The content has potential although the grind is a tad insufferable. The vanity shields look great and each reputation does get an additional energy type for it's energy weapons. Unfortunately, it appears each reputation gets a single shield variant and a single additional energy type. As such, there are no variants of the…
From tomorrow's patch notes: "Resolved an issue which caused Cardassian Intel ships to completely disappear when using cloak." So hopefully this one will be resolved soon.
Yes, they actually work much more like other combat pets rather than hangar pets. You don't manually launch them and they automatically respawn after 15s if destroyed. They always follow your ship and match your target. They don't use carrier commands, rather they have three activated abilities which all cause them to…
The retrofit starship requisition for level 61 is the same as the one previously available as a veteran reward, a partial list may be found at: only lacking the romulan ships. As far as I can tell, the full list is. * Fed Exploration Cruiser Retrofit Tactical…
Can confirm, the cardassian cloak renders the ship completely invisible (even to the user). It also simply pops back into existence instantly when the cloak is disabled with no effects whatsoever. Tried both the upgrade and intel materials in case it was an issue with the material, same effect both times.
The level 61 tier 5 ship token is a great addition which honestly should probably be at level 50. It does however give a confusing message about acquiring an additional admiralty ship when acquired and doesn't have any documentation in game as to what ships it might allow you to acquire. As such, this one's probably going…
Many of the ship restrictions for romulans probably do not apply to jem'hadar as they don't have their own versions of lockbox ships while the romulans do. (in this instance the Thrai prototype dreadnought warbird) It's likely that the only allied ships that jem'hadar won't be able to fly will be the veteran ships since…
I ran into this as well. Rolled up a new jem'hadar, played through the intro, and upon finishing I went to ds9. (was tac and picked kdf) Afterwards I was unable to beam up, enter my bridge, change instances, or otherwise change maps. After checking I found that the second and third parts of the into had failed to complete…
This is a really frequently requested feature. I'd like to see it as well. Unfortunately the devs mentioned on stream that CBS had asked them not to add such a feature. So there's almost no chance of this happening. Personally I'd settle for some of the unique weapons with distinct visuals being given generic versions so…
While neither the stats blog or the dev stream confirm either possibility, the only non ship locked frigates in the game are the Shuk-din frigates from the tzenkethi Tzen-tar dreadnought carrier. So I wouldn't count on it. Personally I think it's possible the yukawa might not be ship locked since the cardassian ships'…
I am a bit disappointed to see the last canon jem'hadar ship end up in a lockbox. It's a shame, really liked that one. I suppose it makes sense since that's where the others are. There's some pretty nice stuff being added here, I'm just not a fan of the way it's being added. In particular, the holographic boffs seem like…
Well firstly, that's got to be one of the most insightful and well thought out posts I've seen in a long time. And I really quite agree. Unfortunately, we humans aren't entirely logical. We don't necessarily prefer the better option (see the J.C. Penny's effect). While I wouldn't choose random rewards over guaranteed ones,…
Both. In my opinion, having random drops adds to the enjoyment of gameplay, but only having random drops leads to the issues with old STFs where people could grind for months without seeing any good drops. As such I think the best path is to have random loot as well as a way of reliably, but slowly working towards getting…
Alright, I haven't tried editing KBF files before so that was my best guess based on the previously mentioned guide. I can say with absolute certainty that using the chat command/bind Control+l gotoCharacterSelect does in fact bind character select to ctrl+l.
After the meeting taking the turbolift to the next area failed to progress the objective. Had to restart from the beginning. Also this. I'm on my third try so far. (got through on try 3, the next episode didn't trigger though, so I guess that's as far as I get) On a more positive note, all of the canon characters really…
Jem'hadar captains appear to be lacking the profession specific traits they should gain while leveling. If a jem'hadar captain travels to the beta quadrant before progressing far enough, they will be unable to return or (as far as I can tell) play pretty much any content. Can't even go to sol system (as a fed aligned…
This is an excellent point. I run queues in sto, but only CCA because it's got reasonable rewards for a small time investment and the red alerts for much the same reason, but they give any marks. I played STFs a ton before reputation was added, but almost never since. Even if the rewards to the queues aren't exclusive to…
For me the fact the game is star trek plays a big role. However, the main reason I still play is that the game features mechanics that are simple enough for one to just play the game, but deep enough that you can gain a lot by researching the depth of the game's mechanics. The mechanics of the game frequently expand as…
I try to make a point of having one character of each profession in each faction. I'll probably start with sci though since that's just the career I enjoy the most. Maybe I'll try a tactical or engineering character in a science ship though.
This issue's complicated enough that I won't vote either way or the other. To be honest I'm completely unsure of which option would work out better. To put it simply, either way would 'work' there's just no way to tell which would work better. On one hand, I've personally completely destroyed my enthusiasm for playing a…
Yes, quite. Although there are some caveats. I'm happy to have access to an actually good variety of admiralty cards on my romulan characters, but I also feel that this may not have been the best solution to the problem. I personally don't think I'd ever fly a federation or klingon ship on my romulan characters It is nice…
I've got the exact same issue. I can open the dropdown menu and preview all the options, but selecting any of them results in the ship getting the type 1 windows.
Sadly there's not too much information to base speculation upon so a lot of this will probably be based on what we've seen before from ships in a given class. There's a couple ship classes that have never had a c-store release so I'm pretty excited for that. If it matches the three other science dreadnoughts the Damar…
> @primar13 said: > korithian1 wrote: » > > When they announced the removal of the subscription model and the buy to play sought of option, I thought the elite starter pack or the Gamma pack would include an option to test. > > Would be nice, if the plan was to open up tribble after VIL launched or if it is planned to have…