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  • I'm the fleet newbie... and I love it here. Last night I was involved in my second weekly PvP in-guild night. Let me tell you... I don't even like PvP, and I can't wait for Thursdays! The camaraderie, the fun, the laughter, the teasing... and everyone trying to help you learn. Their biggest concern? No, it's not making a…
  • Had a great time in the PvP night recently, and still laughing over our voice server convos. You guys are great to be around! Thanks for the patience and the great advice.
  • Adding my voice to this post... wholeheartedly agree
  • I agree with you on some of those points Carmenara... some I don't really get fully, so I'd probably have to speak to you for a bit to see what you mean. But the plethora of fleets out there these days hide the good ones like a needle in a haystack. Some of the fleets I've seen have been built solely on the premise that…
  • As if the attacks from Klingons and Orions and some secret society weren't bad enough... now the equipment at Starbase 381 "Praetorian" is fighting back. Not just Klingons with bad taste... now we have Raktajino that tastes bad! Come enjoy the Trek universe with a group of friends who are completely committed to their…
  • Hey! Welcome to one of the most immersive roleplay environments out there. Between the diversity of space and planets and the user created content, we have so much playground. Many of us are avid Trek fans, and love to help and teach others. I'd recommend you stop by our fleet website and read some of the great fan fiction…
  • We're very proud of our fleet community of roleplayers. As much as we enjoy interactions in game, their log entries, fleet memos, and operation orders help so much set the mood of the game for us and keep us connected when we're "off game," whatever that place is called! Here, in its entirety, is the most recent log entry…
  • Things are heating up at the 26th Fleet's starbase... all the starship captains are feeling the pressure. Some, the more feisty ones, are itching for the fight! Will the 26th survive the onslaught? Is this part of a bigger scheme against the Federation, and the 26th merely the first step in the conquest? Will Commander…
  • The nanite problem is escalating, and there's been a security breach! The whole of the 26th Fleet- the Starbase 381 "Praetorian" in the Sea of Sorrows, the vessels that make up Task Force Avalon, and the 42nd CAW have all seen increased action. Is the fleet readiness sufficient? Has Praetorian, so long under siege, built…
  • In today's review of logs, we found this... Who is the Obsydian Order, and who is the Ebon Wing? What are they plotting that places Starbase 381 "Praetorian" in danger? You can affect the outcome! Come join us at our official forums and read the rest of the story!
  • At Starbase 381 "Praetorian," home of the 26th Fleet: What is happening with the nanite infection? Where did they come from? What will be the fate of the crew of the USS Attenborough? You can affect the outcome! Come read the rest of Doctor Nya's logs and stay to roleplay with the 26th today. Website of the 26th Fleet
  • Right! and now the Fleet is level 6, we have more wonderful rp'rs that have joined us... so if you're interested in roleplay, come check us out! The stories alone on the website are worth reading. You might be a roleplayer if... ... you finally decided to pony up for that Defiant, but you realize it /has/ to have that…
  • That's a very fair question, tebsu. Let's begin by defining our fleet as a roleplay fleet, and compare it to other roleplay fleets. There is really nothing that a roleplay fleet can do that cannot be done by another- mainly because roleplayers are (generally) naturally gregarious- they make friends easily - and they love…
  • We just finished a Starbase Upgrade and have new perks across the board! Come join our expanding fleet. Are you a roleplayer? If you went to the Vulcan mission at the start of the game and instead of walking up to finish the mission, went walking around to see the planet- you might be a roleplayer! If selecting a good…
  • I have to give credit to the 26th. I've been playing in this fleet for two weeks now and loving it. The rp is exactly what I was looking for. All the characters I meet are very well thought out and they act... real. No over-the-top modding. I wholeheartedly recommend the 26th to any good roleplayers looking for an ongoing,…