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opheliadraegonne Arc User



  • Oh duh on beam overload. And that is a good point on scatter. I suggest moving your two Universal consoles in Science to Engineering. I did so as an experiment following a suggestion and haven't looked back.
  • Not if there were viable fore weapons for other Sci ships.
  • While too many such weapons would create a balance issue, I do agree that they are needed. Either Aux, or more weapons that do not require power levels at all. Some sort of projectile weapon akin to a Rail Gun/Gauss Gun, preferably with turret options. Repulsor beam weapons. I think the Cutting Beam should be an Aux…
  • Superhero is a sub genre of Science Fiction/Fantasy.
  • You do realize there are other people in the mission with you, often with decent ships, and many likely following the same advice you are. If you used to always get first and now are not, that actually is a sign it likely is more fair. And if you didn't used to place first and still are not, maybe you ship isn't as good as…
  • One of the abilities of the Experimental Set deals with Tractors. But I will consider Polarize Hull so I have multiple options, since the ability on the Set shares a cooldown. And I clearly have both EPtS and ET1, so unsure how you think I cannot have both. However you are likely right about Aux to SIF. What is TSS2?
  • I actually had it as a Tactical. I switched to Science to test out Photonic Shockwave. I actually find I am a lot more versatile and effective at crowd control this way. Do you really think I would be better with Rapid Fire and Beam Overload again?
  • The Chronoton torps are better for crowd control. They slow movement so that Gravity Well is more useful.
  • Oblivion is getting really good reviews as a solid piece of real sci fi and not just as a blockbuster film. Tom Cruise starring made me completely uninterested, but I now look forward to it. After Earth? Meh. Looks like a fun popcorn flick, but I am sick of Will Smith. He makes awful movies decent, but also makes decent…
  • The things STO does right cover pretty much all the reasons I generally dislike MMORPGs and never play them very long or at all. It easily makes up for its flaws.
  • I see the Queen as a piece of throwback code to their origins. Likely "borg zero" so to speak, a centralized intelligence which the Borg formed around. She actually is their greatest weakness because she shows signs of ego and emotion. I like the Borg queen, I think she is a very important part of what the Borg are. They…
  • I don't know what planet you live on, but plenty of girls I know have smaller chests than the slider allows for. As I said before ; I make some of my friends as BOffs and there are some I cannot make. I have dated girls with smaller chests than that.
  • It certainly needs a lower setting. I think it also needs a larger setting. I base most of my BOffs on friends, and in both directions I cannot emulate some of them. Likewise we need a better option for chubby and overweight characters. And the argument about not making child captains makes no sense at all. We have people…
  • Things that would add more immersion for me ; More NPC ships around space stations. A variety of lower and mid tier ships (preferably some named, and intractable with...see below.) Lots of shuttles. Make Starbase orbit instances smaller so there are far less T5 ships and off-faction ships flying around. Interactive NPC…
  • The entire economic TRIBBLE hole we are in is primarily the result of rampant market speculation and deregulation. All it does is make the rich richer, and TRIBBLE over the poor and average. It is a system based on parasitism. To say there is nothing wrong with market speculation is to be grossly ignorant of what has been…
  • If you bought it on its own and it cost all that much money, there might be an argument. As is; consider it a nice bonus for spending $5 to build up your costuming options. I love Enterprise, and I love the NX design. However I would feel really stupid fighting Borg STFs in an NX. I would feel completely out of place. It…
  • The difference is that these were all vessels that their faction continued to refit and use actively for the entire time between the TOS and movies, and the TNG era. There are still some running around having been modified and refitted with new tech for over a hundred years. This is the reason the Miranda and Excelsior are…
  • I imagine it would be quite the overhall to change the BOffs. Even if they went with 4 traits and a racial, there will be some overlap for racial traits. Easy fix to me seems to be to delete all the traits which are duplicated by the Racial trait and replace with random new traits. Keep 4 traits for balance, and add the…
  • I never have a problem spamming out Runabouts. It recharges pretty fast.
  • Simply not having them disappear when you are out of combat would be a huge boost. I actually really like PF a lot, and think it is underrated. It not only deals damage, but makes good crowd control and draws fire. I would like to see Photonic Doffs effect the cooldown of PF. That would be a huge bonus.
  • Solution ; Take many of the Universal Consoles that benefit Cruisers and Science Ships but not Escorts and make them devices. Escorts cannot use them to min/max because they are not consoles they really gain anything from, but Sci and Cruisers get a slight buff. You could also have a few Universal Consoles be able to mount…
  • You mean the actors? That I would appreciate. I wouldn't want it reachable in game though, that would be odd. Maybe have it an option from the character select.
  • I think if Kirk's face ever appeared in a shrine or temple setting it would cause Shat's ego to suddenly start oozing out of all of his orifices and he would bleed to death.
  • So you want the hardest to kill ships to do the most damage as well and have even more versatile firing arcs than they already have? Cruisers use beams instead of cannons (generally) and thus can at any given time bring more weapons to bear. This is space combat, not navel combat. This is Star trek, not BSG. In this…
  • If you are going to implement this aspect of navel warfare, you would need to implement another ; target profile. By turning sideways, a ship becomes a much larger target. Part of navel strategy involves deciding whether to bring all your weapons to bear or to provide a smaller target. Part of why martial arts stances…
  • Then I am fine with a chapel as long as it has a huge picture of Gene as its focus.
  • http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Great_Bird_of_the_Galaxy
  • Commenting on how a world that developed semi-convergently has just now found Christ does not mean that Kirk believes in him. Considering Roddenberry was one of the primary writers of that episode, it was more likely intended as an anthropological statement than an appreciation of them finding the right God. Also ;…
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6NPq_kPSUM
  • Really this all comes off as more of a bragging thread.