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What is the Arc Client?
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modesto118 Arc User



  • Did it say they may at anytime change the entire payment model and structure of the game and make the game free to play making your subscription, which you have paid good money for in good faith, pretty much worthless? I think not. Ripped off.
  • Like the lifetime subscription to a PAID FOR game like I did? Not the free to play game we have now with massive amounts of paid for content?? No, they moved the goal posts on me, am owed.
  • Anyone one know what the price of fleet modules was on the exchange after this announcement? No doubt they will be falling, rapidly. Will Cryptic/PWE still have the cheek to keep them at 500 zen in the C-store though? Despite the fact they are soon to become totally obsolete if they go ahead as planned? Probably.
  • Free.....but pointess. Why bother spending time leveling up a T5U ship knowing that when you hit the ceiling, someone in a T6 ship will be surpassing you and getting ready to dish out serious punishment in PVP and bump you down to 4th, 5th, 6th, last place in PVE. Upgrade another T5 (Because you paid for and love the ship)…
  • As a lifetime subscriber from the very beginning and someone who has spent further hard cash on ships, I have carefully reviewed this proposed T6 and T5U upgrade plan. In summary if this goes ahead as suggested I would feel right royally ripped off! I have spent serious amounts of money (hundreds) just for Cryptic/PWE to…
  • I had the same problem, worked initially but after a couple of swaps round it wouldn't show the Ody any more on at the ship customiser, just the currently selected shuttle. Switched to the Sovereign though and that worked but then went back to anyone of 3 Ody's and they wouldn't show still. When I leave the starbase as…