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majorone1 Arc User



  • I have wondered the same thing about adding the new T6 ships myself. Seems very redundant to me. I know they are adding the the supposedly 'vast' Delta quadrant (I am guessing it will still only take 5 min to cross the entire Delta quadrant, judging by fact the entire map they have now ony takes 10 min to travel across the…
  • Seeing the problem is so wide spread I am surprised there has nor been an update to Facebook page or here from Cryptic
  • YES. Exactly. This is a Star Trek game where we already have mirror universe's where bad things happen. PLUS in the real world you have fractions, like from the Klingon empire for example, radicals. Like ISIS. Fleets would have to organize against them, corrdinate and then engauge them! Would give Fleets something to do…
  • I think they should let all ranks and classes fly in the zone but make the zone so large it someone wanted to pick on you it be a matter of chance they found you, and also make the huge zones full of vavuable stuff that makes the risk of going there worth it. It would make this game WAY less dull I think IMHO.
  • I think a very doable idea is to make huge PvEvP sectors where random battles between NPC ships races and fleets would occur. You be notified of a current battle going on, you could then join the battle choosing your side you might want to fight for. Make it huge open space instance where it always varies who's fighting…
  • Completely agree with OP. I would love to see large sectors of space where anything might happen. I LOVE the "Elite Dangerous" game type concept. Wishing it could applied to a Star Trek game. Easy for people who don't want PvP just don't venture there. Would make the game way more enjoyable. Same old STF's over and over…
  • I think this No Man's Sky thing would fit perfectly in a Strek Trek themed game. Imagine taking your captial star ship relly into deep space and discovering new planets like this does. Great concept. They make a Star Trek themem game like that, it would be a instant $$$$ maker long long long term.
  • Yes that scene was very draining for DeForest Kelly who had recently loss his own father at the time. It's said he needed to have time alone just after filming that scene to recover a bit. Interesting stuff.
  • Sounds to me like T6 ships mean beginning yet another long long grind. From the sounds of it they are departing Star Trek cannon completely. My question: WHY grind away for a shiney new T6 ship when there isn't anyplace to really take it except to the same old places, with same old battles they have the same no meaning?…
  • I think they could do a lot with STO by just really really expanding space, adding many more dynamic generated instances. I like the PvEvP concept. Make ramdom things happen in deep space I like the war zone concept, only much bigger. Where you just might come across some race/fleet NPC action going in and choose to fight…
  • I agree with the OP. I like those things about this game too. Now that my ship is Buff I like being able to heal another struggling playes ship out of the blue. makes me feel Star Fleet Captain like :-) STO I found 4 months ago and is the only game I now play. It is by far the funest MMO I have played and I was a old SFC…
  • They should bring this idea back but maybe refine it a little. Make it happen rarely, make it so you can send a disstress signal to your friends/fleet duration of 20 sec's or something, which they can then warp to you. This would make GREAT PvP battles as well as PvE. Would be a change of the same old predicable same old.
  • Game balancing!!! WHY can't they just do this? Expansions are all well and good but how about addressing the issues players have been complaining about for years with this game?? For instance, and one of my pet peives, PvP would be a absolute RIOT to play, but it's not, because fresh lvl 50 players go there and get blown…
  • Yes, to actually say 'hel'l was something on TV back in the 1960's. :-) Great episode!
  • As a kis I watched TOS first run on TV, my friends and I had half the playground playing Star Trek at recess. Youtune has "Star Trek Continues" now, a fan based professional production deticated to finishing the last 2 years of episodes from the orginal 5 year mission of the orginal series. If anyone hasn't seen it, it…
  • I have a realated question: I have the Dyson set and use Polaron beam weapons from the Dyson rep store. Are the fleet versions of these polaron beam weapons better or should I stay with what I have?? Thanks for any and all insights!!
  • From what I saw in interviews on youtube their aim with this is to finish the last two years of episodes of the orginal 5 year mission from the show. The reason they are taking so long per episode is of course budgets, and they want the stories to be up to par with the quality and feel of the orginal series. So far they…
  • I get the OP's meaning I feel the same way myself actually. I have been eye balling the fleet version of the ship I always fly from time to time. Thinking it would be nice to have extra hull points, extra console slot ect, but would actually it be worth it? I can fly any PvE and hold my own now with the ship I have now.…
  • Just watched another recent video of someone playing the Alfa 4 beta of Elite Dangerous. I have to say I am really loving how you can fly to different worlds, buy a commodity low, fly to a different world and sell it high, all while flying through sometimes dangerous space to do so. Only one of the ways to make $$$$ to…
  • I really like how space travel is looking, with unknown contacts and objects popping up on sensors as your traveling along. WOW this looks really cool!! It is how I wish STO was.
  • I too am excited about this game. I played it as well in the 80's and liked the open feel of space even then. It's going to feature the actual Milky Way Galaxy! I too wish they could make a Star Trek game like this!!!! I suppose you could have a 400 billion star system to explore, but if there's nothing there it could get…
  • I think both Kirk and Picard lead by example on this subject. ;-)
    in Marriage Comment by majorone1 July 2014
  • Good point. Perhaps striking a happy medium would be better. It's great to see space packed with ships, but if your in the same boxes doing the same things over and over the game becomes unenjoyable and untimately just as unmarkable over time. With nothing really new or anyplace to really go. Especially in the face of new…
  • I like the ideas here. I think space in STO needs to be ripped wide open. Meaning much much larger! You simply shouldn't be able to travel across all known space in 10 min's. I like the idea of perhaps getting jumped by hostiles and deciding to fight or run on the spot weather it's PVP or PvE. It would make the game way…
  • My idea for PvP would be to make a vast area of space that's explorable with lots of valuable stuff in it making it worth venturing there. Make it open for any rank and ship class, although it would be an enter at own risk type zone. Should you be attacked which you surely would be, make the act of the attack create an…
  • So far from what I have heard of SC and Elite Dangerous I am leaning toward Elite myself. I am hoping for a lot from the upcoming expansion for STO BUT I suspect they will only add another race or something and it will just be more of the same same same PvE and PvP missions over and over and over again. Personally I like…
  • I also loved how they changed the show's introduction to reflect the mirror universe, "These are the continuing conquest of the star ship Enterprise".....LOL
  • You know seems like CBS would see this and light bulbs would be going off in their heads. This is good stuff. I love the fact they didn't modernize it but kept everything just like it was in the orginal!! I love it! I watched a few videos on youtube of the making of the show. The actor who plays Kirk has been a super fan…
  • SOMETHING has to be done with PvP to actually make it FUN to play! Right now it's just an excercise in frustration. BALANCING would not be that difficult. Put players in a game where they can actually make a battle out of it. No fun getting blown out of the stars over and over again in your dreadought by a tiny BOP who…
  • I discovered Star Trek Continues a few months ago on Youtube. At 1st I thought it was going to be some sort of comical spoof of the orginal series, as I watched I was truly impressed! The level of detail was amazing. The stories felt like the old series. The acting was terriffic as well. They even brought back the orginal…