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richandrews Arc User



  • Issue logged to the support queue. They advised me to submit it in an in game bug report. So I have submitted yet another bug report. Kinda cripples my healer build that I use for fleet events.
  • are in game bug reports even working? I have submitted a bug report in game several times over this issue and get no reply.
  • Still bugged on holodeck. Come on cryptic, you seem to be focusing on carriers a lot yet you let the pets stay broke for weeks!
  • Would be nice if cryptic replied to my bug requests about this. Shield repair pets still broken.
  • Shield pets still broke, no replies to bug reports I put through in game. I run a sci healer and these pets were a good part of my strategy. Please fix them :-(
  • Losing the healing pets is a pain, i hope cryptic is reading this as its crippling my healer builds.
  • same issue with the reinforced shield repair units, they randomly heal each other but hardly ever heal me. I was in combat with a group of spheres and my 4 pets were locked onto me with healing beams, but it was not healing my shields. Once I finished off the spheres they gave me a short blip of shield heal then it broke…
  • one word. BORG! Who wouldnt like to assimilate words, maybe an adaptation mini game in combat to improve your damage resistance to weapon types. Would make for interesting PVP
  • After getting no reply from support I created a twitter account and messaged branflakes the community manager. He gave my ticket info to support and that started the ball rolling for me.
  • My character was TRIBBLE early may, bypassing the account guard and they deleted my characters. It took several weeks but support eventually recovered my characters minus my kit, dilithium, zen and my EC. I was left broke and did not have any kit. After logging another support request they recovered my character again…
  • Its just a shame it happened at 6am whilst i was still sleeping! I logged in at 7:30am to find everything gone!
  • ok you have your opinion of this, your entitled to that and as you dont know my PC habits first hand I have no way to prove what happened to you....so i think we should just leave the convo at that. btw I never understood rage quitting or throwing away a game because i lost of messed up. For me win or lose gaming is…
  • Hi Donutsmasher. I have worked in the IT industry for over 10 years so I know about security. I run a firewall on my router. I run a firewall on my pc I run corporate anti virus on my pc I run anti spyware tools on my pc I run a peerblocking tool to monitor inbound and outbound connections All my mail, forum, gaming…
  • Have you logged a support ticket to cryptic?
  • i got hold of branflakes the community manager. He got my support ticket looked at and they said: While it is our hope to be able to restore your character to a previous state, it is not always possible. Restoration of a character is not guaranteed. There is no certainty as to what state the character will be in once…
  • ok so something is going on today, can you log a support request to pwe so we can show them something is up!
  • it was bdpkfmeb1258@hotmail.com But its possible its just a bot creating mail accounts and then some back door to the PWE systems letting them access peoples accounts.
  • following through the only way to break in is: They know my email address and pass. They know my pwe name and pass (different from mail username/pass) They log into pwe web site, it emails a code to me. They access my mail and get the code, delete the code and remove it from deleted items folder. They log into pwe site and…
  • i hope they can get it back. otherwise i lost 2 characters, fleet ambassador, heavy escourt carrier, regent, vesta, andorian escourt, 65mil ec, 500000 di, 2500 zen, 150000 fleet marks and all my ships running all mk xii purple consoles. Not sure i want to spend another year trying to get back to that level of kit.
  • PC runs corporate level anti virus + firewall + peer blocker + anti spyware. Pwe username different from my email address. Pwe username different from forum display name Pwe pass different from email pass. Personal mail password changed regular My machine was off during the hack so they didn't remote in to use my client.…
  • What about the game client too, they would have had to boot the game to steal my stuff, that should have saved a client to the guard too?
  • If they made a one time code they were smart enough to also delete their browser and PC from account guard afterwards as there is nothing unusual shown. Still how they got my pwe username is worrying. I hope they reply to my support request.
  • I don't think they had access to my email. I did not receive a mail from account guard saying a new browser wants to be used. I just got a mail saying: Hello, We have received a request from you to change your account's registered email address. A confirmation email has been sent to your new email address for verification.…
  • BT Broadband in UK: tracert launcher.startrekonline.com Tracing route to launcher.startrekonline.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 3 ms 1 ms 5 ms BTHomeHub.home [] 2 30 ms * 31 ms esr5.birmingham5.broadband.bt.net [ ] 3 29 ms 31 ms 56 ms 4 * * * Request timed out. 5 35…
  • Yeah I dont see how the lock box ship is worth: Approx 310million EC + cost of lockboxes on exchange Or 18,547 ZEN/ $185 (at current sale cost) + cost of lockboxes on exchange Or 358 days or di refining + cost of lockboxes on exchange Has anyone actually done repeat tests to work out the % chance of a good loot drop from…
  • 6 Lock box keys costing approx 8Million EC, opened 6 of the new boxes and all I got were duty officer packs and 20 lobi. I made back less than 1 Million EC by selling the doff packs...so I wont ever ever open a lockbox again.
  • I wouldnt do it with gorn minefield, just the new fleet missions as there is no reason not to be engaging/healing a target almost constantly. That way the game could to work out when someone is being a farming afker in those mission types. Then you need a solution to being afk...just kicking them or stopping them getting…
  • I wouldnt suggest implementing this for STFs, but for fleet missions that are just about kill kill kill it could work. I have seen people floating far away from the starbase in fleet missions just nudging their ship every now and then whilst farming fleet marks...something needs to be done and i think turning you into a…
  • How about the way valve games handle afk...turn the afk player into a npc bots. I would suggest monitoring damage, if you have not fired weapons at an enemy for 2 minutes then flash a warning about being taken over (moving your ship around doesnt stop the timer)...if you dont engage an enemy within 10 seconds of the…
  • its not the aggro but rather firing in every direction and not really hurting the enemy i want dead. So i started playing with all turrets and cannon scatter abilities and I am getting kills faster and seeing more high crits than when I used beams. My aim is a dps/heal ship for fleet levels when no one bothers to heal…