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What old content would you like to see restored/revamped?



  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,273 Arc User
    The Typhoon Class.
    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • o0kami87o0kami87 Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    I would like to see the Breen story remastered and made to fit the full story arc again, or maybe just some new missions to fit, either way would be nice to see the Breen again. they seem to be forgotten except in Q winter wonderland.
    First, Vice Admiral, U.S.S. Wolf Pack-F, NX-101687-FFirst., Vice Admiral, A.R.W. Moon WolfWolf, I.K.S. Frost Bite
  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,997 Arc User
    I would like to see the Spectres arc restored to its old place in the missions tab. It is not like people would have to do it if they didn't want to since the devs actually got the "skip" function to work a few years ago, and there is almost no TOS content in the game once you leave the Temporal Recruit event. In fact, it is far more appropriate content for those recruits than most of the stuff that is in the transponder at the moment.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,789 Arc User
    edited June 2023
    I would like to see the Spectres arc restored to its old place in the missions tab. It is not like people would have to do it if they didn't want to since the devs actually got the "skip" function to work a few years ago, and there is almost no TOS content in the game once you leave the Temporal Recruit event. In fact, it is far more appropriate content for those recruits than most of the stuff that is in the transponder at the moment.

    I can see why they wanted to revise it though -- the busywork of going back and forth between Drozena and the starbase was a slog, especially before they added transwarp. Trimming some of the weak content would help.

  • This content has been removed.
  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,997 Arc User
    edited June 2023
    I would like to see the Spectres arc restored to its old place in the missions tab. It is not like people would have to do it if they didn't want to since the devs actually got the "skip" function to work a few years ago, and there is almost no TOS content in the game once you leave the Temporal Recruit event. In fact, it is far more appropriate content for those recruits than most of the stuff that is in the transponder at the moment.

    I liked the idea of it, but HATED the implementation. It largely comes down to how brain-dead the final mission is. Go back in time to a Federation station... disguised as an enemy ship. What? Why would we disguise ourselves as something that GUARANTEES we'll be stopped and inspected? Then, why FIGHT the Federation ship, when we could use her prefix code to shut her down? Then, why board the station to drive off the Devidians when we could just destroy the comet, the WHOLE REASON we went there in the first place, and accomplish the same thing more safely and definitively? In fact... why go to Drozana AT ALL? Comets MOVE. If we're going back in time, let's just go to a point in time where the comet isn't close to ANYTHING and destroy it without any contact with anyone.
    And don't even get me started on the whole business of mixing drinks for some chick to get the parts needed to repair the station and SAVE HER LIFE. Just a brainless episode.
    /rant off. For now.

    Drozanna was a K-station, one of the pickets along the Klingon neutral zone. A Klingon ship stopping by for a non-hostile visit in that area would not be too unbelievable (one did exactly that at K-7, though of course it had ulterior motives) during the height of the Organian Peace Treaty like that.

    And coming in under a foreign flag like that would keep station security off the player's ship so they would not figure out that something even screwier than a Klingon stopping by was going on, especially one they are locked in a cold war with but cannot do anything about without causing a diplomatic incident.

    Remember, the Federation ship is the one who started the hostilities (an embarrassment the Federation would no doubt rather bury, if possible, which makes the mission somewhat self-cleaning from a temporal agent standpoint) and disabling it with weapons fire is a lot less of a red flag than giving the Federation the idea that the Klingons of the time had figured out how to disable Federation ships with the prefix code.

    Imagine the repercussions on the timeline if the Federation had dropped the use of those codes because of it and during the events of Wrath of Khan Khan managed to kill Kirk and company because of the player-character's actions. No sane captain would chance that much of an impact during a time incursion.

    As for destroying the comet before any of the stuff involving Drozanna even happened, there is no guarantee that it would stop the Devidians since they were already there via the portal (as were the player's character and crew). Paradox might make it impossible to find and destroy the comet earlier (similar to Dr. Who's "fixed time"), or the Devidians could possibly attack somewhere else where a comet (or maybe even asteroid) passes by, and the PC might not be in the right place at the right time to stumble across the incursion and intervene. Comets normally do not have a large anomalous chroniton charge like the one in the scenario did, the Devidians may have charged it up somehow, so why take the chance?

    And yes, the drinks thing was ridiculous, it was meant as comic relief but was a bit overdone though it did give Scotty more camera time. Frankly, it wasn't any worse than a lot of dumb things they do in NuTrek, and it was mildly amusing the first time around. The part with Bones was the most irritating part of the mission since it had a serious bug that often blocked progression.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited June 2023
    I would like to see the Spectres arc restored to its old place in the missions tab. It is not like people would have to do it if they didn't want to since the devs actually got the "skip" function to work a few years ago, and there is almost no TOS content in the game once you leave the Temporal Recruit event. In fact, it is far more appropriate content for those recruits than most of the stuff that is in the transponder at the moment.

    I liked the idea of it, but HATED the implementation. It largely comes down to how brain-dead the final mission is. Go back in time to a Federation station... disguised as an enemy ship. What? Why would we disguise ourselves as something that GUARANTEES we'll be stopped and inspected? Then, why FIGHT the Federation ship, when we could use her prefix code to shut her down? Then, why board the station to drive off the Devidians when we could just destroy the comet, the WHOLE REASON we went there in the first place, and accomplish the same thing more safely and definitively? In fact... why go to Drozana AT ALL? Comets MOVE. If we're going back in time, let's just go to a point in time where the comet isn't close to ANYTHING and destroy it without any contact with anyone.
    And don't even get me started on the whole business of mixing drinks for some chick to get the parts needed to repair the station and SAVE HER LIFE. Just a brainless episode.
    /rant off. For now.

    Early STO broadly falls under this category. The world was new, the opportunities ripe, and getting the A to B of telling a compelling story in the MMO format was itself a huge challenge. We take this for granted now but legacy STO had to figure out a lot mechanically about how to tell a story with its format, under time/budget constraints, and using this engine to do Trek. Plot holes abounded and *things happened* without that much rhyme or reason.

    Take Divide et Impera. We rote combated our way on the standard MMO template into a war crime, and Starfleet dealt with it by sweeping the situation under a rug, absolving us of responsibility by "just following orders", and they'll keep a close eye on the confirmed Undine infiltrator. It was hard to pin down what fun was to be had with the mission beyond continuing the game's combat loop and providing more content volume, which was the principle concern of MMO's at the time and what legacy STO largely played to (gotta fill time for the subscription).

    Recognizing how much people *cared* about the setting and plot in its own right (initially set by player customization, imagination, and the game's worldbuilding) and riffing on that took a long time. It was also helped in some small part by the Foundry and people helping the team early on to experiment with presentation, tempo, characters, and narrative weight at a faster rate than main development. City of the Polmar Ree felt more modern than most of the missions it was contemporaneous with, for example. Legacy of Romulus and the 2800 arc did good but I think it was the Solanae arc where what we know as STO really solidified.
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • roninwolf1981#2968 roninwolf1981 Member Posts: 661 Arc User
    I only started playing this game in late 2019, so there was a lot of content that I missed; I DID see the Klingon beginning arcs before they were reworked for the Year of the Klingon update, so there's that old content I would like to play again.

    If anything, I'd like for the old/deleted content to be put in the Available tab, under some kind of "Legacy Replay" title, or something along the lines. I figured if the devs can't put them back into the main story arc, then at least put them in the Available tab, like the "Legacy Replay" thing that I just mentioned.
  • serioushughieserioushughie Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    Forgot one big glaring ommission from my original post: revamping starship interiors! Giving some purpose to exploring our ships beyond the once in a blue moon mission requirement. More interesting DOFF assignments, more facilities such as wound treatment (which I don't think is there already) and a tailor. Re-utilise the conference room/observation lounge set for weekly diplomatic missions or something along those lines.

    When you consider how much of the shows revolved around the stories being told within the ships and not just on away missions, I think there could be a lot of potential in revitalising starship interiors.
  • psychoplattpsychoplatt Member Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited June 2023
    1st My (censored) Dream: STO before Delta Rising - on a seperate Server - I would pay 25 Euro/month for such
    2nd Terradome - but too hard for the max DPS fraction - so will never happen - teamwork
    nice u wasted so much time in your sig - i do not see it anyway :)
  • c0mpc0mp Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    I can't remember the the mission name I just remember a lot of tribbles. There was also the story arc involving Miral Paris, having to recue her and the such.

    Its a pity the moved the Wasteland missions for Federation to the 'hidden' missions, they are great fun, especially getting all the accolades on Nimbus.
  • dragon#2626 dragon Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    c0mp wrote: »
    I can't remember the the mission name I just remember a lot of tribbles. There was also the story arc involving Miral Paris, having to recue her and the such.

    Its a pity the moved the Wasteland missions for Federation to the 'hidden' missions, they are great fun, especially getting all the accolades on Nimbus.

    The bit with Miral Paris is from the mutilated Klingon War arc.
    I swim through a sea of stars. . . .
  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,997 Arc User
    Devs have mentioned from time to time that they think the Klingon war arc is too long even with all the missions currently missing due to "revamping" them. If so, the logical solution would be to split the arc into two shorter arcs in the main mission tab, not shuffle them off into obscurity in the tragically misnamed "Available" tab or simply sit on them forever like they have done so far.
  • dragon#2626 dragon Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    Devs have mentioned from time to time that they think the Klingon war arc is too long even with all the missions currently missing due to "revamping" them. If so, the logical solution would be to split the arc into two shorter arcs in the main mission tab, not shuffle them off into obscurity in the tragically misnamed "Available" tab or simply sit on them forever like they have done so far.

    Seriously!? As things stand it's one of the shortest arcs.
    I swim through a sea of stars. . . .
  • c0mpc0mp Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited June 2023
    Devs have mentioned from time to time that they think the Klingon war arc is too long even with all the missions currently missing due to "revamping" them. If so, the logical solution would be to split the arc into two shorter arcs in the main mission tab, not shuffle them off into obscurity in the tragically misnamed "Available" tab or simply sit on them forever like they have done so far.

    They should look more closely at the Delta arc then lol. But I also really miss the old exploration missions where you could explore a randomly generated planet with missions ( like scan plants or minerals, or solve a logic puzzle). That had the feel to Star Trek. They could bring those back and not have them tied to any story arc, similar to patrols.

    To be honest the game is looking a little long in the tooth nowadays. Possibly time for a major overhaul.
  • smokebaileysmokebailey Member Posts: 4,668 Arc User
    Devs have mentioned from time to time that they think the Klingon war arc is too long even with all the missions currently missing due to "revamping" them. If so, the logical solution would be to split the arc into two shorter arcs in the main mission tab, not shuffle them off into obscurity in the tragically misnamed "Available" tab or simply sit on them forever like they have done so far.

    As opposed to now being MEGA short? We don't have short attention spans, BRING THEM BACK, Devs, PLEASE.
  • nova73#7821 nova73 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    Wouldn't mind seeing the kuvah'magh questline restored, I miss a lot of those old missions.
  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
    State of Q
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • novapolaris#2925 novapolaris Member Posts: 842 Arc User
      Oh my god do I wish they'd bring back the Klingon War arc (and specifically the Kuvamagh section), and the old featured episode series that had important story, like the Cold War arc and The 2800. Specters too, especially with TOS cast inclusion (and that's where we got "Bonnie Kin" guy, too). Since I'm posting this here, these could REALLY use remastering.
    • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,859 Arc User
      I would like to see the Spectres arc restored to its old place in the missions tab. It is not like people would have to do it if they didn't want to since the devs actually got the "skip" function to work a few years ago, and there is almost no TOS content in the game once you leave the Temporal Recruit event. In fact, it is far more appropriate content for those recruits than most of the stuff that is in the transponder at the moment.

      I liked the idea of it, but HATED the implementation. It largely comes down to how brain-dead the final mission is. Go back in time to a Federation station... disguised as an enemy ship. What? Why would we disguise ourselves as something that GUARANTEES we'll be stopped and inspected? Then, why FIGHT the Federation ship, when we could use her prefix code to shut her down? Then, why board the station to drive off the Devidians when we could just destroy the comet, the WHOLE REASON we went there in the first place, and accomplish the same thing more safely and definitively? In fact... why go to Drozana AT ALL? Comets MOVE. If we're going back in time, let's just go to a point in time where the comet isn't close to ANYTHING and destroy it without any contact with anyone.
      And don't even get me started on the whole business of mixing drinks for some chick to get the parts needed to repair the station and SAVE HER LIFE. Just a brainless episode.
      /rant off. For now.

      Nothing in this game is as brain dead as Of Bajor.
    • vorwodavorwoda Member Posts: 702 Arc User
      As usual, phoenixc and smokebailey tend to hit nails right on the head. You two rock!

      As for my most wished for returns:

      1. Mine Trap (my all-time favourite group mission)
      2. Saturday's Child
      3. The Tribble with Klingons
      4. All right, in fact, yes, the entire original Klingon War arc.
      5. The Foundry (although I know that won't happen)
      6. Exploration Clusters (although I know that won't happen, either).

      As far as I'm concerned, they could bring those back with NO updating, and I'd be happy.

      As for what actually needs revamping (IMHO):

      1. The Romulan storyline (eliminate Tovan Mary Sue Khev, or at least make him airlockable).

      2. Delta Rising (cut the Kobali storyline entirely. THAT'S what makes the arc intolerably long).
    • dragon#2626 dragon Member Posts: 286 Arc User
      vorwoda wrote: »
      As usual, phoenixc and smokebailey tend to hit nails right on the head. You two rock!

      As for my most wished for returns:

      1. Mine Trap (my all-time favourite group mission)
      2. Saturday's Child
      3. The Tribble with Klingons
      4. All right, in fact, yes, the entire original Klingon War arc.
      5. The Foundry (although I know that won't happen)
      6. Exploration Clusters (although I know that won't happen, either).

      As far as I'm concerned, they could bring those back with NO updating, and I'd be happy.

      As for what actually needs revamping (IMHO):

      1. The Romulan storyline (eliminate Tovan Mary Sue Khev, or at least make him airlockable).

      2. Delta Rising (cut the Kobali storyline entirely. THAT'S what makes the arc intolerably long).

      I've never had any issue with Tovan, personally. As for the Kobali arc, I agree with ditching it, but not for reasons of length. I just resent having to help those necromantic freaks.
      I swim through a sea of stars. . . .
    • smokebaileysmokebailey Member Posts: 4,668 Arc User
      vorwoda wrote: »
      As usual, phoenixc and smokebailey tend to hit nails right on the head. You two rock!

      As for my most wished for returns:

      1. Mine Trap (my all-time favourite group mission)
      2. Saturday's Child
      3. The Tribble with Klingons
      4. All right, in fact, yes, the entire original Klingon War arc.
      5. The Foundry (although I know that won't happen)
      6. Exploration Clusters (although I know that won't happen, either).

      As far as I'm concerned, they could bring those back with NO updating, and I'd be happy.

      As for what actually needs revamping (IMHO):

      1. The Romulan storyline (eliminate Tovan Mary Sue Khev, or at least make him airlockable).

      2. Delta Rising (cut the Kobali storyline entirely. THAT'S what makes the arc intolerably long).


      I'm fine with both, I just wanna see those space maps in Delta rising no longer have that borked up frame rate....some systems are fine, other solar systems get rather laggy in frame rate for some reason. :/
    • fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 5,051 Arc User
      I'd also like to see the old Mirror Invasion event returning sometime.

      The mission that had a big station in the center of the map, with portals around it and a final battle against the ISS Stadi or London.
    • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
      the foundry missions for kill accolades i miss them :-(
    • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
      edited July 2023
      vorwoda wrote: »
      As usual, phoenixc and smokebailey tend to hit nails right on the head. You two rock!

      As for my most wished for returns:

      1. Mine Trap (my all-time favourite group mission)
      2. Saturday's Child
      3. The Tribble with Klingons
      4. All right, in fact, yes, the entire original Klingon War arc.
      5. The Foundry (although I know that won't happen)
      6. Exploration Clusters (although I know that won't happen, either).

      As far as I'm concerned, they could bring those back with NO updating, and I'd be happy.

      As for what actually needs revamping (IMHO):

      1. The Romulan storyline (eliminate Tovan Mary Sue Khev, or at least make him airlockable).

      2. Delta Rising (cut the Kobali storyline entirely. THAT'S what makes the arc intolerably long).

      I've never had any issue with Tovan, personally. As for the Kobali arc, I agree with ditching it, but not for reasons of length. I just resent having to help those necromantic freaks.

      Isn't the only integration with the main arc now only a "say hello" prompt to the zone and Ashes to Ashes? All of the major Kobali missions are handled through direct NPC contacts. Both main-journal items can be skipped too, STO largely allows you to curate your arc experiences now. Play what you want, skip what you want, and to hell with order in most cases. Ie. there's nothing to be said for removing content for everyone simply because of personal distaste with characters/plot/ect. STO also isn't a position where it can compensate or adapt for those losses (see. the teeth-pulling difficulty of getting the Guardian of Forever arc back in or shifting it to a new end-game arc).
      Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
      Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
      Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
    • fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 5,051 Arc User
      Yes, the Kobali arc can (almost) entirely be ignored. You just need to visit the city once - and that's only if you want to play a Delta Rising episode that comes after The Kobali Front.
    • knightmare#8708 knightmare Member Posts: 297 Arc User
      The Kobali arc can be skipped if you want, but NOT if you are a Delta or Temporal recruit, for those characters you must complete the entire Kobali arc inc all ground missions if you wish to claim the rewards. I'm not sure if this same requirement is needed for Klingon recruits as I haven't progressed mine past this point yet.

      Personally I don't mind the Kobali arc, except the part where you have to track down the Harry Kim that is turning into a Kobali, that is a very long mission and that maze is annoying. I do think the ground missions could be tidied up a bit, there is a lot of having to go back and forth constantly between the city and the outer battle areas, this makes it quite a long slog to complete the missions.
    • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
      edited July 2023
      The Kobali arc can be skipped if you want, but NOT if you are a Delta or Temporal recruit, for those characters you must complete the entire Kobali arc inc all ground missions if you wish to claim the rewards. I'm not sure if this same requirement is needed for Klingon recruits as I haven't progressed mine past this point yet.

      You can say the same thing for regular characters, to earn all the rewards the arcs have to offer you MUST play the Kobali arc. But that's a conditional statement hinging on those rewards mattering. If you are so adverse to playing the Kobali arc at all, you can skip that portion of temporal recruitment. That choice is still available to players. Which again reinforces the point on revamps: don't cater to those who want to prune the game per their inclinations. Any revamp these days should be transformative, not reductive.

      Ie. I think all but one mission arc revamp should be off the table now for revamp targets. Even something like the Defera arc you're more likely to see cuts made to fit the project within available dev time and design priorities than to see it expanded on meaningfully. And the product is likely to replicate the cadence and style of modern missions to the effect of redundancy rather than expanding on what made those old missions fun in their own right. The luster of new maps, shiny shiny! isn't enough to justify most remaining targets getting a look over. The old janky content at the very least provides a change of pace and style to STO content that's worth more than the increase in apparent quality the arc would receive (as new missions vary rarely provide a meaningful change of pace, format, or content. Even when playing as the Inquistor, you're still doing the same stuff to the same tempo as your prime self).
      Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
      Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
      Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
    • smokebaileysmokebailey Member Posts: 4,668 Arc User
      The Kobali arc can be skipped if you want, but NOT if you are a Delta or Temporal recruit, for those characters you must complete the entire Kobali arc inc all ground missions if you wish to claim the rewards. I'm not sure if this same requirement is needed for Klingon recruits as I haven't progressed mine past this point yet.

      Personally I don't mind the Kobali arc, except the part where you have to track down the Harry Kim that is turning into a Kobali, that is a very long mission and that maze is annoying. I do think the ground missions could be tidied up a bit, there is a lot of having to go back and forth constantly between the city and the outer battle areas, this makes it quite a long slog to complete the missions.

      Maze I like, it's that speed obstacle bit where ya gotta shoot the bits on the wall to make the bridges come out. Dunno if I ever managed to do it in one go.
    This discussion has been closed.