This is exactly what they were going to do from the initial launch of the Romulan faction, but thankfully they got so much backlash from the community that they decided against it. Now they're trying a new approach to adding this stupidity to the game.
This is terrible news. Now we'll probably never get an actual Cardassian faction, which is what several people I know are waiting for to play again (myself included).
While I want playable Cardassians BADLY, I am not willing to have them attached to a Jem'Hadar faction. They need their own story. Personally, I'm very disappointed that they went with Jem'Hadar (not Dominion even, just their manufactured soldiers?) rather than a Cardassian faction. My excitement level for this expansion…
Not much to it. Mostly combat and none of this "stealth" they talked about in the episode. Torturing people on the Baku planet was an interesting concept that would've been good if it had been written better. But it was really the fight scene at the end that turned a fairly mediocre episode into an unbearably cheesy…
Considering that 1) the Tier 1 version has them, 2) the Miranda is the clear underdog in comparison with the other ships in this pack, and 3) the ship uses pulse phaser cannons (according to the DS9 Technical Manual and as is seen in STII), the Tier 6 version should also have them. It's not like it'll break anything to add…
I think they could be more unique looking, but culture wise, the Deferi are pretty cool actually. I really like how they are all about balance, something humanity could learn a lesson from.
I wasn't saying they are redundant, simply that they don't contribute anything new to the game despite them being the perfect opportunity to add something new.
Wow, I'm pleasantly surprised that the trait changes and the new FE is going live in this build! I was especially not expecting the FE after the introductory post that was made on Monday the 16th that said "In just a couple weeks, enjoy our latest featured episode, “Stormbound”!" Should be cool. Hopefully maintenance will…
I had considered that it may have been a terminology error, but it hadn't occurred to me to check the Science and Engineer modules from the same reputation. I guess that's probably it. It's kind of frustrating since that was the only reason I got it. :/ But thanks for the input anyway :smile:
The Nagus is wise! :smile: If it makes this small person who probably gets beat up a lot in real life feel superior by name calling and asserting his opinion with a feeble argument, I say let him do so.
I can accept having to become allied to the Federation or Klingons. It would make sense actually, since they had to dismantle their military after the war, much like Japan. So you could start out as a part of their self-defense force, be instrumental in taking down True Way terrorists, and then be given more jurisdiction…
They don't have to have different damage types. The Federation and KDF both use photon torpedoes. They could let them use polaron if they wanted it to be different. Because of their time as allies of the Dominion, they may have developed some weaponry based on what they learned from them, much as the Romulan Republic uses…
It's still not as bad as the warp sequences since not everyone uses antiproton. Unfortunately everyone has to see that awful warp sequence! It looks okayish on about a fistful of starfleet ships and exactly 0 of KDF and RR ships. I've been hoping for an overhaul in that department for years. However, I do agree. They need…
I really hope these stats are another April fools joke. Last time the galaxy class got revamped a large number of us were asking for the D'D Boff seating. This is the perfect opportunity to make it happen! Make the T6 D'D Boff seating be the same on the others! Pleeeease!!
Later, at the Hall of Justice: "Golly Batman! Sela has escaped!" "Right Robin" "I'll use my X-Ray vision from above and see if I can spot her" Haha! Sorry, I had a flashback for a second there ;)
Very exciting news! Good job guys :) First of all, thank you for the tip of the hat to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (one of the best works of fiction ever written). I'm very pleased to see my homeworld (Trill; shout out to all my spotted brethren!), as well as Tellar, Betazed, Breen, Ferenginar, and (especially,…
I have never been one to complain on the forums. I've defended the devs and said over and over that they do the best they can within the realm of reason. I'm no malcontent that complains about everything. LoR was FANTASTIC! This expansion missed the mark badly. The story quality was very good, but I would've been…
Question: What's the best thing that happened in STO this year? Answer: ...well...they ditched the annoying winter wonderland chef. Sure, Neelix replaced him, but at least he uses his inside voice!
All 9 of the episodes released in this "expansion" ranged from okay to very good (IMO). That's perfectly fine with me. What is not okay is that we were promised an approximately equal amount of content as was released in the actual best STO expansion ever. Whereas, we got nothing even remotely close to that amount. This is…