1st My (censored) Dream: STO before Delta Rising - on a seperate Server - I would pay 25 Euro/month for such 2nd Terradome - but too hard for the max DPS fraction - so will never happen - teamwork
Loadouts not working for me since they where introduced. Maybe that would change if I waste some Zen in a third loadout slot - but as long as the 2 free ones does'nt work ,,,
Yes I did a mistake with laars laas lars - avctual it is the kadek thingy that is the changeling to turn in - but if you do the sim on Bajor before you turn him in he is deleted from you inventory. A "real" changeling and a simulated = NO Changeling
Argala for leveling a ship is a waste of time - do patrols with a timegated enemy spawn like kern / terrh - the more dps you deal - the more enemies spawn the faster u get the mastery. simple
I know of 2 Episode Missions that award a "Changeling" - 1st is where you have to defeat Lars and catch him after - the second is a simulation on Bajor - The Simulated one on Bajor is not real - but deletes "lars" - you have to turn in the changeling before you do the Bajor Simulation. This Bug is years old - many times…
I add to the list a add point in fleet (somewhere) to not have to go to fleetbase for just fileing reports - this 2x 45 seconds loading time if u are unlucky is a mess - on 31 chars
already weekend for me - so no wonder that star trek offline - craptic - u don't care for ur own forum - whats so hard to post a few words HERE about the issue?
There is no difference for the trait if the Boff is white green blue or purple. No need to buy purpple superior romulan operative - the blue ones are exactly the same. But you are welcome to buy buy my overprized purple ones :smile:
There is an easy workaround: Do Not Queue ground Maps without a full team - and the same for storming the spire - thats the Random TFO i'll leave immediatly.
Why? the the ones that archieved it on elite realy worked on it - advanced is not realy a challenge, with all the OP stuff around since they introduced the new kits.
Guess there is no way to get them working again before we have elite borg Ground versions of Infected / Cure / Khitomer again. Granting the Outfits for running advanced is no fix. So just wait another 5 years. PSY