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joestyles Arc User




  • In the actual Star Trek the ships rarely would do some of the 3D maneuvers you guys are talking about. There's this thing is space that Star Trek was actually very accurate with displaying called Torsional Stress. The whole thing of Inertial Dampeners were meant to counter the internal effects of torsional stress, but…
  • Honestly, that game may look pretty, but it certainly doesn't look like it's going very far with the pricing levels they have now. If I'm spending $10 a month it better not take me more than 10 months of casual play to earn what the dude that paid 100 up front got day 1. That is the major problem with STO. This whole P2W…
  • The other day I suggested in the Earth Spacedock chat zone that they should go back to a Pay to Play only game, so that the game itself can be balanced without the stupid need for power creep. You would not believe the amount of outcry I received from people that were online during that period. Some rather colorful…
  • I came back for the PvP only to find out that the new owners have butchered it... :rolleyes:
  • Am interested, will contact you later tonight. Have to go do the Turkey eating thing while becoming rather intoxicated. I rocked the Beta as well, just spent some time away for personal reasons.
  • I don't understand the hate on controllers. This is the sort of thing they were invented for in the first place. I use a PS3 Controller using the same Motioninjoy software as the guy above. I use it because when I play, "I am chill". I sit in a recliner and play on a 60" HDTV using the Controller and Wireless Mouse KB…
  • Interesting, the last time I played the Cap was at X Very Rare, so a lot of this is new to me considering how different the game is now. Thanks for the information. I have been trying to find a decent way to set my Tac Escort primarily to earn enough EC/Dil to get into the higher stuff.
  • I just looked at the way they work now. It doesn't "stack" the way it used to, but they still stack. Back when the game first came out the Pre-Fire Consoles worked on a pure percentage that would be calculated per console. In other words you as one console, and the total after that one adds it's bonus is the base total you…
  • What's the reasoning behind running Hyper-Impulse Engines now? It used to be all about the Combat +Turn. Things have changed a bit, and some things just do not make sense anymore.
  • Maybe things have changed since I last played regularly, just started up again, but the stacking on the Pre-Fire Chambers was knocked down in the Season 1 release because of how broken they were if I recall correctly. Have they been de-nerfed since then? That wouldn't seem very wise considering there was no other reason to…