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khaldun1 Arc User



  • In Oregon and having the same issues. Cogent needs to get their stuff together. This is freaking old. Customers deserve better service than what they have been passing off for the past year or two.
  • I'm very surprised I have not seen someone come up with this server excuse yet: The Angels have the server box. :D
  • I love it how the aceton is considered "spam". You know each ship can only deploy 2 at any given time, right? The only real time it "spams" is if you are dumb enough to hit it with FAW or CSV. So technically, its counter-spam. There is no "win" for the feds. KDF will still use it. Feds will still FAW faceroll and trigger…
    in Acetons Comment by khaldun1 July 2014
  • Having done the horrible first gen crafting to mastery on 2 characters, hearing we have to start over from zero is complete BS. WE get a title and a blue doff. Ooooooooh. WTF Cryptic. So not cool. As far as entitlement, yeah, we did the work. People who are master crafters pre 9.5 should have at least have gotten some sort…
  • My gods, someone who picks up on SARCASM! That was my whole point. I thought I made it too vague. As for apologies, a back handed apology is no apology at all. It's a troll attempt.
  • Hmmmm, I think this thread violates the "naming/shaming" rules of the forum. OP is trying to act like he is shaming the people listed by implying they suck. Isn't a forum silence in order? We do not want to hear Riyott spew more fail. For the record, I'm not in HoBO. Just cant stand garbage like this. A back-handed…
  • I've said it before, I will say it again. You want acetons? Give us KDF the tachyon grid. *waits to hear the wailing and lament of all the cloaking fed roms' horror*
  • nevermind. Someone else posted before me. Feel free to close.
  • You're preaching to the choir here. I despise BFAW/DEM no talent garbage. I am as far away from BFAW as possible. I am a B'rel torp boat on my main PvP toon. The only things I have BFAW on are my "grinding" cruisers/scimitars. Even then, I have torps or at least a KCB. BFAW is far more of an issue than AA's ever were. It's…
  • They are, but the KDF I play with avoid using them (For the most part, I will cop to that) because it is just cheese.
  • And Nimbus Pirates, Elachi console, and all the other gimmicks Fed's spam every 2 seconds is not cheese? This is the face of the KDF not caring of others think its cheese. :D
  • If we get the tachyon console in exchange, I would approve this.
  • Scared? Hardly. Shine a big old spotlight on it. Light it up like fireworks finale. It's not even really about the AA's. It's about the QQ's for nerfs. People would rather faceroll their keyboards than, oh I don't know, take the .5 seconds it would have taken to learn how to counter them? Bunches of people here have all…
  • ^This person, is what we call "Not stupid". Oh and I forgot. Re-read the device's info again. "Any given target may only be drained by 2 assimilators" Your entire argument of multiple drains from multiple ships is now officially invalid. Next argument on how its OP? Damage? DoT? Please. Just close this horrible thread of…
  • Yeah, I'm a bit torqued off. All I see is ''I'm a Fed who needs yet another BS reason to take away from the already hosed ''pure'' KDF". Not Rom KDF mind you. Pure KDF. The KDF who had the leech given to feds because they QQ'ed until they got their way. The KDF who has the B'rel which is a far more terrible raider than,…
  • I have to agree. This fed has no idea about how AA's really work. Honestly, all they are good for is clearing spam and detecting when cloaked ships are about by seeing the trails. The power drain is nice, but its not a killer. If you are not capable of figuring out a counter, you deserve to get beat up by it. You CAN…
  • If Cryptic will not change the FAW mechanics so no talent hacks can just spin in circles while pushing the magic "I WIN" button that is the (seemingly) only power in ANY MMO ON THE PLANET that hits every target in range without even AIMING, what makes you think they give 2 frells about a ground mechanic? :rolleyes:
  • QFT. Yet another "Cry NERF! And let slip the dogs of QQ!". Too many cries for NERF and not enough talent to just make what they have work. It was nerfed. The fact it is a zen console and was still nerfed is nothing short of a miracle. The devs won't nerf it again just because of people whining. If it's nerfed again, no one…
  • Suzanna is a consummate professional on the air. Her mix of all kinds of music (anything from dance to gothic/industrial) along with her velvet smooth voice makes her broadcasts and parties a wonderful event. A big bonus to her show is she often holds in game gatherings in different locations. The latest gathering offered…
  • Most of the time I see people leaving is when there are lower level players in the instance. I have seen other players say "*%)$^ Mirandas shouldn't be in here so I am gone" and warp out. I have to agree on some level. Lower levels should not be in such an instance. More often than not, there is not enough firepower if…