow swapped universes XD.
Ok, I haven't been on tribble in a while, but I'm not quite understanding the issue. Is it that the female model is now "curvier"? Or is it that the numbers behind the slider system have been changed, and thus everything is out of kilter? Cos if its the former, I really don't have an issue. If it is the latter, then yeh,…
I'd like to reiterate what bigmitch89 said, and possibly others before (didn't read the entire thread). If the Delta Quadrant is on the horizon, that could provide a focus for completely revamping the exploration component of STO. Voyager's astrometrics data would be a place to start - however how many decades was it since…
Are Gorn not reptilllian? From my limited knowledge of reptiles, aren't the females of the species often larger, stronger, more intelligent and a lot more deadly? Especially when their young are threatened. I am honestly suprised that the Gorn are not a matriachal society. As for Letheans, I would be intrigued as to what…
I doubt this will happen due to the following: In almost every MMO I've played, each has(had) a combat-locking mechanism triggered when you get a NPC's aggro, either by attacking, or passing too close to them. This is frequently used to force you to fight, rather than run, or somehow gain an advantage over the "AI" which…
Trace routes as of 16:57 UTC Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 5 ms 5 ms 6 ms * [] 2 33 ms 32 ms 32 ms [] 3 36 ms 32 ms 33 ms [] 4 59 ms 33 ms 34 ms…
tracert started at 16:31 UTC tracert Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 3 ms 4 ms 4 ms ****** [] 2 33 ms 32 ms 34 ms [] 3 42 ms 36 ms 33 ms…
Aye, I'm playing significantly less since S7 and the reputation system went live. Previously, I'd log on and run around 3-6 STFs per day, and maybe a daily. Usually just one character mind. Sometimes I'd log on to multiple chars, but the total playtime would remain the same (anywhere from 2-6hrs). Now though, I log in, set…
I have exactly the same problem. Whenever I'm on a STF and someones flying one of the new temporal ships, I can't see them at all. I also seem to end up with a client crash a little while later. I've tried forcing the game to repatch and verify the cache, but nothing seems to fix it. *fixed it