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Our Special Crystalline Entity Event is Live! [Now Ended]



  • jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
    edited September 2013
    Fix the friggin mirror ships at the start of normal and it will be good. so far 5 out of 7 had them. 5 warp out and rejoin the queue.
    Join Date: Nobody cares.
    "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
  • captaintpolcaptaintpol Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Originally Posted by xbalanke View Post
    I probably won't be making myself popular here.. but.. I actually like the changes.. it's a nice challenge!

    I'd guess that one out of every 4 runs (elite) I did yesterday failed which I think is an acceptable failure rate considering 1 - they were all PUGs; 2 - there was barely every any team communication; 3 - we get a nice reward for getting all 14 shards. I don't think it should be a simple 'shoot at toothless object for 15 mins, grab shard, repeat.

    The first character I played it on was actually my newest fed sci in a d'kyr without any fancy consoles or weapons.. an aegis set, that s the only thing she has, everything else is cheap mk x & xi off the exchange. The run took about 20 minutes I think, during the first 10 minutes we made barely progress killing the terran ships, so a couple of escorts went after the CE instead with me keeping them alive. and once the CE released the first energy wave destroying all terrans in range, the rest of the game was easy..

    What did I learn from my first 3 runs?: AoE is an absolute NO GO! it gets you way too much aggro from the terran ships.. I changed the boffs and strategy on most of my chars before going in and never had much trouble.. even my tac kumari managed to stay alive for an acceptable time once I had replaced CSV3 with CRF3..
    I dumped CSV, TS and FAW in favor of single target abilities and most of the time the terrans didn't give me much trouble.. I d also recommend against using photonic fleet on sci's btw and TR and GW should be used with care to not attract the attention of too many terrans..

    Obviously if one of your teammates goes in guns blazing with FAW, TS or CSV, grabbing the attention of every single terran ship on the map.. well.. it gets harder. I did one run where we got the CE away from the terran spawn points and we were pounding it without any effort.. until an oddy (i think) who was fighting a few tholians got within weapons range of the terrans when he hit FAW.. you can guess the rest..
    Once the terrans are spawned the trick is to get the CE to release its energy wave asap, but whatever you do, stay away from the terran groups that haven't yet been aggro'd. The fact that in pugs not everyone knows this is the mail reason of the 25% failure rate..

    I also tried one on normal and I think, if anything, it was too easy.. there were terrans from the start and the whole thing was over in about 7 minutes.. all it took was me and 2 other escorts shooting at the CE while everyone else was busy spamming FAW and getting killed
    I agree with this poster. A seasonal or timed event shouldn't be too easy. Truthfully, I got bored floating around on Risa, and never finished it. Have a little strategy, or if you don't mind taking a trip to the ship repair afterwards, fly past the Mirror ships and bludgeon it to death. it will fall eventually. I ran the mission on 3 characters yesterday, and only one was what I would call painful. Please don't change the event Cryptic.

    I agree with this, this mission is fine it is do able with out to much headache and the mirrior ships just add a hint of excitement and unknown to the game.. Good Job devs good job on this one :D:D
    Matriarch of Banished Orion Girls. Neela D'tan
    @captaintpol (with many alts)
    May we sail and have fun always and forever. LLAP

    (PC version NW)
    Arwen@captaintpol TR - Tully's of RiverRun
    Mai Kelly DC-Tully's of RiverRun
    Neela BumKisses HR-
    Arya Stark GF-
    Sansa Stark CW- Team Fencebane
    Crystal Marie OP-

    (xbox version NW)
    Arwen@Admiral Jazdia TR- Team Fenebane
    Mai Kelly DC- " "
    Ahsoka Tano CW- " "
    Neela BumKisser HR- " "
  • neuraldamageneuraldamage Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Nice. You've moved it back to being such a PITA that it's not worth doing... just like the old days. Congrats, if your plan was to suck all the fun out of it, mission accomplished.

    Two thumbs down.

    People are broken. - Lum the Mad
  • aveimperatoraveimperator Member Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Cryptic Dev 1: Hey, players are complaining that the game isn't challenging enough. Oh, and we're way behind schedule on the next FE. What should we do?

    Cryptic Dev 2: I know! Let's rehash an old event that nobody liked and make it even harder!

    Cryptic Dev 1: Harder? I dunno, we're not very good at designing challenging content...

    Cryptic Dev 2: What are you talking about? We're GREAT at that! The Crystalline Entity is already tough, and there are Tholians there for no apparent reason, so let's throw HUNDREDS of Mirror Universe ships too!

    Cryptic Dev 1: OMG that's the best idea we've ever had!

    Cryptic Dev 2: Challenging, right? No way players can deal with THAT many ships! We're so brilliant! This is gonna be the best event ever!
  • aargolosaargolos Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Played it today on 'normal' with a PUG and smoked it down in like 5 minutes or something silly.

    Guess I got lucky?
  • alan171717alan171717 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Well, I found a good strategy was that my teammates kept helping me with buffs as I drew the agro of the Terran ships, and though I got blown up about 7 times we worn down the entity and eventually won, if only by the skin of our teeth
    "I am a travelor of both time and space to be where I have been"
  • zordar01zordar01 Member Posts: 318
    edited September 2013
    aargolos wrote: »
    Played it today on 'normal' with a PUG and smoked it down in like 5 minutes or something silly.

    Guess I got lucky?

    Exactly right. I ran it fine on six toons yesterday after reading this thread and knew I hadn't seen what was causing all the commotion (I know better than to just assume someone needs to L2P based solely on a forum post). On my third run through today, I saw what the issue was.

    And ignoring the MU ships was NOT working. They'd circle the CE lazily (not shooting at it, naturally) and as soon as anyone showed up or decloaked they'd attack. I made certain to use single-target abilities on the CE at 2-3km and I still got repeatedly gang-***** by MU ships on steroids. By my third respawn I couldn't see the CE anymore for all the MU ships.

    My other three remaining toons all lucked out and had normal missions.
    Star Trek: Online - Now with 100% more dinosaurs!!
  • aveimperatoraveimperator Member Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Cryptic's design philosophy: MOAR ENEMEHS! That's challenging, right guys!?
  • aargolosaargolos Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Hmm, guess time will tell. Can't really be bothered to run it on my Romulan or KDF characters as I don't play them much.

    Hopefully I get lucky again tomorrow afternoon!
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,404 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    zordar01 wrote: »
    And ignoring the MU ships was NOT working. They'd circle the CE lazily (not shooting at it, naturally) and as soon as anyone showed up or decloaked they'd attack. I made certain to use single-target abilities on the CE at 2-3km and I still got repeatedly gang-***** by MU ships on steroids.


    I see various "expert players" ("elitists" is such an ugly word) saying "Ignore the MU ships and you'll be fine, crybabies". Fair enough, but we'd like said MU ships to ignore us in return to make it fair.
    Sometimes you'll get lucky (because they are likely ganging on someone else), but you'll eventually have to deal with phaser spam if they decide to camp exactly where you don't want them to.
  • captaintpolcaptaintpol Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I agree with this poster. A seasonal or timed event shouldn't be too easy. Truthfully, I got bored floating around on Risa, and never finished it. Have a little strategy, or if you don't mind taking a trip to the ship repair afterwards, fly past the Mirror ships and bludgeon it to death. it will fall eventually. I ran the mission on 3 characters yesterday, and only one was what I would call painful. Please don't change the event Cryptic.

    I see various "expert players" ("elitists" is such an ugly word) saying "Ignore the MU ships and you'll be fine, crybabies". Fair enough, but we'd like said MU ships to ignore us in return to make it fair.
    Sometimes you'll get lucky (because they are likely ganging on someone else), but you'll eventually have to deal with phaser spam if they decide to camp exactly where you don't want them to.

    you want to drag the crystal away from the rifts and away from the spawn and it is fine
    Matriarch of Banished Orion Girls. Neela D'tan
    @captaintpol (with many alts)
    May we sail and have fun always and forever. LLAP

    (PC version NW)
    Arwen@captaintpol TR - Tully's of RiverRun
    Mai Kelly DC-Tully's of RiverRun
    Neela BumKisses HR-
    Arya Stark GF-
    Sansa Stark CW- Team Fencebane
    Crystal Marie OP-

    (xbox version NW)
    Arwen@Admiral Jazdia TR- Team Fenebane
    Mai Kelly DC- " "
    Ahsoka Tano CW- " "
    Neela BumKisser HR- " "
  • sohtohsohtoh Member Posts: 620 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Played a bugged version yesterday. Took about 45 minutes to complete. While difficult, was a lot of fun. Made me think that there could be room for another difficulty level beyond normal and elite; like say normal, advanced (the old elite), and elite (new verison).
    "I'm not big on telepaths myself. I'm not big on guns either. But if everyone else has them, I want to make sure I can get my hands on the biggest one I can."
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,669 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    At least they've posted a fix to the Redshirt test server, I hope it'll be on Holodeck in a day or two.

  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,404 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    you want to drag the crystal away from the rifts and away from the spawn and it is fine

    That's what I always try to do. It's just the dozen of phasers per second that occasionally deactivate my shield tend to disagree with this idea and want to explicitly make me aware of it.

    EDIT: And nice to see a fix on redshirt. However, as I suggested in the correct thread, 10 minutes between spawns sounds too much. How about 5 minutes so it can be difficult but not so difficult that even the Dominion would find it overkill.
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited September 2013
    Hi Captains,

    As you may have seen, we're testing some changes to the event on the Redshirt test server: Click here for patch notes.

    The current plan is to get these live on Monday morning after testing during the weekend. If you have a chance to jump on Redshirt and check out the changes, please be sure to leave your feedback in the Redshirt Feedback/ Discussion forum.

    We're also going to be looking at extending the end-date for the event, and once I have more details, I will be sure to share them with you.

    In the meantime, if you are in a map with an overwhelming amount of Mirror Universe ships, I would recommend you and your teammates to solely focus on the Entity. Additionally, as the Normal version of the event awards shards every 20 hours to eligible players, it may be best so run this version until the fixes go live. You will be getting a tad less Nukara or Fleet Marks each run, but Normal should get you through the Entity quicker, allowing you to get even more Marks from another event during the cooldown than if you were to run the Elite and take a bit longer.

    Thanks again for your patience and understanding as we addressed your feedback and concerns with the event, and fixed a few bugs.

    Have a great weekend!


    Brandon =/\=
  • omnia1960omnia1960 Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2013
    I have done that 3 times with 1 of my chars, tried NORMAL, yeah right. Could not finish it because of the blasted LAG and No SERVER RESPONSE. What the hell is going on ? At present the whole game is unplayable because of the lag and so forth.
    How about fixing the main "PROBLEMS" up first before putting new stuff on STO. By the start of the next season would be good idea and start listening to the people that play the game instead of being like an ostrich and sticking your head in the sand hoping for it to go away, because it won't.
    You people know what the bugs are, so get your act together and fix them.
    It maybe ok for the users that are close to the main servers, try coming over to the other side of the world and play STO, with the lag and bugs that we are experiencing are not exceptable for todays experts. Not very professional at all.

    real pissed off user :mad: :mad: :mad:
  • cwinters79cwinters79 Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Thanks Brandon, that'll help.

    Since I have no way to contact you (all are bugged), and you are truly resolving issues..

    Please take one minute and check first and last posts of this tidal wave of Bugreports from last december someone forgot to handle. Thank you.
  • jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
    edited September 2013
    Thanks for the heads up Brandon, hopefully the bugs are fixed and the way it is without bugs is not nerfed. It is fun when it is not bugged, plain frustrating when it is so it doesnt need a nerf.
    Join Date: Nobody cares.
    "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    revyremi wrote: »
    i have both the old and new ones slotted its working fine. click on the empty box and slot it simples.

    Done so. Not working.
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Hi Captains,

    As you may have seen, we're testing some changes to the event on the Redshirt test server: Click here for patch notes.

    The current plan is to get these live on Monday morning after testing during the weekend. If you have a chance to jump on Redshirt and check out the changes, please be sure to leave your feedback in the Redshirt Feedback/ Discussion forum.

    We're also going to be looking at extending the end-date for the event, and once I have more details, I will be sure to share them with you.

    In the meantime, if you are in a map with an overwhelming amount of Mirror Universe ships, I would recommend you and your teammates to solely focus on the Entity. Additionally, as the Normal version of the event awards shards every 20 hours to eligible players, it may be best so run this version until the fixes go live. You will be getting a tad less Nukara or Fleet Marks each run, but Normal should get you through the Entity quicker, allowing you to get even more Marks from another event during the cooldown than if you were to run the Elite and take a bit longer.

    Thanks again for your patience and understanding as we addressed your feedback and concerns with the event, and fixed a few bugs.

    Have a great weekend!


    Brandon =/\=

    Why was the fix for my mission not starting, ytou pulling the Mission from me. I WANTED the pet, not this other TRIBBLE. I am seriously pissed my mission was canceled without my conset.

    Such BUll.
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ok, I was abel to start the mission on some but not all.

    I wonder if it is a chichekn and the egg situation as those I did not take a mission on or attempt to use a shard to start an old or new mision, started without issue. It is only the toons that I had used the Crystal mission in some form before thursday that has an issue.

    May the issue is that the shard that I have in my inventory cannot have existed or been awarded before the mission iteself was ever taken. In other words I have a miossion that when taken gives the first of the reward to start the mission proper like we did with the Risan mission and its one free pearl to start up the accept challenge mission for the Risan corvette. Hrm, not a programmer.

    Just a disappointed customer yet again,.
  • perfectcrypticperfectcryptic Member Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I just hope Cryptic adds the same sort of punishment for leaving this PVE as the STFs. How are you supposed to complete it when people bail? Looking forward to the fix after the event has finished, as usual.

    Noticed the CE is getting closer to the planet. Ground event next time? Either you get blinded too close to the planet, smoked out by Tykens, or sensor interference.. sweet.
  • mktormktor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Actually found elite more finsihable than normal, maybe its the players but its also dependent on the phase randomness. If you get rifts and MU last phase on normal.. leave. Haven't had an elite have MU on last phase.

    And focusing on CE isn't about MU leaving you alone thats not going to happen as it is atm, its just about getting CE to the next phase asapd
  • pilotab1pilotab1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    What time does the shard bonus reset. I know it's once a day I just wasn't sure if it was at the same time everyday or if it was 24 hours from when you got your last one. Just curious.
  • malaksilvermalaksilver Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Sweet, have been waiting for this to start again
    http://www.thefortunebooks.com/ -check it out its awesome
  • malaksilvermalaksilver Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    its about once every 20 hours
    http://www.thefortunebooks.com/ -check it out its awesome
  • gofasternowgofasternow Member Posts: 1,390 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    pilotab1 wrote: »
    What time does the shard bonus reset. I know it's once a day I just wasn't sure if it was at the same time everyday or if it was 24 hours from when you got your last one. Just curious.

    It's 20 hours from when you last played it. So, if you played it at 8 PM the first day, it'll be ready at 4 PM the next day
  • revyremirevyremi Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I just hope Cryptic adds the same sort of punishment for leaving this PVE as the STFs. How are you supposed to complete it when people bail? Looking forward to the fix after the event has finished, as usual.

    Noticed the CE is getting closer to the planet. Ground event next time? Either you get blinded too close to the planet, smoked out by Tykens, or sensor interference.. sweet.

    why should someone stick around when everyone has flown off attacking mirror ships letting the CE heal again.

    ignore the ships people just nuke same as every encounter in the game nuke job done
  • revyremirevyremi Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Cryptic's design philosophy: MOAR ENEMEHS! That's challenging, right guys!?

    less bad guys, more harder to kill bad guys pls
  • perfectcrypticperfectcryptic Member Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    revyremi wrote: »
    why should someone stick around when everyone has flown off attacking mirror ships letting the CE heal again.

    ignore the ships people just nuke same as every encounter in the game nuke job done

    Sorry was being sarcastic. Was doing elite and the CE was under 20% when all the MU ships suddenly appeared. Got there in the end.

    There is no consistency.. same with everything else in the game. One minute Cure space is working next it isn't.. and you get punished. Fixed how many months ago and now back in. When is the fix coming for that..
This discussion has been closed.