Anyone from Australia using Optusnet? 6 24 ms 23 ms 23 ms 7 * * * Request timed out. 8 168 ms 167 ms 183 ms Singapore connection. The hop there is timing out, thus net outage is occurring. Web browsing uses a different route.
Getting patch server down in Australia as well. Reading posts from last year when's fibre optic cable was cut. maybe that problem has not been fixed correctly. This service from is where the main patch server gets its hop from. 8 * 166 ms 167 ms 9 177 ms * *…
I have done that 3 times with 1 of my chars, tried NORMAL, yeah right. Could not finish it because of the blasted LAG and No SERVER RESPONSE. What the hell is going on ? At present the whole game is unplayable because of the lag and so forth. How about fixing the main "PROBLEMS" up first before putting new stuff on STO. By…
Anyone getting those annoying email spam coming to your inbox? All relating to selling STO credits and getting a discount. Yes I have added the email addresses to my ignore box, but next day i get another one in from a different addy. Very bloody annoying. Being a lifer, I did not pay to receive this and did not agree to…