You really just need to be logged in on a zone. I will generally just switch zones until I find one close to the event, do the event, then repeat, takes maybe 30 minutes to cap dilithium and I save all the marks/epic marks for turnin on weekends. If I can't find a zone close I'll just idle and play something else on…
You have a point for lockboxes (not really anymore, since lockboxes in general now contain useful items--a far cry from their initial incarnation) but if Doff Pack ships are "scams" then what is buying doff packs when there ARE no ship promotions to you? The ship bonuses are just cool things on top of the stuff you're…
Each Jem promotion so far I've opened on average 75 bucks worth of stuff I didn't get anything until this time, where I got the ship on my first pack, and then another on the 5th one.
How about you add a FM thing to the lockboxes that's as OP as the current dilithium gainer? I mean, that is what made me buy keys instead of just buying dilithium off the exchange for my solo fleet--now I can easily get 6 sets of 5k dilithium in minutes with the average investment of 500 zen, with the bonus of a potential…
Right, it's Cryptics fault you opened all 200 boxes on one character and ended up with all the dili certs there? The other prizes aren't bound, why not split the keys equally? Right, because you didn't think. Fair. Next.