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  • Are console vendors no longer a thing? I was looking to buy some cheap common tac consoles. ..
  • So i reached rank 40, but i can't find any new missions. The next one says "available" in the mission journal but the npc won't give me a mission. I think i need to be rank 42 for the next one.
  • I don't really like the class specific traits. Right now you have access to the same skills, boff abilities, ships and equipment(aside from kits) regardless of your class. The only thing that is different between classes is the captain abilities and kits. Kits only being relevant for ground and captain abilities have a…
  • Is there a reason behind the no necro-posting? marc8219, I would add darting across the map to stop the probes on the other side for noob-proofing if you pug. Also, what would you say is quick for taking out a cube?
  • It sounds like you are rolling multiple copies of these abilities, possibly with a macro to maintain continuous up time. In which case, Bravo! That is unfortunately not what I'm seeing most people do in these missions. The point about the weapon arcs and the attempted weapons platforms is: use strafing runs if you can't…
  • Specifically, the times in STFs in which you are attacking fixed structures, DPS is a crucial factor. You are rolling with APB though, a debuff lending to the idea that it's not all DPS. 66% up-time is a burst. EPtW is most effective in it's first five seconds and all of these abilities are most effective when used…
  • I wanted to avoid saying too much because it is just more entertaining "educating" players in pvp, but all of the roles you mention here (and more) exist in STO, just few players understand how to build or use them. I only discovered them by accident after getting bored of the existing escorts long ago. A lot of ships just…
  • What I've noticed is that a lot of regular escort captains tend to be A-type personalities. They get fixated on their methods. Unfortunately, STO's combat mechanics favor adaptability and quickly changing tactics. These A-type personalities form a rigid plan. It is no surprise the amount of frustration seen by these…
  • I like a challenge, but I think we can all agree that invisible instakill torpedoes are just annoying. There is no challenge to it, and when was the last time you saw the borg using any form of cloaking, let alone for a torpedo?
  • I like the idea of a real strategic challenge that requires some thinking and cooperation. Invisi torps do not fit the bill though. They are just plain annoying. On criticals, their damage seems to scale to your resistances/defense in order to insta-kill you. There is some suspicion that this critical vs defense/resistance…
  • First I must say, I LOVE the New Romulus adventure zone. It feels like there is no shortage of things to do with many rewards. While playing on New Romulus, it became apparent that inventory space is really at a premium these days. Are there any plans on expanding our available bank/inventory space? I seem to recall a…
  • But to be realistic, there is only one borg currency people actually hold onto, EDCs. All others could be immediately converted into something useable or into EDCs. And they added many mission and doff mission items which effectively act like new currencies and aggravate the existing inventory bloat issue.
  • If we could rank this: PVP Crafting Playable Romulans Exploration
  • The isometric charge is pretty broken to begin with. It is awful in fleet events as well as STFs. It takes out 1/3 of your hit points regardless of any form of defense and it just gets worse from there as it gets more destructive withe each subsequent jump. Even if 1/3 is the max, it is still kinda bogus considering the…
  • I've also noticed loot in general despawns after a couple minutes. It shouldn't. Mid match you really want to focus on what is going on, not rushing after loot, ignoring objectives and voting need greed or pass. This stuff should wait til the end and give us a minute to look over everything.
  • I've had the same issues. comcast's network runs hot. Most of their network tech's seem to believe every problem can be solved with amplification. When I had them, I noticed that while the latency wasn't bad, there was exceptional packet loss. Most multiplayer games use UDP, which means that lost packets are not…
  • You gotta love the persistent escort tac captain perception that the escort does the most damage and everyone else's role is to support them. It is the duty of every player in a group to try to keep themselves alive. A tank can just as easily mean staying alive and maintaining damage on a heavy target while escorts…
  • Ok, so I've been experimenting with the weapon procs. The tetryon and polaron are influenced by the science skills, however the plasma procs are influenced by tactical consoles. This is kind of interesting the more I play with it. One gives a comparative advantage for escorts while the other, an advantage for science…
  • I'm not sure I understand the need for mockery. I love how any suggestion that klingons might be over powered invites such animosity. A 4 second disable and repel is hardly comparable to loosing facing shields, shields as well as all heals and hardens being entirely irrelevant on the friendly target you are trying to…
  • I've actually been using them a lot, almost exclusively with spread. The proc does occur, it's unclear though if the additional torpedoes fired act like additional chances to proc. I have seen it proc on multiple ships at spread 3 however. I could be wrong though, as I do change targets quickly to attract the attention of…
  • I assumed science skill bonuses would affect it like tetryon and polaron. Seems strange that the proc would be affected by the weapons skills and consoles. Has anyone else noticed a reduction in the speed of the reman high yield plasma?
  • and is it just me, or does the reman set bonus on high yield plasmas not seem to be improving their speed anymore?
  • I love how the site says "server status: up" when the game client is clearly saying otherwise. I wonder if that is just a permanent graphic.