in the future, there is no united states OR great britain. they r all part of the United Earth. all ships r given the USS prefix United Star Ship. the federation decided to honor earth by using that designation for all ships., much the same way that they insignia of the USS Enterprise (the delta we all know and love) was…
whilst the new reward is nice, u need to do something for us long time players...... some of us have been here for much more than the 1000 days that the current rewards stop at. I personnally have more than 1450days in game. lol, what can I say, I love retirement. anyway, thanks for STO, keep up the good work and pay no…
I DO NOT WANT.........because I am a 63 year old trekker. this is the ONLY game I play. I have no need for a HUGE download that will take up space on my computer. I do not care about tracking fellow players in other games. I am a life sub who spends additional cash for what I want. been here since beta. However, if not…
Truly a GREAT job devs! those of u who don't particularly like the new UI should play with it in ur options menu for a bit. I love it. the one thing I really dislike is the fact that my powers in the powers tray disappear when I transfer from one map to another.......surely this is not "working as intended". even extends…
my apologies, but as I see it there is no reason for me to play the foundry missions anymore. wont rant or flame, just wont play them. the rewards r now not enough to make me want to anymore.
My wife raises orchards in a garage I converted into a greenhouse. she has about 150 of all varieties. So, I name all of my ships after different types . I have the DENDROBIUM,PHAELENOPSIS, EPIPHYTE, LADYSLIPPER, PAPHIPEDULUM, and naturally, the ORCHID