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punijab Arc User



  • Technically speaking, it's impossible for Earth-style life to exist on Mars for the following reasons: 1: Mars has no viable atmosphere. While there is a thin layer of carbon dioxide, perhaps with trace amounts of nitrogen and oxygen, there is not enough to sustain anything larger than perhaps a couple small bacterial…
  • I have another couple questions (that I'm sure some of the more technically knowledgeable Trek fans can answer) which are: Why is it that everything on the ship seems to explode violently when some unrelated part of the ship is hit? (Voyager, for example, in the first season it seems like every time the ship takes a hit…
  • Uhhh... For those of you thinking this is actually a serious thread, get out, now... I'm fairly certain the original intent was for everyone to have a good laugh at people demanding refunds for a free-to-play game, not actually think they were serious about asking for a refund. :P Now with that out of the way, I fully…
  • I have seen several borg episodes (both TNG and Voyager) and yes, they do adapt. However, I've NEVER seen them go shooting people in the face. They always have to be withing melee range to take someone out. So if STO is going to keep the 30s re-mod time, then they should get rid of the the borg aim-bots. (I might just be…
  • Back to the original idea, I like it, and it's not completely impossible. A number of series have done it before (the only one which comes to mind right now is "Dead Man's Gun" although that's probably not the best example) with limited success. The downsides being finding enough actors who would be willing to do a Star…
  • Well, let's draw up a list, shall we? 1: 100% hit rate - BAD, I want to miss them sometimes, especially when my guy gas been hit and is now aiming at the ceiling. It's kind of silly that regardless of what direction I'm facing, whether there is a crate in between us or not, I can ALWAYS hit whatever I'm targeting. 2: AI…
  • First off, let's start with arguing this statement: It does not have to. In fact, it makes just as much sense to say it doesn't exist. Because if we have some life force, where is it? In which part of the body does it reside? Why can we not detect it? There is no fundamental law of the universe which states "living things…
  • While the 2009 movie was technically decent (tolerable story, filming that is as good as any other movie in recent years, acting that is at least half good) the problems I am having with this is that it is like every other movie that has come out in the last five years. That is to say, filled with as many shootouts,…
  • The whole concept of this thread implies that the devs actually listen to the criticisms made by the general community. In general this does not appear to be the case. Have a look at a few of the suggestion threads, a good majority of the issues suggested nearly two years ago are still being suggested by a good number of…
  • Well, it's probably just yet another attempt to limit the number of possible ways people can get a reasonable amount of dilithium without spending every minute of every day in-game. PWE seems to be intent on extracting as much money as they possibly can from from this game with as little effort on their part as possible.…
  • First off, I'm sure all of these have probably come up before, but I'll state them again anyway, just to be sure. Short Term: I would greatly appreciate it if you would remove the bright streaks in Borg encounters, they cause FPS to go through the roof on mid-level computers... Also I would like to see some effects to…