Is this going to Redshirt soon as well, if all goes as planned? Tribble patches DIRECTLY before a new season launch? In my opinion, a little odd..... But you guys keep doing what you guys are doing..... =^.^=
I hope we get to command this venerable vessel... And it's NOT in a Krenim Lockbox.... But I'll hold my judgement until I have more information provided to me. :)
This is gonna be a good add on for the game.... From what I've seen so far, it's like a second fleet starbase.... Which begs another question, will the top tier version (likely 3) Be as big as a third tier starbase? Whoa....
So, is this on the test server yet? Will it have an interior map with crafting stations? Kinda like Memory Alpha had? AND, will there be featured projects to add shiny things on the interior map? :)
So... I saw on the Neverwinter forums that the games themselves might not be down for the whole time, but will be a wee bit laggy..... Is this true in any way? :3
Well, my profile page shows my profile pic image (Which is a GIF) fully in motion..... That's what I was talking about.... But it does not seem to work in threads/comments yet......
Hey, I wouldn't mind chilling on Andoria for a while, not like the place sees much activity anyway. AND I'd have a great chance to wear my winter jacket I earned last year. :3 :cool::P:cool:
Now you have me worried..... I anxiously await a response from Trendy or Smirk...... I do hope none of this is actually going on..... :eek::eek::eek::eek:
You Cheddar be ready Trendy, because I may Swiss things up at a moment's notice..... There's no way I could leave this thread Provolone.... *Unloads cheddar cheese can on Trendy* :D:D:D
*laughs* You actually thought that I was ON my command ship? I suggest you look behind you.... *transporter rings appear and a whole squad of Anubite soldiers appear* Take their crew prisoner while I deal with this fool... Shall we end this once and for all, weakling? *armor forms over body*
My reply? Oh you meaningless whelp..... You think you have a chance? I advise you to check your scanners again....... *30 smaller carrier class vessels phase into view* To Minion: If any of them move, OBLITERATE THEM. Nothing will deny me my DOMINION! *Minions: HAIL ANUBIS!*
*Anubis's fleet approaches* MINION! Target the carriers on the left and right ONLY! Ba'al is mine to eliminate. *Minions salute* HAIL ANUBIS!*Ba'al's ship appears on the viewer* Ba'll, you will surrender of feel my wrath. *Coms close*