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sdominickkane Arc User



  • All that and you go from the Academy to Admiral. You go from Cadet right to commanding a Star ship, no one in Starfleet has ever...oh wait.
  • I'm currently working on a drain build in my Intrepid. While the damage is low compared to my defiant, the intrepid is absolutely devastating in its own way. Some well lined up Boff abilities can completely pull the pants down on a tac cube allowing the escorts to zip in and have their way. (how's that for imagery :P) And…
  • Oh I don't like the idea of those other ships flying around either. It seems every time it gets more and more outrageous.
  • Real Star Trek fans will stay regardless of what happens - they could put a death star in the lock box and fans would still stay. Where else can they go to play star trek in a mmo setting? From what I can see, every thread complaining about this game - hell, all MY complaints about this game (and I have a LOT) - all fall…
  • I sincerely doubt doubt that.
  • At this point I can only throw my arms in the air and say "why not?" Picard would S___ a brick if he saw what's orbiting earth these days. Half the Romulan Fleet, a Jem Hadar battle group sprinkled with some Galors, Marauders and planet killing bio ships. What's an armada of Borg Cubes going to do?... This, coupled with…
  • Because it's Star Trek. Nothing else really. I get burnt out mainly by the comic-bookish artwork and the absolutely terrible ground combat. If only the ground combat was full fps, I can only dream.
  • Thanks! I haven't even thought about the DOFFs. :)
  • Thanks for the info; but why the two sets of numbers? (by cryptic I mean)
  • At this very moment: this. I've gone back to the Aegis array because it just seems to work really well what what I'm trying to achieve. Though I do possess most of the other sets. Also never-mind the green Tac consoles, I only recently switched from Anti-proton from phasers :P…
  • Yeah the other-than-tactical options on a Defiant leave very little room for full customization. Im running at a base 15 power to shields so when the DO get hit, I need them back - fast. So I run with EPTS, Engineering Team, Science team. I might have some room to do something else; however, I'd have to be very careful…
  • I should also point out this is mainly an experiment of mine; the results look encouraging - I am seeing a lot of "miss" hovering hover my ship lately and anything that does hit in between is quickly taken care of by natural regen and Boff abilities. I'm not sure how it works; however, I would like to push this experiment…
  • My 2c I proudly fly a Defiant and nerf myself as it is with a cloaking device. A battlecloak would be awesome - even if I still had to nerf myself using it (currently mine is in the sci slot). As it stands, my ship blows up if someone sneezes on it. I'm cool with that. The 5 seconds of glory I enjoy when I alpha the…