'It' can be a lot of things. I'm not excusing releasing a product before it was ready, but at the same time, you're implying ignorance or laziness- I'm arguing time constraints. Especially in something with as much code as in an MMO.
It could be they're working on them and haven't been able to fix them in time- bugs can be squirrely things that are more complex to fix than you'd thinks.
Let's be honest here. From a marketing perspective, refinement and bug-fixing isn't 'sexy'. Expansions bring in new subscribers and get folks to shell out in the Zen store. 'Reduced face flicker on ATI video cards' well, doesn't. As a business entity it makes more sense to focus more resources on new stuff than to refine…
Precisely, the high zen prices mean that it's actually UNDERburderned, (so to speak). If everyone is spending dil on things like fleet projects, gear, etc, they have less dil to spend on zen. If people have less dil to spend on zen, people selling zen aren't able to charge as much if they want to move what they're selling…
We've gone into extensive detail as to why an intel officer is not the same as a 'put there to spy on you' officer. Which you've chosen to overlook. That aside, why not, y'know...just ignore that things that are bugging you?
Personally? Love the Rommie and Klink designs, don't mind the Guardian, don't care for the rest. But hey, I plan to upgrade my Armitage when I get the chance and stick with that...so what do I know?
Nope. The responsibilities of an operations are (quoting from memory alpha here): "On board starships, the role of the operations officer evolved from older 23rd century positions, involving some functions of the Navigator, Science officer and even Engineer (although the bulk of duties of which the Navigator and Helmsman…
...you're being deliberately obtuse. I'm making the point that even in the Soviet Union, they were ENTIRELY DIFFERENT POSITIONS. A political officer's job was to ensure party/government loyalty, period. His job was internal- spying on his own crew members. An intel officer's job is to gather/analyze information so the ship…
Correct me if I'm wrong here but two things: 1) First Officer is a position, not a specialization. A first officer is simply the second in command of a starship- they could have come up through tactical, sciences, operations...any of a number of specializations. As such, giving a simple 'First officer' BOFF is redundant,…