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<ROLEPLAY> Looking for the Federation's Top Pilots

serevanqserevanq Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited October 2012 in Earth Spacedock
Some people are prey, some are predators. Some need the comfort and safety of a herd... but all the hunter needs is a target. These are the men and women who fly fighter craft- the ones who fly engines screaming into a furball of cannon and torpedo fire and come out the other side, laughing in the excitement of the fight. Are you a hunter?

Official Recruitment Poster

If this is you, the 42nd Combat Air Wing has positions open! Come join a squadron of fighter and recon pilots who live and eat space combat every day. Whether in defense of our starbase SB381 Praetorian, in deep space recon, or in freighter escort missions, the hunting never ends. Are you ready to strap yourself down to an exploding warp core and deliver quantum torpedos at warp six? Come join us! We are the legends... We are the people of whom the stories are told.


Welcome to the 42nd CAW! We're a Medium-to-Heavy roleplay group of fighter pilots attached to the 26th Fleet. As members of the fleet we have a Level 5, Tier 2 Starbase that's growing day by day and a strong player base: The Starbase support personnel, the ship captains of Task Force Avalon, and the elite drivers of the 42nd Raven, Oracle and Nomad crafts. We feature:

* Inmersive in-game roleplay at Starbase 381 Praetorian
* Extensive out-of-game roleplay through reports and story telling
* Our own prototype fighter based on an escort platform for ic missions
* Starbase Fleet Channel (IC) and Fighter Squadron Channel (IC) full of military chatter

Are you an avid roleplayer looking for a close knit community and the excitement of an elite fighter pilot environment? Come see us at our Official Website
Post edited by serevanq on


  • serevanqserevanq Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    We just finished a Starbase Upgrade and have new perks across the board! Come join our expanding fleet.

    Are you a roleplayer?

    If you went to the Vulcan mission at the start of the game and instead of walking up to finish the mission, went walking around to see the planet- you might be a roleplayer!

    If selecting a good looking bridge is as important to you as the colors on the outside, you might be a roleplayer!

    If you typed anything into your biography, anything at all... you might be a roleplayer!

    Come read some of our developing stories at our website, and apply today!
  • tebsutebsu Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    i wonder, what is different in RPG ? or lets say, "what does your fleet different, than any other?"
    What ? Calaway.
  • serevanqserevanq Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    tebsu wrote: »
    i wonder, what is different in RPG ? or lets say, "what does your fleet different, than any other?"

    That's a very fair question, tebsu. Let's begin by defining our fleet as a roleplay fleet, and compare it to other roleplay fleets.

    There is really nothing that a roleplay fleet can do that cannot be done by another- mainly because roleplayers are (generally) naturally gregarious- they make friends easily - and they love involvement. Anything done in a roleplay fleet can be duplicated in another. And success should always be duplicated.

    So, I'm saying that if we do something different, any fleet you want to be in should be able to do it as well. We do fighter craft content, and I have not seen another fleet do it- perhaps someone does. But any fleet could, if they want, and the demand is there.

    If someone was looking at our fleet with interest, perhaps the question should be "what does your fleet do WELL."
    We do mission content rp VERY well. We don't just go out and earn fleet marks. We become involved in a roleplay event where our starbase is under attack, and we all respond.

    We do off-game content well. We don't just fly that mission- we file reports about the mission, we file personal logs about how we felt about it, we send each other letters and reports about the rp. That way, even if a player wasn't there for the event they can read and catch up with what happened.

    Why is this important? Because we do continuity EXTREMELY well. Each one of us is caught up in a story that lasts more than one night. We all change as we grow.

    There are other things we do well. I encourage you to pop over to our website and see what we do!
  • chase401chase401 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    If I can add my 2 strips in...

    In my opinion, we're balancing immersion (through story-driven RP) with having fun with game content. We have STF-lovers, folks who love Fleet missions, etc. but that key is the RP tie-in we try to have for nearly everything we do together.

    In the context of the 42nd Fighter Wing, we have been RPing a special, new fighter-craft development project for the past several weeks, and it has been something that has crept its way into RP interactions throughout our whole fleet. When we get enough of these fighters produced IC, we're really going to have a leg up in defending Federation assets.

    Does this all help answer the question?
    Rear Admiral Jennifer N. Hunter (@highwire)
    "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" - Eleanor Roosevelt
  • serevanqserevanq Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Right! and now the Fleet is level 6, we have more wonderful rp'rs that have joined us... so if you're interested in roleplay, come check us out! The stories alone on the website are worth reading.

    You might be a roleplayer if...

    ... you finally decided to pony up for that Defiant, but you realize it /has/ to have that Belfast bridge...

    ... which only comes in the DS9 bundle, with the super neat admiral uniforms, but also the Bajoran clothing and weapons, so you decide you must make a Bajoran...

    ... but you don't have enough character room, and you're too attached to your other characters so you buy two more character slots...

    ... which you can't use right now anyways because you need to read all that you found on Memorty Alpha on Bajorans to make a good character background....

    ... and when you do, you're still hooked, so now you're watching the DS9 episodes again!
  • serevanqserevanq Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    At Starbase 381 "Praetorian," home of the 26th Fleet:
    Chief Medical Officer Log:
    Stardate - 90257.55

    It has been nearly a week and I am still no closer to finding a solution for
    extracting the Nano-Probes from my numerous patients. The clock is ticking
    and I feel as if the entire Starbase is holding its breath, watching with a
    dreadful anticipation as I approach the Med Lab. I can see the light of hope
    fade from the eyes of every Attenborough crewman as I deliver the diagnosis.

    This shadow looming over me is beginning to take its toll as a particular condition
    is resurfacing from a former host. I have asked my head nurse to administer a
    mild sedative to ease what she believes to be a case of claustrophobia. Kaiban
    never cared for enclosed settings and I fear the stress of this contamination is
    triggering this old condition. I only hope it does not worsen and effect my ability
    to continue working.

    There is too much at stake...

    -End Log-

    What is happening with the nanite infection? Where did they come from? What will be the fate of the crew of the USS Attenborough? You can affect the outcome! Come read the rest of Doctor Nya's logs and stay to roleplay with the 26th today.

    Website of the 26th Fleet
  • serevanqserevanq Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    In today's review of logs, we found this...
    Stardate: 90299.83
    TO: SB381 CMD
    FR: Captain Corak Ghemor
    RE: Report on undercover mission to Drozana station

    ...I recognized the device as typical of an Obsydian Order surveillance device. But as soon as I started analysis I found some interesting things:

    1) It's Obsidian Order device all right but it was heavily modified. I suspect this device was personally modified by Myle Ocett; only a really skilled engineer would be able to make these kinds of modifications.

    2) This particular device has traces of materials I never seen in similar devices, this can give us new lead in investigation. I have few suspicions from where Ebon Wing could get these materials. I will consult with acting Captain Norman about this potential lead.

    3) From what I'm getting about how this device works it was designed specially for long term surveillance. It emits almost no energy readings so normal sweeps with sensors would never have found it. It's mainly an information storage device...

    Who is the Obsydian Order, and who is the Ebon Wing? What are they plotting that places Starbase 381 "Praetorian" in danger? You can affect the outcome! Come join us at our official forums and read the rest of the story!
  • serevanqserevanq Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    The nanite problem is escalating, and there's been a security breach! The whole of the 26th Fleet- the Starbase 381 "Praetorian" in the Sea of Sorrows, the vessels that make up Task Force Avalon, and the 42nd CAW have all seen increased action.
    ATTN: 26th Fleet - All commands, all personnel; Starbase 381 - All personnel
    FRM: RADL J.N. Hunter
    RE: Operational Orders
    As of Stardate 90292.67, I have the following orders and updates to issue.

    Attention to orders...
    - The nanite weapon and its ongoing threat to the safety of hundreds of our fellow officers and crew continues to be our top priority, beyond the defense of the station and this sector. Continue to prioritize mission objectives that will bring us closer to a healthful solution to this problem, and report any signs of external security breaches - attempted or successful - immediately. It is understood that a third party organization is likely behind this nanite weapon and we need information to better understand their operations.

    Is the fleet readiness sufficient? Has Praetorian, so long under siege, built up its defenses enough to withstand the next massed attack? Will your ship be the turning point in the next battle? You can affect the outcome! Come read Admiral Hunter's full Operational Orders and make a choice to stand with the 26th!

    Official 26th Fleet Communications Center
  • serevanqserevanq Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Things are heating up at the 26th Fleet's starbase... all the starship captains are feeling the pressure. Some, the more feisty ones, are itching for the fight!
    Stardate: 90307.49
    Logging officer: Cmdr.Aunne Restas

    ...I admit to an ulterior motive - I want to be near SB381 if these Orions prove to be something more than just opportunists. With discussion of this "Ebon" syndicate and with the Orion association with klingon attack groups, if they were targetting the Memphis specifically or the 26th in general, I want to be in a position to respond. This day or two at the station will give us the excuse.

    This log entry will be forwarded to Praetorian brass under separate communication. I will encourage the Admiral to log publically the Memphis's expected flight plan; if the Orions /are/ monitoring the 26th, perhaps this will draw them out.

    Or, perhaps I am simply a paranoid captain....

    Will the 26th survive the onslaught? Is this part of a bigger scheme against the Federation, and the 26th merely the first step in the conquest? Will Commander Restas and the crew of the Memphis face this threat alone? You can affect the outcome! Come read the rest of the commander's log entries and join us for great Trek roleplay at the 26th fleet!
  • serevanqserevanq Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    We're very proud of our fleet community of roleplayers. As much as we enjoy interactions in game, their log entries, fleet memos, and operation orders help so much set the mood of the game for us and keep us connected when we're "off game," whatever that place is called!

    Here, in its entirety, is the most recent log entry by Captain Aevis of the USS Templar, one of the anchors of the fleet- including his incorporation of our current member recruitments into the IC world of the fleet.

    Begin Log entry Captain Aevis, Brysan. Stardate 90313.48
    Standard Encryption matrix. B-7-Sigma

    313.48. I can scarcely recall the last time I made a log entry under my own personnel file. I have of late been depending to much on my XO to make og entries for me. Being quite aware of everything that goes on in my mind they are more than capable of filing such logs. However my Counselor has advised me not to rely on the bond and the assurance that my XO will record any relevant information. So where to begin. 313.48. So much has happened in the intervening time. Obviously more recent activities will seem more pressing but with litte context with lack of precious documentation. But I digress.

    The Templar recently returned from a rather intensive patrol along the border region. it seems we arrived just in time for a Task Force Avalon inspection. My lucky day both Admiral Rez and Hunter were present. The brass present was nearly more than what Avalon could muster. One other captain, and one rather haggard looking Luitenant Commander neither of whom I had met previously.

    I make it a point to read the personnel and psych evaluation of all new TFA Captains and XO's, but the list that was transmitted to Templar when we reentered comm range was quite frankly astounding. It seems that the 26th beat enough drums and finally got Command to send us some more ships. Im not sure which of the Admirals ticked off the C.I.C. but one look at the Starbase yards shows a collection of ships in various stages of retrofitting, prototype platforms, ships down for repairs or even ships being completly rebuilt since a short stint at Utopia Planitia. Seems for every ship we have out on the front, two more are in need of drastic upgrades to be brought up to standard. They must be raiding the decommissioning yards to get us all the new ships we are seeing. But again, im way off point. What really set me to making entries in my personel log again was our new orders handed down during the Inspection.

    It seems almost from the moment the Templar was launched that we have been thrown from one combat scenario to another. When we first Arrived at Praetorian it was little more than a chunk of meta in space, with a handfull of ships to protect her, the nearby colonies and the Klingon border. It didnt take long for Starfleet to order us to show the flag, make sure the Klingons knew we were there. And notice they did. Between Klingon Iniltration, Assaults on the base and repeated attempts to board the station, we had to deal with Klingons trying to hijack our ships and blow them up, and finaly the nanite infection scare, it seems the only time we stand down from Red Alert is to go to Yellow. While I have every faith in the Templar and her crew, even the best can only endure so much.

    And then the sky opened up like a lunar dawn and a ray of light came tumbling in. New orders from the Brass. In conjunction with the efforts to refit the USS North Dakota Avalon now has the numbers to divers ships from regular patrol missions back to our Starfleet mandate of Exploration. Its easy to lose sight of who and what we really are with the constant struggle, but exploration is why we are out here.

    It brings me back to my first assignment on the USS Vigilant. Three years we spend out in the unknown stretches of space. Visiting worlds that had only been scanned briefly by passing probes or ships, and in some cases planets that were completly unknown. We never knew what to expect next, from one day to the next we were always on ur toes always expecting the unexpected. And we reveled in it. We reestablished contact with cultures the Fedaration had not had contact with in many years, helped secure trade lines with more established worlds, and on 5 seperate occasions the Vigilant made first contact with an allien species. I cant help but remember these days with fondness, we were out there exploring the edges of space.

    While it is unlikely the Templar will be engaging in such a broad exploratory endeavor I cant help but feel that we have a duty to these peoples. Not just in defending their border from some enemy the hardly know, but presenting them the face of a friend then WANT to know. Some of these colonies are established my member species of the federation, some are inhabited by species unaligned. It is our duty to help them on a personal level. Brig it home to them as it were. While we dont have to look far to find high population zones, the fact is that Praetorian sits near the edge of established Federation control. We are in an ideal situation to reach out, which is why I belive that so much effort is being put into the North Dakota.

    As a side note I will have to ask Admiral Hunter about having the Templar out to the colonies. Even if its just a supply run, we need a break from combat.

    Computer end log entry

    Commanding Officer USS Templar NX-92565-C

    Looking for an interesting roleplay community? You found us. Come fly with the 26th!

    25th Fleet Website
  • satsunoryusatsunoryu Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I just tried this game for the first time last night. Over the last half a year I've become a huge Star Trek fan and I want to try a game in that universe. Definitely would like to learn the ropes and also get involved with RP. Any advice or help would be great!
  • serevanqserevanq Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Hey! Welcome to one of the most immersive roleplay environments out there. Between the diversity of space and planets and the user created content, we have so much playground.

    Many of us are avid Trek fans, and love to help and teach others. I'd recommend you stop by our fleet website and read some of the great fan fiction related to our roleplay gamestyle.

    There is no level restriction for entry into the fleet.

    We'd be glad to get you started in the trek universe. Our OOC channel is always open for questions, and the fleet is very friendly. Come by and ask whatever you like.
  • serevanqserevanq Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    As if the attacks from Klingons and Orions and some secret society weren't bad enough... now the equipment at Starbase 381 "Praetorian" is fighting back.
    [Engineering Advisory - 00562]

    TO: All Personnel
    FROM: ENS Kali, Engineering Team Shift Alpha
    SUBJECT: Replicator Usage

    Engineering Advisory - First, I would like to notify all Starbase Praetorian personnel that the replicators on Deck Thirteen, Section Eight are fully operational once more. The issues reported concerning the taste of cleaning detergents in most food items replicated at these stations has been corrected. Secondly, we would request that all personnel use the replicators for their intended purpose. They are there for food and beverage replication, and summarily, disposal. The replicators are not to be recalibrated so that you may use them as mini laundromats simply because "it's too far of a walk" to turn in uniforms and undergarments for cleaning. Your adherence to this advisory would be greatly appreciated as no one wants to see a repeat of last evening's incident involving LTJG Korlah burping up bubbles after drinking a Raktajino from one of the affected replicators.

    Thank you. That is all.

    ENS Euphrati Kali
    Engineering Team Alpha

    [END Advisory - 00562]

    Not just Klingons with bad taste... now we have Raktajino that tastes bad! Come enjoy the Trek universe with a group of friends who are completely committed to their roles! You can find out more by visiting our website at:

    26th Fleet Communications
  • satsunoryusatsunoryu Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    serevanq wrote: »
    Hey! Welcome to one of the most immersive roleplay environments out there. Between the diversity of space and planets and the user created content, we have so much playground.

    Many of us are avid Trek fans, and love to help and teach others. I'd recommend you stop by our fleet website and read some of the great fan fiction related to our roleplay gamestyle.

    There is no level restriction for entry into the fleet.

    We'd be glad to get you started in the trek universe. Our OOC channel is always open for questions, and the fleet is very friendly. Come by and ask whatever you like.

    I appreciate that! I will certainly try to get connected.
  • warpedcorewarpedcore Member Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Tensions are mounting as intelligence suggests a massive wave of KDF forces are preparing to push past the Sea of Sorrows. Nerves are frayed and time is running short, as 381 adjusts to the arrival of a new Commanding Officer. Will the crew survive this latest attack or will the pressures of war and conflicting loyalties tear asunder what the KDF has yet to?
    ATTN: 26th Fleet - All commands, all personnel; Starbase 381 - All personnel
    FRM: RADL J.N. Hunter
    RE: Change of Command, SB381

    Stardate 90354.57

    Attention to orders...

    Effective immediately, Captain Rhys S. Llywarch has been appointed the temporary Commanding Officer of Starbase 381, and in this capacity will report directly to myself and Admiral Rez. The crew of the USS Valiant will rotate through the station and various ships within the 26th Fleet, filling much needed roles that are currently vacant, owing to the realities of our wartime situation.

    I continue to act as the Executive Flag Officer for the 26th Fleet, and will continue to operate out of Praetorian station. I will be assuming the direct supervision of all projects underway at our dockyard, and as such, Chief Scott will have two lines of reporting - to Captain Llywarch for station operational issues, and to me for the coordination of our dockyard initiatives, which will now include the repair of USS Valiant.

    Some may think to call into question this assignment, following the recent collision between USS Valiant and the station. A recent board of inquiry has show that Captain Llywarch performed admirably in a situation that bordered on the infamous 'no-win scenario' many of us dreaded from the Academy. Any commanding officer that would display such tenacity and capability to make the best out of many terrible choices is one that I would readily have juggle the many burdens that he has now taken on.

    Your support of Captain Llywarch in this new role is anticipated and appreciated.

    RADL J.N. Hunter
    Executive Officer, 26th Fleet
  • carmenaracarmenara Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    This is arguably the ONLY proper guild for serious pilots out here and I'd like to give you guys a try.

    Let me know who to contact or send me an in-game tell to @carmenara

    Look forward to hearing from you :)
    STF Flight Instructor since Early 2012. Newbies are the reason why STO lives and breathes today. Do not discriminate.

    My Youtube Channel
  • babeans06babeans06 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Iv'e actually been wanting to rp a fighter pilot for some time now....this sounds awesome where can I get more info
  • carmenaracarmenara Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    babeans06 wrote: »
    Iv'e actually been wanting to rp a fighter pilot for some time now....this sounds awesome where can I get more info

    The 26th's website is here

    There is a link "apply to guild" on the top right of the page :)
    STF Flight Instructor since Early 2012. Newbies are the reason why STO lives and breathes today. Do not discriminate.

    My Youtube Channel
  • warpedcorewarpedcore Member Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    carmenara wrote: »
    The 26th's website is here

    There is a link "apply to guild" on the top right of the page :)

    Ding ding. The lady gets a prize :)

    Praka is our fleet XO, and her alt is one of our fighter pilots. We're not a fighter pilot exclusive guild, but we do have a squadron that needs filling :)
  • carmenaracarmenara Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I have the usual procastination problems about deciding just what to write in the enrollment form (partly cos I have written just about anything) but I have made in-game contact with Sprint01.

    I can scramble if need be or go through proper flight school channels lol
    STF Flight Instructor since Early 2012. Newbies are the reason why STO lives and breathes today. Do not discriminate.

    My Youtube Channel
  • warpedcorewarpedcore Member Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Dark tides are in motion for the Federation. With no on e to turn to, will the Task Force assigned to Praetorian prevent, or ignite a civil war within the United Federation of Planets?

    Star Trek: Utopia's Fall is a story surrounding a rogue element of Starfleet that determines the Federation has become complacent and too weak. This rogue element seeks to start the first Federation Civil War in history with the goal of turning the Federation into a military state for the duration of the emergency.

    Using the multiple crises around the galaxy, the rogue element begins to gain support, even from the most unlikely of allies - a Vulcan by the name of Karus, who works to turn the Federation's oldest ally into its worst enemy.

    In the middle of this crisis, a new enemy arises - the Eri'luroc, a mysterious race with startling abilities and technology that rivals the Federation.

    Leading this effort is a rogue Starfleet Admiral, Josiah Toddman, who has a family history steeped in Starfleet. Captain Matt Jerrickson, a former student and adopted son of Toddman, works to expose the depth of Toddman's betrayal and with the help of his friends and allies, bring Toddman to justice.
  • babeans06babeans06 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Application submitted awaiting word :D
  • warpedcorewarpedcore Member Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    As the veil of secrecy is pulled aside the filthy truth of possible civil war is revealed. Can the fighting be stemmed in time to preserve the Federation, or will 200 years of sacrifice, honor and peaceful cooperation come crashing down?
    Greetings, fellow beings.

    We apologize for the interruption of your standard entertainment and information feeds. We have just been made aware that Starfleet Command has apparently been withholding information regarding a serious internal security matter.

    We have received this image from Outpost Sumter space, in which you can clearly see Federation starships engaging each other in combat:

    When we contacted Starfleet Command for further information, we were told this was a matter of internal security and was classified. However, we here at the FNS believe in freedom of information and the truth.

    We have reviewed transmissions received at another nearby starbase, Starbase 381, and though the transmissions were heavily scrambled, our specialists were able to make out a name - Toddman.

    We believe this to be Admiral Josiah Toddman. Here is a file photo of him giving a speech at a conference on Earth Space Dock:

    Admiral Toddman has a family steeped in Starfleet history, going back nearly to the very founding of the Federation, the most notable of which is Vice Admiral Toddman of Starfleet Security during the Dominion War.

    Our research indicated that Admiral Josiah Toddman has not been heard from for several months, and was last stationed at Starfleet Intelligence. His office could not be reached for comment and our sources in the Federation Assembly are not talking.

    His last recorded speech at Earth Space Dock called for an increased arms buildup to deal with increased threats to the Federation. Many of his fellow officers were reported to agree with his ideas, but the call for increased armament was voted down by a majority in the Assembly. Toddman has not been heard from since.

    Our records indicate Starbase 381 is the home of the 26th fleet, under the command of Admiral Jennifer N. Hunter. Rest assured, we will be contacting the Admiral to get to the bottom of this mystery.

    Why are Federation starships firing on one another during wartime? Where is Admiral Toddman and why is his name being mentioned in priority communiques to Starbase 381?

    We will report more as we find out. We now return you to your standard feeds.
  • warpedcorewarpedcore Member Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The Federation New Service offers insight into events on Qo'nos... but what could the Klingons have to do with renegade Starfleet officers...?

    Greetings, fellow beings.

    Reports are coming out of the Klingon home world, Qo'Nos, regarding some kind of disturbance. Normally, the internal affairs of the Klingon Empire and kept tightly under wraps, but we received the following transmission anonymously.

    *The image shifts to a shot of the First City where random fires and explosions can be seen.*

    We also received a burst transmission in Klingon, which we have translated. The transmission reads:

    "Toddman's prizes have escaped! Call Korvak now!"

    We are currently uncertain what this means, but this is the second mention of the name Toddman we have received in relation to a mysterious event. We will bring you further details as we have them.
  • warpedcorewarpedcore Member Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    More to share!
    *** Tactical CIC Starbase 381 ***

    "Admiral... what does it mean, 'Toddman's prizes have escaped?'" a young lieutenant looked up from his station to Admiral Hunter who stood glaring at the massive display screen where long range scans, astrometric data and new reports simultaneously unfolded in a holographic symphony.

    "We have to consider what Toddman's prizes might actually be, Lieutenant. I doubt its a set of rare Captain Proton commemorative plates." Hunter looked over with a smirk, then realizing the young officer was Vulcan she adds, "I think it means I have 2 Captains comporting themselves as unruly guests. Contact Captains Poel and Rel'valis immediately, and put all commands on alert status right away."

    "Aye, aye, Admiral. Anything else?"

    "Yes... I want the hospital ship USS Curie to set course for Qo'nos immediately. Clearly something is wrong, and we should offer medical and disaster relief assistance. I want her covered by any of our cloaked ships... contact Captain Sprint immediately. Prep the Transwarp Gateway to facilitate emergency recall of our ships in the event we need to play that card. Step to it... its going to be a busy day."

    ((OOC - My intention is that we RP these measures, perhaps this evening, or as the case may warrant. This post is mainly to seed some more story drama for all to hook on to))
  • nador67nador67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    carmenara wrote: »
    I have the usual procastination problems about deciding just what to write in the enrollment form (partly cos I have written just about anything) but I have made in-game contact with Sprint01.

    I can scramble if need be or go through proper flight school channels lol

    Sorry to intrude on a Starfleet fleet site. Just wanted to say hello to an old (she's not that old) friend. Carmenara, I see you found a home. Congratulations.

    If you ever do decide to run on the KDF side, please look up my House. House of Aler Acht'Jar; we are also an RP focused house although not at the level of naval protocal as yourself. Feal free to visit anytime.


    a.k.a. Nador Ekoor (the dastardly notorious, double headed dragon snake named by the Vulcan Khoelinar Fleet)
  • warpedcorewarpedcore Member Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Good to meet you, sir! Stop by the site sometime and say hello. We're always looking other role players to RP and game with.

    USS Monitor - Bridge
    0100hrs ship's time

    Lieutenant (j.g.) Justin Prestman leaned back in his helm chair with a tired sigh. Staring at the blank forward view screen he contemplated leaving his post for the mess hall. Docked at Praetorian left the young over eager helm officer with nothing to do, and as the OOD at 0100hrs ship board time, he was the only officer on duty at the moment.

    Making a clucking sound with his tongue he slowly spun his chair around to face the rest of the cramped compartment. The lights were dimmed for night operations, and the majority of the crew were either asleep, or enjoying themselves aboard the starbase. As a formality, at least one watch officer was to manage the bridge in case of emergency. Justin had drawn the short straw.

    His eyes refocused on the port hatchway and a smile tugged at his lips. Leaning in the hatch way was one Lieutenant Paddie Groah, her uniform exchanged for loose fitting silk Pajamas, her long dark hair pulled up into a much more casual and loosely held formation of her normal duty attire.

    Just the way Justin liked it, and she knew it. She was a Betazoid after all.

    ?You know? you woke me up,? he said with a small smirk. She leaned off of the railing, allowing the hatchway to glide shut behind her. Justin simply smiled as he slid his hands back behind his fingers and interlocked them. ?I didn?t mean to. I was just trying to keep myself occupied?.,? he said with a knowing smile. ?So, what, did you come to complain??

    Paddie?s smile lit up the compartment as she slid down onto her boyfriend?s lap. ?Yes, consider this my noise complaint to the bridge. Keep your dirty thoughts to yourself, until you get home.? She leaned forward just enough to meet his lips with her own, arousing, tantalizing thoughts filtering from Justin?s mind to her own? before she sat back. ?Oh, that?s right. You?re on duty!?, she exclaimed teasingly as her hand came down on his chest in a swat. ?No TLC for you, Mister.?

    Pleasant surprise turned to abject shock as he leaned forward to wrap his arms around her waist. ?You?re a tease. There has to be something about that in the SCMJ. No tantalizing the OOD, or something.?

    Before Paddie could respond with something witty a console at her own duty station beeped for attention. Paddie bit her lower lip, casting a look over to the Combat Astrogator?s station. Lips pursing, she pushed herself off of Justin and made her way over to the station. ?What is it?,? Justin asked as he sat up in his chair, the playfulness dashed by the interruption.
    ?Not sure,? she responded, before she fit her head set over her ear- tapping commands into the touch interface she replied to the hail with a crisp Betazoid accent. ?Praetorian, this is Monitor- go ahead.?

    Justin folded his arms over his chest and watched Paddie with a sour expression, a sense of dread creeping up in his stomach. She cast a glance at him, either responding to his own thoughts on the matter, or the operations manager aboard the station. After a moment she responded with a curt ?acknowledged?, and cut the link.

    ?Wheres the Captain?,? she asked, leaning a hip onto the padded rail of the work station. Justin offered her a knowing smirk. ?He called earlier tonight, said he?d be over on Columbia. Said He?d check back in with us for Alpha shift. Why, what?s up??
    Worry etched the young woman?s face, highlighted by the dimmed lights of the bridge. ?Orders from the Admiral- We?re being sent to Qo?nos.?
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