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What is the Arc Client?
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raiiji Arc User



  • If you wanna stick with an exploit weapon, you won't find anything better than the plasma wide beam for the time being. Would be nice having more wide beam rifles that exploit for other energy types which what I was hoping the delta ground set weapons would be but definitely were not.
  • oh I don't want them to give it away, just make it part of the ground set for the set bonus, when running it with the shield, armor or gun.
  • I was being sincere you jerk. This game has absolutely no flaws. Its Perfect. That's why they are called PERFECT World. duh!
  • Oh thank god, I was SUPER worried that I would have to spend the entire summer working to earn a living. But I guess I can put my worries to rest and play the summer event for 8 hours a day instead. Thanks Perfect World! :) P.S. LOL wait a minute... It tottally splipped my mind that I'll actuall have a full 24 hours a day…
  • I would like to simply see some better customer service. It's appearent the game already has technical issues sometimes which is understandable since its constantly being updated and patched, but when those issues cause players to loose out on a deal they spent money on or items and such, It seems none of the staff are…
  • ah... well this doesn't exactly inspire a sense of security when making transactions with them... well... looks like this is going to be another one of the posts that gets pushed to the far back of the forums and forgotten...
  • Why was this change implemented in the first place? No offense but it seems like devs were fixing something that wasn't broken, and now you guys have created more work for yourselves by having to fix all the issues that have followed.
  • well i understand they mentioned nerfing tric mines and torpedo's but if they were going to do the same to bio neural, they should atleast mention it seperately since its a unique device. AND also balance it properly since it has the same cooldown as before.
  • Um i dunno if anyone has noticed buuuut, Bio-Neural warhead has had its damaged halved and it has a 1 min cooldown... this really sucks for those of use who go it through buying a ship from the c-store..........