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kerven01 Arc User



  • Not a fan of solar gateways consistently spawning behind ships. Makes targetting while using an escort dreadful. Totally need a Cannon: Fire At Will. Also, not a fan of all the disables. EMP, subnuke wave, viral matrix, turbulence, and whatever else. As though that wasn't enough, they added in constant 16k+ shield bypass…
  • Think you could get transphasics balanced too? The 16k+ shield piercing hits from their transphasic torpedos are a little frustrating. That means the nonbuffed damage pre 40% shield passthough is ~40k? That's nearly as crazy as Borg insta-death-pedos, but with a small chance to survive... unless you're hit again 2 seconds…
  • Gateways popping up all over the place, ships that can ram for >25k and cause an effect without taking damage themselves, torpedos that deal 16k+ damage through shields (</3 transphasic) without a debuff and with kinetic resistance, systems being constantly knocked offline, enemies always spawn in groups... S10 was…
  • MK II purple tactical consoles. I prefer antiproton. Toss in an improved upgrade to raise it to ~MK VII and the selling price goes up quite a bit, and you have the chance of a rarity upgrade which would raise the price much higher. The difference between the rarities at MK XIV is small, so unless you're a min-maxer and…
  • A few questions... How does the shield refrequencer's protonic energy stabilizer module work? The tooltip and the description are quite confusing. The tooltip states, "When using Exotic Damage and Shield Drain abilities, 10% chance:...". The expanded description states: "Your Exotic Particle attacks, Charged Particle…
  • Boggs@kerven01 Ship: Breen Chel Grett Warship [T5-U] When switching from ESD ground, Kobali ground, and Dyson Command ground maps to space maps, the following abilities are removed from the tray (original locations noted before the ability): [C2] Tactical Team II [C3] Cannon Rapid Fire II [A7] Attack Pattern Omega III [A8]…
  • Why not... #DeltaRising #DetlaRising
  • I've had this problem for almost a year, but lately it's been ridiculous. Healing abilities are being tossed everywhere except on my ship. I'm losing targets at almost perfect timing (like right before a target launches a volley and I go to strip it... poof! No target, incoming torpedoes)... it seems almost as though it…
  • The worst part about the web is that even though a node is selected, sometimes weapons with 360 firing arcs (turrets, kinetic cutting beam) don't seem to know it's there and refuse to fire. Combine that with the all-too-frequent weapons offline for ~10sec and... Well, it's not a lot of fun! I'm not enjoying how a heavy I…
  • That happens to me often. I'm sitting there pew-pew'ing and all of a sudden, without shields changing the slightest bit, my hull drops a lot. I'd find out what was doing that, but the combat log window is irritatingly difficult. It refuses to scroll, and when you final get it to, it does just that - scroll, scroll, scroll,…
  • Very irritating. Even spheres are spitting out 20-30k torpedoes regularly, and that's with brace for impact, hazard emitters, polarize hull, and a couple of shield buffs. Should one survive that (in an escort) the plasma DoT eats you alive with ~1k damage a tic while hazard emitters are on cooldown because several seconds…
  • They were supposed to be looked into and fixed. I think it was mentioned over in the Tribble forum that these torpedoes were unintended and would be looked into to find the cause. Yesterday, I got hit for ~35k from a cube (not tactical) during the new hive STF. Not fun.
  • Well, I had a post thought out but then I got distracted, so anyway... To those who don't know why people still play despite all the complaining: do a quick search for Star Trek themed games (if there are any) that are remotely as in depth and social as this one. A large majority of players are fans of the Star Trek…
  • In S6 players were not converting enough Dilithium and that was a concern. Understood. I understand that there are guidelines, however, I do not understand the actions that have been taken. Taking away Dilithium from several missions in S7 is a complete counter to the first pre-S7 concern that was mentioned. Dilithium was…
  • I'd rather that they give us instant reputation ranks based on how much STF drops we have. It makes no sense that we should have to complete the projects just to reach tier 3 so that we may open a crate that contains well less than what our items were worth. We ran all those missions in the face of insta-kills, isometric…
  • Is this a joke or just the beginning of some severe tweaking? What we're seeing is that several pieces of rare/prototype Borg tech are worth less than the cost of a single piece of MK X STF gear in S7? I'm definitely not enjoying this so far. Cash in your STF drops and purchase all the gear (weapons, sets) you're going to…
  • Well, I had a long winded post about the min-maxing and cookie cutter play style ruining the STF experience for those who don't follow that play style... but I decided to go with this instead. STO isn't the type of game where there are "Elite" players. Yes, you can be the uber player that only needs 2 people to conquer an…
  • I tried Hive Onslaught normal twice today. The first attempt was cut short when team members left and new ones did not appear to take their place... it resulted in the typical 1hr cooldown warning. The second was frustrating but we managed to finish it (sans optional) with a 4 person pug. My concerns: 1. The level…
  • This happens to me on Holodeck all the time. Seems to only happen when entering or leaving DS9, ESD, and Memory Alpha space and ground maps. I assume there's some sort of cap to the maps and either I'm getting stuck in a queue or tossed to the side. A reload seems to work 80% of the time.
  • Time to cash in all those extra chips, salvages, and tech. I think I'll be purchasing more MK XII weapons before Season 7 just in case I decide to switch to a different weapon type post S7. The rest gets turned in for dilithium. Now to grind for that prototype engine tech...
  • -1 to nerfing the retro borg gear. +1 to making it expensive, adjusting the strength of the heal, or changing the set effects (like 5% chance to pseudo "adapt" to an energy type or huge increase in shield power for X time instead of current shield heal). I don't understand why (E)STF's are being made so player unfriendly.…
  • So omega marks can be converted to dilithium just as EDC's could? If so, what's the conversion rate for each loot type? Will prototype salvage become elite omega marks? Will dilithium become more costly? There doesn't seem to be any random factor in the amount of marks earned, unlike the random drop of EDC's, tech, and…
  • I've been experiencing the second issue for over a month now. It stopped for roughly two weeks and now it's back. I thought it might be the wireless mouse, but it happened with a wired one too. It's really bad when your shield facing is dropping and you can't turn to utilize another while tac team is on cooldown.
  • June 22nd Patch Most importantly: March 29th Patch
  • It helps to zoom out when the ships appear. I've had experiences where the isometric charge will just barely reach the ship, hitting a little beyond the shield ring. I never see it if I'm zoomed in and it hits in a "blind spot". It's not just CSE, btw, the new fleet actions can be very difficult to survive when there are…
  • Exact same thing happened to me.
  • Elites were a bit tough before. Well, surviving aggro on the gates and cubes at close distance was tough in a paper mache escort. Since the start of Season 6, it has become common for me to get KO'd with a single NORMAL plasma torpedo hitting at over 40k... and maybe it's just having my camera too close to the ship, but I…
  • I like this idea. As it is, all fleet space actions are the near equivalent of the no-win scenario, but with the slightest possibility of winning. The sheer number of enemies combined with the new isometric charges and elite-level hull/shield strengths... and the lag that comes with it, is just... not fun. I'd much rather…
  • 1. Fed 2. Advanced escort 3. No PvP. This problem happens about 1 out of every 3 STF missions, and sometimes during Mirror Universe events. 4. 5. All weapons. Although, there was one instance where a torpedo kept firing every second. I think it might have been the transphasic flux torpedo. This happened in CSE while under…
  • I've noticed this in general, except my target completely clears (without hitting any of my target keys) and I have to target all over. It gets really bad when there are large groups of enemies or during PvP. I did manage to catch a glimpse of a PvP ship turning blue (as if an ally) for a split second and being removed as…