We will be bringing down the Tribble server for maintenance to apply a new update: ST.55.20151013a.19.
- Admiralty:
- Resolved an issue where the "View Maintenance" button would constantly spam noise after clicking.
- Finalized UI and icons.
- Terran Task Force Reputation:
- Finalized the short missions which are available upon completing a tier.
- Correcting what icons are called by the Reputation Info page.
- Cardassian Revamp:
- Resolved numerous issues with cutscenes playing incorrectly when in teams.
- Resolved an issue which was causing civilians to not appear on Mirror Bajor ground.
- Resolved numerous text issues throughout the mission.
- Resolved an issue where some rewards were BoE instead of BoP.
- Added VO throughout the missions.
- Badlands Battlezone:
- Battlezone has been changed to allow no mor than 15 players into 1 map as in line with other battlezones.
- Removed text which referred to a planetkiller.
- Broken Circle: Immobilized player during briefing so it would not break mission progression.
Known Issues:
- Vulcan ground has incorrect art textures on the ground.
- A few spots of VO are missing from the Cardassian Revamp.
- Multi-Vector Advanced Escorts do not reflect the proper Special Ability benefit of "+15 All when Alone" in Admiralty.
It wont go to Redshirt, it will go straight to Holodeck with the release of season 11 tomorrow.
We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.