I was also half expecting to have picked up the Orion receptionist as a DOFF reward, provided that your conversation with her ended with her coming on board.
UPDATE * Support responded that they were not familiar with this bug. * Some screenshots with markup detailing bug can be found on the Gameplay Bug Support forum on the thread titled Tailor Bug: Orion Female Ankles/Feet & Bortesqu' Skirt.
I'm sure they've been mentioned already, but I'd really love to have both Beverly Crusher's bright blue lab jacket/coat and Katherine Pulaski's medical tunic/skant/uniform variant.
Orion Female Feet/Ankles & Bortesqu' Skirt Character Name: Zushme@SojournerX Faction, Race, Gender: KDF/Orion Female Affected Costumes (in-game name):* All costume slots, but specifically for this example, costume "Syndicate Envoy" * Tested for bug and successfully duplicated results on costume "Risian Beach" * Bug is…
I hate them, too. What I really can't stand is reading all the way down a thread's page only to have to scroll all the way up again to go to the next page...
I did enjoy seeing Nog again, it's just that they put all this work into a new area and nothing much was done with it, save a few fix this 'n that's. And I thought "House of Pegh" was kind of a pain in the butt, so I guess I was expecting another like it.
Are you certain? I'm not so sure, because one of the two Nervous Vacationers that I've seen is located on a small beach at the northeast tip of the map, with the text: "[NPC] Nervous Vacationer: I told them I could climb to the top of that tree on that island... but now I'm not so sure..." This Nervous Vacationer is…
That may very well be, (and posted ahead of me by all of what, 39 minutes? And my ticket included a photo as well, what does that matter?) I'm just posting the bug on the forum as instructed by the "Game Master Kelias" that answered my ticket for follow-up. Thanks, though.
Um, opt out!! What a horrible idea! It's hard enough to maintain an orderly bank, not to mention keep track of all the bits and pieces I already have scattered across 20+ ships (banking, so to speak), so I'm not going to want pieces extracted from here and there at random. How is the game going to know what kind of load…
Oh, please. I inferred that I liked Rhodes and said nothing about Harry Kim as a character, but I disagree, Garrett Wang is not a good actor. He is very wooden and sniveled all through Voyager. I had hoped he wouldn't blow a voiceover, but I was wrong. It's like he is reading a storybook to a three year-old; exaggerated…
Yes, that's it exactly. It's like choosing the right font, so to speak, serif v. san serif. The old icons were "thicker and bolder" whereas these new ones are intricately detailed...too much so for a graphic that's typically very tiny. And again, while the art itself is good (I want to be clear in not knocking the artist),…
Great to see/hear Kim Rhodes again, but my god, Garrett Wang couldn't act twenty years ago and still can't act today. Listening to that wet dishrag is terribly painful.
I really hate them. It's not that the new art/design is poor quality so much as they're just way, way too busy. While I agree that a number of the old icons didn't make sense or were unclear, I appreciated the overall simplicity of the designs. The old ones were far more easy on the eyes. I also like to roll with smaller…
I've had two issues purchasing Zen in-game this week. The first is that I tried using a TD Bank Visa Gift Card and despite the information being entered in correctly, I would continually receive a Card Number Field error. After giving up and switching to a regular Visa, that went through, but after my $100 purchase (10000…
I was even thinking perhaps as part of small redesign, each UI component be given two "points" on each side and it's where these "points" would snap together other UI pieces. The points would be a sort of guideline for UI redesign so that you would know how and where to design the UI in such a fashion enabling users to mix…