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Tribble Test Season 7



  • masiralmasiral Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I am really enjoying this update. The variety of mission types in the System Patrol in Tau Dewa is very nice, and it was a fun little trip. And then I went to New Romulus.

    WOW! The area itself is visually beautiful. Having each region labeled on the map was very helpful. There were plenty of new and interesting things to do. My only complaint was constant server problems. The server kept cutting out while I was in the middle of a firefight - not exactly the best time.

    The ability to change a character without logging out of the game completely is much appreciated!
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I have noticed that if I Eject Warp Plasma, I get maximum power in all categories. Not sure if a bug or feature. But nice.
  • marielangmarielang Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I for one am sick and tired of the resource drain and endless slog that the fleet base has become. Oh goodie hear come 2 more. I bought a lifetime membership for this???? YUCK! now we need evenmore dilithium and oh look Pukefest Wankers are takeing away a major source?? you get to grind borg but no dilith. If you Jerks think im gonna spend a dime Play another of your stinking games or anything else because im so overjoyed THINK AGIAN!!!! I truly hope to hell you rethink this TRIBBLE and Incress In game dilithium avaleablity since you want to crank up the demands for it. If not im gonna bite the bullet and weep for the funds ive already wasted buy a play station and say so long cryptic.
  • marielangmarielang Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    ardhen1 wrote: »
    Where to start where this season is going to be the worst ever.

    "Reputation System" (grind system)
    DOff grinder dilithum increase.
    STF reward Nerf

    I just finished playing that new stf, on normal it took forever, they cut through my mk12 honor guard equipment like it wasn't there. And when it was finally over about an hour later. I got NOTHING.. no dilithum, no omega marks. No shiny drops I could vendor, no shiny drops I could convert to dilthum for a nice weapon.

    I didn't even get the reward I was supposed to.

    Reputation system is just another grind, it only benefits the people that have the time to generate the resources.

    I got an infraction on this board before because I spoke out against the old STFs.. oddly they changed less than 6 months later so you didn't have to play a long drawn out horrible mission for little reward. (Oddly my infraction stands though my point was obviously valid)

    I will once again stop playing STFs because there is not enough reward for the effort put in.
    I won't participate in your reputation system because honestly it's just another resource hog grind. I have enough of that with starbases. And it has nothing to do with reputation. Would have been better if this system actually was reputation bases on statistics through STFs like average dies per stf vs average kills ect... based on performance.

    Everything is not costing and requiring dilithum, but one of the main sources of dilithum is being reduced.

    I like the new missions, I dislike the lack of any rewards. (or any substantial rewards)
    I mean I've gotta grind Omega marks and other resources so I gotta grind omega marks to buy stuff, oh and I have to also use dilithum to do both grinds? Keep it.

    I like the idea of the rep system, I dislike it's nothing but a grind reward.

    Don't matter though, there will be enough on here will praise the grind TRIBBLE, because they like it.

    This is a game, not a job... grind this to be able to buy this, but you have to grind before you grind, then you have to grind to grind.

    Who there has lost their mind? And who's idea of fun is endless grinding?

    Of course as a lifer my opinion does not matter since you already got my money. I'm just sad to see changes that will drive most long term players off.

    dang should have read this post before I made mine im sure ill get slamed deleted or kicked off now since I too think this new resource drain and the reduction of ingame availabilty of those is reduced is a crock and honestly said so.
  • marielangmarielang Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Are you a long time player like me????? have you bought a lifetime ??? do you have multible toons ??? you just got it up the wazoo cause you now have to spend large amouts of dilith just to get things used to get in free drops. and they reduced the amout you get THANKS FOR NOTHING YOU JERKS. PUKEFEST WORLD is worst thing to happen to STO.
  • grievasgrievas Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    my experience with the season 7 stuff was largely positive, however I also am worried about the endless grind.

    here are some things I found of note:

    1. releasing a mine gives the ship a little push
    2. venting plasma speeds up the ship, is that intentional? (venting plasma and evasive together make you almost go to warp)

    3. I like the new zone on new Romulus and also the new scanning minigame.
    4. in the embassy there is a flickering tailor console on the ops level (something wrong with the 3d model?)

    5. The Tau Dewa patrol missions seem nice but very repetitive
    6. also you can just sit at one system and do the same mission over and over it seems.
    7. I like the style of the mission at Glorndon with herding the Gekli, but the amount of attackers was just too big and they could not be avoided.

    8. I too noticed the bug with the ship tailor displaying the shuttle instead of some of the starships
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I mistakenly posted all of my feedback regarding Season 7 to the zombied thread over here.


    Just noticed the new loading screen where the background image is now boxed, making it a little easier to read the game tips on the screen.

    Red Alert on New Romulous can suck. Tholians are not in visual sight so you must run around searching for them.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    It feels like everything is loading faster!
  • leeanthonyivleeanthonyiv Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Love New Romulus; It's bright and new not dark and dull like all of the other planets.

    Love the fact that there are missions to help and interact with the Romulans and not just fighting but there is just a touch of fighting like in the original Star Trek to keep the ratings up with the Westerns at the time.

    I hope that the missions at each planet varies from time to time otherwise it will get monotonous.

    There is still quite a bit of lag happening right now.
    Respawn time is bit quick and needs to be adjusted.

    Hope to see more missions on the planet as well as in this sector of space.
  • cowboys3769cowboys3769 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    :)OK this is good so far al but no dil on the stf and they could be a little harded.
  • deadzonzdeadzonz Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    i really like the change in look you guys made, and i'm really enjoying the new season 7 mission.
  • petrossipetrossi Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Only played ground quests so far but after more than an hour doing them I have enjoyed them. I like the variety of quests. Took me a little while to understand that I have to quest until the percentage reaches 100, as apposed to doing a certain number of things, but that is just me. I did not experience any bugs.
  • hfmuddhfmudd Member Posts: 881 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    (reposted from wrong thread)

    While I like that we can now see the quality level of our bridge officers, having the commbadges tinted bothers me. Fedside, I liked the contrast and consistency of basic black arrowhead plus department color. Now my mild nerdly OCD is pinging and some of the color combos (Tac BO of Green quality) are not pleasing to my eye.

    Would coloring only the category on the paperdoll screen (e.g. "Starfleet Engineering Bridge Officer"), as it is now, suffice? You can even color their informal name on the side tabs (though I wish you wouldn't, personally). Just don't color the commbadges, please.
    Join Date: January 2011
  • idontmind77idontmind77 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    If not mentioned yet, please note: The notification when something is sold via exchange does not display the "amount" in the chat window. On holodeck it does.
  • elvis4410elvis4410 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    While I like many of the changes for season 7, I hate how they've nerfed the borg set. Some of us lifers worked hard to get it and use it effectively and now to change it because SOME feel it gives an unfair advantage is just plain wrong. If you want to add new sets to change the game up, GREAT! But dont take away features we actually like...
  • sythkainynsythkainyn Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Can't customize the Odyssey Tac. Will only bring up the Small Craft that's been readied. (checked and it will allow the other ships I have including the regular Odyssey that I then discarding in the hopes that the Tac would then be customizable) Also, unless I just missed it working while having the 'small' craft 'active' how are you supposed to customize them when the ship 'tailor' DOES recognize your big ship as being there?

    After doing a Tau patrol (defeating ships that are attacking 3 warbirds) I went to look at the station looking thing in the instance, and heard 'looks like you could use some help' from Shran a 2nd time. When I arrived at DS9 to look around for a converter for my borg chips and salvage...I kept hearing Shran repeat 'looks like you could use some help' over again about every couple of minutes.

    Romulan Reptuation system costs officers. This makes no sense. You can't assign officers to work for other people's governments on a permanent basis... also... the fleet system already costs too blasted many officers. (if the omega rep costs officers, then while it's less far fetched, it's still annoying.)

    Romulan Reputation and Omega Reputation cost dilithium. As if I don't already have a huge enough sink on my paltry sum of dilithium from the fleet star base, duty officer upgrades, ship gear, fleet vendors, crafting 'unreplicateables' and so on. At least it seemed to be under 1,000 but still... Grinding isn't fun.

    Being in a Fleet does not copy over, nor does your fleet (at least it's existence) even if your copied character is the leader of a fleet. This makes testing fleet related things...difficult... especially if you're the only one in your fleet with the time to try out things on Tribble...

    The System seems to remember which weapon I had (of the 2 equipped) selected when I change zones. Yay!

    Timer shows up on Advanced Slipstream Drive. Yay!

    Romulans. Yay!

    Reputation Systems. I like having a Rep system with other factions and the Omega force and being able to get new skills and not have to repeatedly go on stfs hoping to get a specific drop for gear. However, I dislike that I have to spend lots of credits (when missions don't pay you even a tenth of what it costs to buy that stuff, it's a lot. Especially with the absurd exchange prices for most things) on items to 'give them' and that I have to use marks instead of just getting something like commendation points for the missions and then maybe duty missions to DO something with it...

    Everything else I tried out in the new sector block seemed to work all right... Although I never did find the Tholian Red Alert...the only alert I found was a borg one that was already over and persisted... so it was warp in-warp out. Oh, the Azure Nebula's map icon seemed to suggest it was supposed to have an interaction (like patrol sectors) but it didn't. Not sure if it's supposed to have something besides a PvE event that occurs 'in' it or if it's not supposed to look that way on the map.
  • modesto118modesto118 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    sythkainyn wrote: »
    Can't customize the Odyssey Tac. Will only bring up the Small Craft that's been readied.

    I had the same problem, worked initially but after a couple of swaps round it wouldn't show the Ody any more on at the ship customiser, just the currently selected shuttle. Switched to the Sovereign though and that worked but then went back to anyone of 3 Ody's and they wouldn't show still.

    When I leave the starbase as well, the ship shield status shows the name of my shuttle although the ship on screen is the Ody. Also when I visit the bridge it is the shuttle cockpit not the Ody bridge.

    Tried The hive space Elite STF, that was rock solid and unbeatable with a full team with all XII purple gear. I take it there is a tactic they have for us to work out otherwise it's Kobyashi Maru!
  • revleighrevleigh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    So far I love Season 7.
    New Romulus is good. Apart from the actual mission content, I really like the vastness of it. It does seem a little mismatched though to be honest. But that's not the game play, its more just the design. Obviously that will be updated and expanded upon at some point.
    But as a planet, I find it brilliant to be able to actually explore without really being aware of the confines of the area.

    Into The Hive did have a bug for me though. The Queen fell off the side when battling her and the game continued despite the fact she was stuck underneath somewhere. But it didn't progress or right itself, so after 20 minutes of waiting and dodging the beams and floor, we all gave up. You would of thought with all her knowledge and her desperate pursuit for perfection, she would pay attention to where shes going. Perhaps she was a little drunk? It was Saturday night after all. Silly old queen. Actually Ive been called that a few times in my life too!
    The second time I played it was fine.
    Looks great, sounds great and to be honest, its a little scary too.
    When we thought we had beaten her and then she comes back going crazy on the ceiling, well, that was unexpected.
    Really hard though. I didn't play it on Elite level, so I really dread to think how much harder it is.
    I'm sure some of you people wouldn't have a problem though, knowing how brilliant some of the players are.

    Anyway, Season 7 looks Tony the Tiger Grrrrreat! Cant wait for the actual release.
  • v851v851 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    So far, I like it. I like the new Romulus, I can't wait for it's launch in game play
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    rocmist wrote: »
    (I could not start a new thread, so I am posting the bugs that I found here)

    PvE Queue
    - Does not show the people waiting in the queue, it is very difficult to know which one to join and which ones have no-one waiting (possible not a bug)

    Azure Nebula Rescue
    - multiple people can click on disable tractor beam which are protecting the ships, normally the person that clicked the button would be the "active" person and the button would disappear for everyone else

    The Vault: Ensnared
    - The mission ended and the leave map option appeared before optional objective was completed
    - An additional ship appeared after a ship was destroyed even with the leave map was active (mission ended)

    Hive Onslaught
    - After completing the PvE no Omega marks were given


    Thanks for the reminder. I knew there was a glaring problem with the PvE queue where it lost the count of the minimum needed. If they do not want a number to prevent people avoiding certain queues due to low interest, is there a visual cue to let us know which ones are almost full? I think there may be a color designation.
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Okay -- into the testing, and it's pretty cool.

    I like how in the "defeat X of Y" patrol missions, instead of going out to hunt each wave down when they're just floating around, you're actually fighting alongside besiged Romulans and the enemy waves come in one at a time as the last one goes down -- it creates a great continuity of battle and ups the intensity, since you don't get a nice, easy block of time to recuperate between attacks.

    The reputation system's... there. It's effectively the same as the others, which is cool, but it bugs me that I go out and patrol or fight deep space encounters on behalf of the Romulans, and maybe get a few marks that don't actually do anything for my rep until I run a project in the system. It's like... "hey, thanks for defending our sector and saving our bacon... but if you want us to actually appreciate your efforts, cough up some dilithium and a few provisions for our troops or stop wasting our time." I expect that from the Fleet or Omega -- the Fleet it's all about building things up, and Omega's part of a wartime effort. The Romulans I'd like to be pretty impressed with how I'm putting my ship, crew and self on the line for them, even if I don't help them build their rec center right away.

    I mean -- seriously. I'm at zero Reputation until I cough up Entertainment Provisions for their colony? Fighting off the Tholians is meaningless until I arrange a USO show? Oh, and then it doesn't count for a couple of days -- which means until they actually finish building that rec center, then the heck with me and my help? Borg you, buddies! I'm sorry you can't unlock the shop where I can buy the plasma rifles -- oh yeah, you're not giving me a rifle, I get to buy it -- until after you've finished spending a couple of days putting my 'support' into place even though I'm hosing off the corridors where my crew died during the firefight to get there.

    Oh no, wait. I got Marks in that firefight. So you're going to graciously let me help you with building that rec center because I risked life, limb and crew on your behalf. I take it all back!

    Seriously, I'm exaggerating my annoyance for comic effect, but this is a bit ridiculous. They came to us for help, and we're doing all this tohelp, but none of it counts before the projects? That doesn't work for this kind of reputation grind -- again, this isn't part of being a task force or building a fleet. This is actually working on behalf of a faction. The projects should be the most lucrative method for Reputation, but they shouldn't be the only one. At the very least, give us the option to burn off Marks for reputation directly.

    The Vesta is gorgeous... hanging there in Earth Spacedock, since it doesn't seem to be in the store as yet. Which is fine -- I don't actually mind that. But maybe mention it in the Season 7 notes so people don't try and figure out if they're just not seeing it.

    Agreed with the above on the "swapping characters without logging out" thing. It's surprising just how nice a perk that is.

    I'll keep going, but I wanted to get my early impressions down. Beautiful sector, well laid out missions, nice UI tweaks, and 'bwah -- the heck is wrong with these people' Romulan Faction Reputation system.

    Your "comic relief" perfectly captures my and I am sure others feelings on the reputation system.
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Oh yeah, the bug where the login screen defaults to a Cryptic login instead of Perfect World one is still there. It forces me to attempt logging in again if I forget to switch it over to PWE. I take it this will be fixed when we all switch to a PWE login?
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Anyone else notice things like the Romulan researcher and the viver cat are answers to the once long ago thread where we asked for animals and creatures to explore. It was in some long ago thread where someone even made a mock of species we would hunt through our the galaxy to add to our records. Can't remember that player's name though, but it is in the forum archives.
  • dunmovyndunmovyn Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Every space battle I played, the notice of completion pops up, and asks if you are ready to leave, and if you immediately respond, you are givena message that you cannot leave while in combat. You need to adjust for proper cooldown, before the popup completion message.

    Also, in the mission where the Gekli are hearded, there is a glitch at the end, right before the final battle notice comes up. Somehow , I guess we killed the last foe before it was expected to happen, and the mission hung for a bit. We wandered around over the map, and it finally cleared, without any more foes appearing. But we got a flash of the last battle notice by our bridge officer. It was strange. Then the Gekli started moving again, and it completed.
  • marielangmarielang Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I know im a girl and we tend to be more emotinal but cryed last night was so mad then just got sad. this was my favorite game been on near 2 years even bought the lifetime last month. now ses 7 feels like STO is saying up yours. hear is you reward for all your loyalty. you bought the slots for 23 toon now you gotta grind resorces for all of them to get anything. oh and as an extra special F'you we will reduce what you can get. Thanks for nothing STO.
  • trwarbucktrwarbuck Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I spent a lot of time on the Tribble on 11/03/2012 and so far everything looks nice. I love that the Reman set made its way over to the Reputation system. I like the fact that the advancement system for Reputation isn't to outrageous and to me doesn't look like it would interfere that much with Fleet Starbase advancement.
    The only problem I have encountered is load time. Loading New Romulus time like 10 minutes for me. My wife had problems loading into a combat situation yesterday and my son-in-law waited for nearly and hour for New Romulus to load, it never did.
    But with you guys collecting feedback and looking in to the problems I would think they would be solved before Season 7 went live.

    Greet new feature.
  • marielangmarielang Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    the following text copy of email sent to my friends

    Im so sorry y'all. I know I pressured and persuaded many of you to come play STO with me. It was such fun back then. Then came free 2 play ? No as many of you have complaned is not realy not if you want to have the realy cool stuff. I was not crazy about lock boxes but understood this is buisness and they need to make a Profit. but now well lets face it the money grubbers are in total control it seems. Season 7 and the "new more fair reputation system" is a Lie. Not even a good one at that now you need even more resources and they are cutting back on dilith rewards??? I know that many of you dont have the time to grind for whats needed now. we lost bun already and i know at least 2 more of you said are leaveing. I just want you to know I dont blame you. If I had not bought a life time I would join you. I do give my word tho ive bought my last zen card. I will never buy another. I refuse to pump one more dime into PW's coffers. It will make the game much more dull and tedious and probly wont be on as much so for those staying sorry for that. anyone who hasnt come over yet Please dont I can no longer recomend STO.
    your friend marie
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    What is that Transwarp gate for outside orbit of New Romulus. I cant seem to use it.

    Also, the radiation sample cost to Romulan mark reward is worse than the academy event to get dilithium. Geez. 100 radiation reports for 8 marks?! and 300 for just 30.

    Just noticed the Warp to Sector button is not available when in New Romulous orbit. What's up with that?
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    There really needs to be a Fleet category at the Choose Starship console./npc instead of having it all on the Vice Admiral category. There is already an All Ships cetegory for that.

    Odd, I cant seem to buy the Akira Heavy Escort Cruiser onTribble. Price is listed as null "-". I know I dont own this one already on either server so this is odd. It's the same thing for the Caitin Atrox Carier and the Assult Cruiser retrofit. Also the Odyessey set.

    Ok, I think I know why. I appear to still have access to the CRYPTIC store before the switch to PWE & Free to play back when we still had the Winter Wonderland of 2011. LOL. Too bad I can't have access to the same store on Holodeck.
  • hawkenburg2hawkenburg2 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    Been a lifer sense beta and the new reputation system bothers me. with the reduction in the amount of dilithium we now have even more things to spend them on. I run a small fleet which has to grind hard to keep up with the specials that we decide we want and now we find that not only will this be impossible to do but all the new reputation content sucks up even more, and this is to get the stuff we us to get as we were grinding dilithium. I remember hearing that you were going to make things easer for small fleets to work on their stations but now it looks like that was a lie.

    I was bothered by the 1000 dilithium needed to do a general recruitment and then offended by the amount needed to trade in my lower level duty officers for better ones. 500 to trade 5 commons (which now cost 1k to buy) for one green, which costs 2500 to trade in 5 greens for 1 blue, and those cost 5000 to trade in 5 of them for one purple. which means that one purple will end up costing you 25000 dilithium to get. That is a bit over the top.

    If you are going to take up the amount of dilithium needed to get things done in this game, do not reduce the amount of dilithium we can get. it makes the game very boring and not worth spending time on.

    New Romulus looks good, just not sure about the feel yet. It will be intresting to see where that story line will lead. Its just to bad that I had the feeling that story was all I was getting form my visit. No new captain levels and the rewards were leads to more grinding (not a fun prospect).

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