It's safe to delete, as Steam is responsible for setting/removing registry values and creating/removing desktop shortcuts and the like. Deleting it won't cause issues with Steam if you've done the uninstall process, since the underlying issue here is that STO doesn't update via Steam and so consequently the Steam uninstall…
Had an interesting bug on this one, destroyed all the klinks at the end of the map, mission script didn't advance to completion. One guy who dropped aceton assimilators ragequitted. said assimilators went hostile, I popped them, and they counted for mission completion.
Having the same problem, most noticeable when "always face forward" suddenly changes back to the default of "off." Autoattack also disables itself, and aim mode changes from toggle back to hold. This bug last existed a couple years ago Cryptic, what happened?
That's some impressive syntactic ambiguity. Are you saying the thread is no longer relevant and no longer full of lies, or are you saying that the thread is no longer relevant, and is full of lies? Oxford commas work bruh.
About the only ways you'd be hit with an AFK penalty and not be AFK in this game are if your teammates are all doing 180,000 dps or more or you don't participate in combat at all, just completing the mission. The reason being that any bog standard newbie with vendor trash gear is going to do at least 1800 dps without even…
Because they actually did reuse some assets from Champions Online in STO. A good example of one I know about is the Engineer's cover shield, aka the power armor energy shield from CO.
Hit ctrl-x to pull up the transfers window and check to see if it's actually stalled. It may just be pulling files one at a time due to the patch server being so overwhelmed.
If it's consistent at 10 minutes check to see if your system is configured to enter a power-saving mode after 10 minutes of inactivity. That might be causing the crash.
Also, there's a neat inconsistency with the control settings, particularly for ground. Ground's default is for autoattack to be disabled (gj breaking autoattack again Cryptic, brings back memories lol), but if you already have it enabled on your weapons in your power bar, it still works.
Yup, got the same problem here, settings get reset upon loading the game options window. Moreover, I can't change both space and ground because switching between them causes the other to reset to defaults.
Figured out a workaround of sorts, and a possible culprit as well: for some reason, the tooltips in the exchange want to snap to the right edge of the exchange window, but if there isn't enough room (horizontally) the tooltip then instead starts out next to the mouse cursor and attempts to snap onto whatever edge of the…
Same. Was actually in-game and got a massive bout of lag, disconnected, and subsequent login attempts take several minutes just to get past the account server, another minute or so for the login server, and then I get a blank characters page that only lets me go back to the login screen. Quit out and tried the launcher,…
Doesn't it also work as a convenient placeholder hardpoint for any future fleet starbase content add-ons? Because I seem to recall that the area now occupied by the aquariums used to have floor lighting.
Quick question: given that the server downtime for tomorrow is scheduled to last two hours into the event, is the event going to be extended two hours to compensate for this?
Bug 1 has been around for a long time. Fully quitting the game and relogging is the only current workaround for not being able to open the overflow bag. Bug 2 and 3, however, when you claim a ship off the c-store, it doesn't automatically get added to your ship list, you get a box item that contains the ship which you have…
Having this happen on my end as well. It appears to be a camera glitch as opposed to anything specific to the map, because the shaking occurs regardless of player ship movement if the camera is set to "follow target" and it locks onto the rear of the player ship. It's also not tied to antialiasing, so it's not a…
Yeah, I've gotten a couple of Trellium-K very rares after several days' worth of doing mainly story missions, and I can also confirm stacks (most I've seen is three mats at once, an uncommon and two commons). I'd also like to point out that the main reason most of you are only seeing a single proc per encounter is that the…
What you guys aren't seeing is that there's a 12-second cooldown (I think it's 12 seconds, anyway) applied to salvage specialist that isn't mentioned anywhere in its description, but it's applied to your ship, not to the energy weapon that got the proc.
FUD aside, right now the only thing that bugs me about Arc is that it doesn't detect my STO install, due to having installed it "from another platform," which is nonsense because those "other platforms" have been, up until now, the only way to get STO in the first place.
It's neither of those, actually. The bussard collectors are flat (whereas all of the assault cruiser's bussard collectors are arrowhead-shaped), and the bow of the saucer is cut open, akin to the NX-class, something none of the assault cruiser's saucers have.
Confirmed, seems to either be missing map geometry or materials. Also, are the handrails supposed to be that ugly, aside from the missing elements?
There's probably just too much going on at once for the game to handle it. I wouldn't be surprised if the game has an effective upper limit on the number of simultaneous sounds and you're running into it, since it tends to only be an issue on maps with more than your typical five maximum.