yea its true that with high dpsers your encDPS can be higher but only for 4-8k some ppl can easily do 16k+ with pugs in ise my breen beam boat do 11k with pugs and 15-16k with high dpsers and that ship isnt best as beam boat and from my experiance only like 5% (if not lower) of ppl can do 10k+ with pugs
hi i am using your build atm i use on fleet defiant front: 1x omega plasma torpedo 3x DHC fleet antiproton aft: 2x antiproton fleet turret 1xkinetic beam(omega set) tac. consoles: 4x rare XI antiproton mag 1x very rare XI plasma projectile atm i have 7k+ encDPS ill try to switch 1 DHC with hyper plasma torpedo and then…