I can handle the ionic and stuff, really the most annoying thing I find is that their Dreadnought has those Mir Fighters.... and sometimes, especially in certain STF's where one or two rage-quit because their builds suck I tend to find myself quickly getting overwhelmed by constant streams of them doing kamikaze attacks against me with pretty massive damage..... especially in the toon I have in a glass canon.
I can handle the ionic and stuff, really the most annoying thing I find is that their Dreadnought has those Mir Fighters.... and sometimes, especially in certain STF's where one or two rage-quit because their builds suck I tend to find myself quickly getting overwhelmed by constant streams of them doing kamikaze attacks against me with pretty massive damage..... especially in the toon I have in a glass canon.
If you can slot it, EWP is a great way to defend against those.
Just TRIBBLE out a little EWP and then reverse yourself a bit into it, so you're surrounded. Slows them to a crawl so that they never really reach you, and it might even take them out with it's damage.
Also: TBR, A2ID/EPtE (speed buffs in general), GW, fighters of your own.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Love the herald ship battles. Jumped so fast out of my t6 ships it was hilarious. Absolutely useless, all of them.
Back to my old fav jem dread and have never ever looked back.
Well by build on my fleet Tor'kaht isn't to shabby. Beam boat.. no torps to speak up..SCI captain. Power balance is in weapons (125%) and aux power (90%) engines and shields both at 50%..
both my DBB are upgrade Fleet elite very rare mk XIV.. rest of the weapons.. they're gett'n there,
some minimum is a Mk XII.
Packing fleet engineering consoles for the additional turn rate (I can out turn escorts...but due to momentum I might be able to get her nose turned around fast but its still like driving a 65 caddy on ice with bald tires.. Big sliding turns... lots of momentum to overcome.
Iconian herald ships yea, they're a fight. I try to stay at the edge of the engagement range.. regularly pop FAW and Photonic fleet (which is enhanced.. damd near causes as much damage as my ship!)
The Iconian ships though are SLOW.. and don't really seem to turn fight for beans and thats even the smaller ships.
SO far we been doing mass actions...Not that I haven't been killed by them, but the Iconians are definitely getting the worst of it.
Players ships even with stock white gear still have the advantages at normal level... Just a small matter of getting the ship set up to fight the way YOU fight.
Know your enemy and not your self and you will win half your battles.. Know your self and not your enemy and you will win half your battle. Know both yourself and your enemy and you will always be victorious, know niether and defeat will be all you know.
Learn the best order to use your own skills.. learn how to clear the Iconian ships effect on you (weapons off line, that sort of thing)...
The mission fight are scripted.. and for the AI thats a weakness, take advantage of it. Because of the Dux ex script on the two FE's honestly.. Let the AI ships fight.. you pick out important targets and remove them and let the friendly AI ships handle the riff raff. You need to pull back and recover hull/shields/crew then do it.. Your NOT going to loose the mission..
Play Smart.. you don't need a super ship build.. though it does of course make living through the fight much less problematic.
I like them, I did blood of the ancients first time in my t6 fleet andromeda and it was nice challenge and I did it in the t5u fleet defiant to see what type of ship would be the best type to fight the heralds.
Cruisers seem to be the best option in this case, escorts could find it quite difficult.
The subnukes can easily be cleared with a good old fashioned sci team, the viral matrix with an engineering team, the rock and roll pilot ability seems to get me out of any ionic turbulence without a problem.
they're difficult at times but not unbeatable with the right ship and set up.
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Some of the feedback here has voiced concerns over counteracting the Heralds' use of Intelligence and Command abilities, so I figured I'd list out a few eligible counter tactics you can use in an attempt to overcome them.
Baltim Raiders
These ships can sometimes make use of Suppression Barrage (Command).
- This ability buffs the enemy ship's weapons. This buff can be removed using any Buff-stripping ability such as Subnucleonic Beam, Subnucleonic Carrier Wave, or a number of Doffs and Set Bonuses.
- The debuff applied by a ship with this buff active will reduce Outgoing Damage, Speed, Turn Rate and Accuracy. Buffing any of these is what could be called a "soft" counter to the ability.
- This debuff can be removed in its entirety via the use of Tactical Team.
- The severity of the maneuverability debuff can be reduced via high skill in Inertial Dampers.
Quas Cruiser
These ships have access to Electromagnetic Pulse Probe (Intel).
- The probe created by this ability can be targeted and destroyed.
- The probe will travel toward the targeted foe's current location, so can be outran/avoided.
- If you are caught in the Disable caused by this Probe (powers grayed out), use of Engineering Team will remove the Disable. NOTE: If the probe is still traveling/pulsing, the Disable may be re-applied right after your Eng Team wears off.
Vonph Battleship
These ships can make use of both Ionic Turbulence (Intel) and Subnucleonic Carrier Wave (Intel).
- Remaining in motion and keeping your distance from this ship will make it easier to avoid both of these, since SCW has a 5km max radius and Ionic Turbulence flies toward your current location.
- If hit by SCW's debuff (which will cause Power Recharge / Cooldown issues), you can remove the debuff thru the use of Science Team.
- If caught in an Ionic Turbulence cloud, you will receive a maneuverability and damage resistance debuff. These effects can be removed with the use of Hazard Emitters, but you should also leave the area to ensure they are not re-applied by the Ionic Turbulence Cloud.
- Ionic Turbulence can also send you Out Of Control briefly (this is a Hold effect). This effect cannot be resisted or prevented via immunity. However, there is a 20 sec lockout period if affected by it, that will prevent it from affecting you again.
Iaidon Dreadnought
Same as their Battleship cousins, these ships have access to both Ionic Turbulence (Intel) and Subnucleonic Carrier Wave (Intel). See Battleship notes for counter suggestions.
None of the above includes unique abilities created for the Heralds, as we're not yet ready to give away all of the info on those tricks.
If you can slot it, EWP is a great way to defend against those.
Just TRIBBLE out a little EWP and then reverse yourself a bit into it, so you're surrounded. Slows them to a crawl so that they never really reach you, and it might even take them out with it's damage.
Also: TBR, A2ID/EPtE (speed buffs in general), GW, fighters of your own.
Yeah, I've been backing out and using my fighters in intercept and taking them out... just annoying as it causes me to have to break attack on the Dread when it seems like I'm the only one actually putting dents in it.
I find the heralds in space to be more annoying than anything else in the game at the moment. Why? Their ionic turbulence, AOE subnukes (subnuke carrier wave or something?) and emp drones are incredibly annoying. The latter two I can put up with, but the ionic turbulence is nightmareish given that it can be a chain disable if you don't already have the pilot specced evasive already running when they hit you with it, allowing you to get out of it. Even worse, it's practically invisible, meaning you don't know you've got one incoming until you see a little debuff icon appear, or when everything just goes grey on you due to the total disable.
Afaik, there is no hard counter to ionic turb.
Then you like most of PVE society should be greatfull to us, the few PVP players left in this game, that they forced Craptic to balance the Ionic and fix its bug so that you dont sit 10s of perma chain of non cleancable ionic blocking your tray compleatly .
IT should be an afterthought now. PvErs will wonder for what reason PvPers whined so much about it though, not knowing it's a nerfed version. In fact, it might revitalize their disdain for the PvP community.
Accept your fate, destiny as a crybaby.
Case in point, below; and it's from a "wizard of sto". Probably a troll but this will be the common held belief among PvErs from now on.
edit: affection = love, tender feeling towards another person, animal or object.
Oh that isn't lost on me. Anymore I say, let them hold onto their hate. We PvPers really know that we can't get **** changed in this game, and something only gets changed for the sake of releasing NEW OP stuff. Let them mistakenly believe what they want to believe. One day, that scapegoat will be gone. The PvP queues will be 101% dead, no one will post in the PvP section, there will be ZERO PvPers who can be blamed, and that makes me wonder...will that 'conspiracy theory' still exist? Will even at that point, people have such hate and bile against (then fictional) PvPers that they will see a 'secret hand' even then?
I admit...it does make me wonder one last thing: Who will be the last PvPer in the game when we get to that point? The lonely last poster in the PvP forum, that final voice in OPvP, the last one to ever queue? It's an interesting thought.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Not a fan of solar gateways consistently spawning behind ships. Makes targetting while using an escort dreadful. Totally need a Cannon: Fire At Will.
Also, not a fan of all the disables. EMP, subnuke wave, viral matrix, turbulence, and whatever else. As though that wasn't enough, they added in constant 16k+ shield bypass torpedos that can crit to >30k. Those salvos... it's as though they all go off at once and hit multiple times. Beginning to wonder why we even have shields anymore. Just another way for the NPCs to cheese their way against players.
Turbulence doesn't seem to be so bad, oddly enough. I haven't had any trouble flying right out of it if I get caught in it while stationary.
Love the herald ship battles. Jumped so fast out of my t6 ships it was hilarious. Absolutely useless, all of them.
Back to my old fav jem dread and have never ever looked back.
Ground is so fun! Nothing wrong there.
Which T6 ships? Have you tried command battlecruisers?
My issue would simply be how it reinforces FAW from 5.000000001km over other things.
BFAW is the easiest, best answer. When S10 went live and I started fighting the Heralds first on my Beamboat Galaxy and then DHC Battlecruisers, it became immediately apparent:
BFAW wins big against the Heralds. As it does with everything else.
Cannon based builds due to the playstyle of narrow firing arcs and keeping them on target as well as needing to be up close more than Beams or suffer heavy damage reduction, exposes the ship to the full arsenal of dangers the Heralds bring. Not so with a Beamboat. Unless the Cannons user is resorting to Hit & Run strikes, it's riskier playing Cannons against Heralds.
if you have problems with heralds disabling your ship; you can add points in subsystem repair + use 2 pieces from nukara rep (deflector -> resist disable subsystem), the 2 pieces remove weapons offline (weapon stabilizer).
i tried my faeht with these 2 pieces, and i had no prob.
keep moving all the time, this is the key of success.
They've never affected me. Keep your ship moving and over 5km away and you wouldn't know they had them.
FAW3 + plasma doping = quick deaths.
The herald mobs really feel too easy to be honest and totally unthreatening, they need something like the borg shield drains or the old SS3 on the cruiser sized ships.
Love the herald ship battles. Jumped so fast out of my t6 ships it was hilarious. Absolutely useless, all of them.
Back to my old fav jem dread and have never ever looked back.
Ground is so fun! Nothing wrong there.
You're joking right? The Herald space mobs are even easier than the Borg space mobs.
Which T6 ships? Have you tried command battlecruisers?
Honestly I haven't tried them. I.ve used the vaudwar ships, the hazari, Benthan, the kdf cruiser and raptor.
The fleet Intel quib was ok.
I never bought the command ships.
It hard difficult staying alive and doing dps in space with the t6's in my experience.
But hoping back into the voth dread and jem hadar dread I don't thing they even got my shields down. Like an old shoe.
They've never affected me. Keep your ship moving and over 5km away and you wouldn't know they had them.
FAW3 + plasma doping = quick deaths.
The herald mobs really feel too easy to be honest and totally unthreatening, they need something like the borg shield drains or the old SS3 on the cruiser sized ships.
You're joking right? The Herald space mobs are even easier than the Borg space mobs.
I am not saying they are hard. I am just saying that I don't find the t6 ships as up to he challenges as the t5u's.
I am there in my Intel battle cruiser just stun locked with half hull no shields most of the time.
If you are referring to the continuous subnucleonic cheat and emp spam, I'm not impressed.
Massive ships shouldn't have to use space magic to cheat their way through a battle.
I just figured they were vying for most cowardly enemy in STO like every other enemy.
( And not doing very well as I pretty much ignore everything except that power that makes your ship bounce around and that's appreciated about as much as the Undine knockback weapons.)
If you are referring to the continuous subnucleonic cheat and emp spam, I'm not impressed.
Massive ships shouldn't have to use space magic to cheat their way through a battle.
I just figured they were vying for most cowardly enemy in STO like every other enemy.
( And not doing very well as I pretty much ignore everything except that power that makes your ship bounce around and that's appreciated about as much as the Undine knockback weapons.)
What SNB cheat? And the EMP spam is fairly easily defeated/avoid...
Why should we be able to use things like Ionic and SNB on NPCs, but not have them use them on us?
If you don't feel that giving them new abilities is the right way to go, what do you suggest?
What SNB cheat? And the EMP spam is fairly easily defeated/avoid...
Why should we be able to use things like Ionic and SNB on NPCs, but not have them use them on us?
If you don't feel that giving them new abilities is the right way to go, what do you suggest?
I have to agree with praxi on this one. L2P.
The abilities are okay. If they dont like NPCs to use intel abilites they have option not to queue just like they have an option not to go to mission with hirogen who subnukes.
The abilities are okay. If they dont like NPCs to use intel abilites they have option not to queue just like they have an option not to go to mission with hirogen who subnukes.
You mean learn to cast magic spells?
Wrong IP.
It's bad enough all these magic spells have ruined PvP.
This forum requires 120 seconds between posts to maximize misunderstandings as people have to wait to post.
I don't use any sci abilities except sci team and polarize hull to defeat sci abilities used against me.
I suggest trying to use real weapons in STO and leave all the magic for NW.
So you just want to FAW everything down?
Make everything into a DPS class and ignore CC entirely?
Protip: SciTeam will clear the "SNB haxxx" that are ruining your day. EngTeam for the disables, like EMP. Hazard Emitters will help with almost everything else.
I love it. Been diving straight into their forces in Command ships and solo'ing them (4-pc Command set for maximum turtle-ing) while others had to team up to take down other clusters. It also helps I did spend points into resisting disables and subsystem shutdowns.
What I find more fun is being able to drift at high speed while under the effects of one of their abilities and literally just unload a second full burst of TS3 without having to circle around.
The Iconian Dreadnought should have the Command abilities Suppression Barrage and Call Artillery Strikes to further augment its firepower, and make it more of a challenge. Maybe add SS1 or SS2 as well.
Best run was teaming up with a pair of Scimitars in the Herald Sphere STF and just blazing through all their defenses with either an attack buff or a near-instant CD reset (I let them call which buffs they needed), then razing the boss faster than it could regen and taking it out in under a minute.
If you can slot it, EWP is a great way to defend against those.
Just TRIBBLE out a little EWP and then reverse yourself a bit into it, so you're surrounded. Slows them to a crawl so that they never really reach you, and it might even take them out with it's damage.
Also: TBR, A2ID/EPtE (speed buffs in general), GW, fighters of your own.
I'm not flying an Intel ship or have any spec points in Pilot, but I do enjoy knowing that everyone else is having to deal with it now.
Back to my old fav jem dread and have never ever looked back.
Ground is so fun! Nothing wrong there.
both my DBB are upgrade Fleet elite very rare mk XIV.. rest of the weapons.. they're gett'n there,
some minimum is a Mk XII.
Packing fleet engineering consoles for the additional turn rate (I can out turn escorts...but due to momentum I might be able to get her nose turned around fast but its still like driving a 65 caddy on ice with bald tires.. Big sliding turns... lots of momentum to overcome.
Iconian herald ships yea, they're a fight. I try to stay at the edge of the engagement range.. regularly pop FAW and Photonic fleet (which is enhanced.. damd near causes as much damage as my ship!)
The Iconian ships though are SLOW.. and don't really seem to turn fight for beans and thats even the smaller ships.
SO far we been doing mass actions...Not that I haven't been killed by them, but the Iconians are definitely getting the worst of it.
Players ships even with stock white gear still have the advantages at normal level... Just a small matter of getting the ship set up to fight the way YOU fight.
Know your enemy and not your self and you will win half your battles.. Know your self and not your enemy and you will win half your battle. Know both yourself and your enemy and you will always be victorious, know niether and defeat will be all you know.
Learn the best order to use your own skills.. learn how to clear the Iconian ships effect on you (weapons off line, that sort of thing)...
The mission fight are scripted.. and for the AI thats a weakness, take advantage of it. Because of the Dux ex script on the two FE's honestly.. Let the AI ships fight.. you pick out important targets and remove them and let the friendly AI ships handle the riff raff. You need to pull back and recover hull/shields/crew then do it.. Your NOT going to loose the mission..
Play Smart.. you don't need a super ship build.. though it does of course make living through the fight much less problematic.
only 1 thing is dangerous, the mir fighter.
Cruisers seem to be the best option in this case, escorts could find it quite difficult.
The subnukes can easily be cleared with a good old fashioned sci team, the viral matrix with an engineering team, the rock and roll pilot ability seems to get me out of any ionic turbulence without a problem.
they're difficult at times but not unbeatable with the right ship and set up.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
...was posted on 3/19 in the Herald Sphere feedback thread in the Tribble section of the forums.
Yeah, I've been backing out and using my fighters in intercept and taking them out... just annoying as it causes me to have to break attack on the Dread when it seems like I'm the only one actually putting dents in it.
Then you like most of PVE society should be greatfull to us, the few PVP players left in this game, that they forced Craptic to balance the Ionic and fix its bug so that you dont sit 10s of perma chain of non cleancable ionic blocking your tray compleatly .
Oh that isn't lost on me. Anymore I say, let them hold onto their hate. We PvPers really know that we can't get **** changed in this game, and something only gets changed for the sake of releasing NEW OP stuff. Let them mistakenly believe what they want to believe. One day, that scapegoat will be gone. The PvP queues will be 101% dead, no one will post in the PvP section, there will be ZERO PvPers who can be blamed, and that makes me wonder...will that 'conspiracy theory' still exist? Will even at that point, people have such hate and bile against (then fictional) PvPers that they will see a 'secret hand' even then?
I admit...it does make me wonder one last thing: Who will be the last PvPer in the game when we get to that point? The lonely last poster in the PvP forum, that final voice in OPvP, the last one to ever queue? It's an interesting thought.
Also, not a fan of all the disables. EMP, subnuke wave, viral matrix, turbulence, and whatever else. As though that wasn't enough, they added in constant 16k+ shield bypass torpedos that can crit to >30k. Those salvos... it's as though they all go off at once and hit multiple times. Beginning to wonder why we even have shields anymore. Just another way for the NPCs to cheese their way against players.
Turbulence doesn't seem to be so bad, oddly enough. I haven't had any trouble flying right out of it if I get caught in it while stationary.
Which T6 ships? Have you tried command battlecruisers?
Yes, please. MOAR.
BFAW is the easiest, best answer. When S10 went live and I started fighting the Heralds first on my Beamboat Galaxy and then DHC Battlecruisers, it became immediately apparent:
BFAW wins big against the Heralds. As it does with everything else.
Cannon based builds due to the playstyle of narrow firing arcs and keeping them on target as well as needing to be up close more than Beams or suffer heavy damage reduction, exposes the ship to the full arsenal of dangers the Heralds bring. Not so with a Beamboat. Unless the Cannons user is resorting to Hit & Run strikes, it's riskier playing Cannons against Heralds.
i tried my faeht with these 2 pieces, and i had no prob.
keep moving all the time, this is the key of success.
finally, mobs interesting; please don't nerf them.
FAW3 + plasma doping = quick deaths.
The herald mobs really feel too easy to be honest and totally unthreatening, they need something like the borg shield drains or the old SS3 on the cruiser sized ships.
You're joking right? The Herald space mobs are even easier than the Borg space mobs.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Honestly I haven't tried them. I.ve used the vaudwar ships, the hazari, Benthan, the kdf cruiser and raptor.
The fleet Intel quib was ok.
I never bought the command ships.
It hard difficult staying alive and doing dps in space with the t6's in my experience.
But hoping back into the voth dread and jem hadar dread I don't thing they even got my shields down. Like an old shoe.
I am not saying they are hard. I am just saying that I don't find the t6 ships as up to he challenges as the t5u's.
I am there in my Intel battle cruiser just stun locked with half hull no shields most of the time.
Massive ships shouldn't have to use space magic to cheat their way through a battle.
I just figured they were vying for most cowardly enemy in STO like every other enemy.
( And not doing very well as I pretty much ignore everything except that power that makes your ship bounce around and that's appreciated about as much as the Undine knockback weapons.)
What SNB cheat? And the EMP spam is fairly easily defeated/avoid...
Why should we be able to use things like Ionic and SNB on NPCs, but not have them use them on us?
If you don't feel that giving them new abilities is the right way to go, what do you suggest?
I have to agree with praxi on this one. L2P.
The abilities are okay. If they dont like NPCs to use intel abilites they have option not to queue just like they have an option not to go to mission with hirogen who subnukes.
I don't use any sci abilities except sci team and polarize hull to defeat sci abilities used against me.
I suggest trying to use real weapons in STO and leave all the magic for NW.
You mean learn to cast magic spells?
Wrong IP.
It's bad enough all these magic spells have ruined PvP.
This forum requires 120 seconds between posts to maximize misunderstandings as people have to wait to post.
The concept of an EMP is a very real actually.
You could just edit your last post as it still is the latest in the thread. I know, its kind of l2post, but I hope its not too much
So you just want to FAW everything down?
Make everything into a DPS class and ignore CC entirely?
Protip: SciTeam will clear the "SNB haxxx" that are ruining your day. EngTeam for the disables, like EMP. Hazard Emitters will help with almost everything else.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
What I find more fun is being able to drift at high speed while under the effects of one of their abilities and literally just unload a second full burst of TS3 without having to circle around.
The Iconian Dreadnought should have the Command abilities Suppression Barrage and Call Artillery Strikes to further augment its firepower, and make it more of a challenge. Maybe add SS1 or SS2 as well.
Best run was teaming up with a pair of Scimitars in the Herald Sphere STF and just blazing through all their defenses with either an attack buff or a near-instant CD reset (I let them call which buffs they needed), then razing the boss faster than it could regen and taking it out in under a minute.