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leonshay Arc User



  • A few useful facts to keep in mind. * incompetent rainbow dps < incompetent single-beam dps < competent rainbow dps < competent single beam dps * rainbow visibility >> single beam visibility * population of incompetent players >>> population of competent players * immunity to criticism, no matter how unwarranted = not…
  • They buffed the FHCR (along with a couple of other older fleet ships) in a patch a bit ago, bringing their shields in line with other fleet variants. I can't recall all the details, though. I agree that, if you already have the Excelsior-R and a tier 3 shipyard, you should take it if for no other reason than the fleet…
  • You might consider taking a look at the fleet heavy cruiser (Dakota) retrofit as well. Compared to the fleet Excelsior: * 3,300 less hull * Trades a tactical console for a science console. * Same turn rate. * Trades ensign engineering for ensign tactical. * Trades Lt engineering for Lt tactical. * Trades LtC tactical for…
  • Always fun to see people throwing Jam Sensors on Khitomer/Cure probes as well. Good job guys; now you're safe.
  • All of the above, and that's not been my experience whatsoever. Maybe we're talking about a play timescale much further out than mine, but my expertise pool has been fairly steady at 1.5 mil for some time now despite T5 reps and contributions to a small-pop fleet.
  • Cure Found, space elite. Me: fleet heavy cruiser retro, specced heal/tank. Them:* Defiant. Good DPS and knew the strat, but would pointedly leave teammates struggling with spawns instead of helping kill them. * Prometheus. Oh lord, this captain. Took no actions except sitting motionless and unloading on cubes. Died dozens…
  • I might say that indeed. I truly don't understand how you can be short on expertise. Do you do missions at all?
  • Don't oversell yourself. And if the devs had your mindset, things would stay that way.
  • I second Sirokk's suggestions. A few more: I would try replacing HYT with AP Beta. You lose out on the visceral feel of launching a torpedo salvo, but I found my killing power improve drastically when I made this switch. Be sure to save it until their shields are down, since damage resist debuffs don't affect shields. I…