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  • From an entirely personal (and possibly selfish) POV please leave my escort alone. Enough of the game lately is pushing me into 'team' activities that I neither enjoy or am inclined to embrace whatever the motivation. Joining a normal stf for Omega marks so that I can get pretty things is pure torture as far as I am…
  • I know I said I was going to stay out of this from now on but I have been reading all the posts and an idea started forming in my tiny mind. For me personally it is not about the base as such ......I can quite get behind the idea that my small fleet would not have a big fancy smancy tier five base like a big fleet would…
  • I want to apologise for my juvenile rhetoric yesterday. It really was not my finest hour and I am sorry. I stepped away from the forum last night and took stock and the reality of the situation was that I was frustrated and angry at what I saw as people being dismissive of the concerns of smaller fleets or more…
  • This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . Discussion of moderation is not permitted. ~Bluegeek
  • OK so maybe I have been a tad heated in my responses and I do apologise if anyone was genuinely offended. Yes as part of a small fleet I am frustrated by the effective gear lockout. It really does not help to be characterised on the forum as wanting handouts or asking for something for nothing when in reality I am pumping…
  • Dear Forum Users, Do NOT Reply To Posts Which Offend You!!! Report Them! This thread is being actively moderated, so it would be a good idea to read the forum rules if you are unfamiliar with them. http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/announcement.php?f=128&a=51 ~ Bluegeek
  • Yes, definitely so. As things stand I can't ever see us managing to get to tier five (well not this side of 2020!) If something appears unachievable then there is a chance I might lose interest and just go do something else. I won't ever join a larger fleet because I should not have to. It should not be a prerequisite to…
  • Valoreah I do understand what you are saying and for the most part I do agree. I actually hate being in the position whereby I even condone advocating a 'leg up'. I can understand given the significant investment in time and money that people who have gained these achievements feel that any 'discount' would be unfair to…
  • I don't do elites but quite frankly you have my vote simply for using the word 'pranny' which never fails to make me guffaw out loud.
  • Try all you might to spin it that way but it is still nonsense. It is very likely that whilst it cost my fleet the exact same amount of resources to get to tier * as yours that unless you are also in an (effectively) two man fleet then I contributed far more to achieve that goal than you did yourself. Quite how that…
  • I don't quite understand why it matters to some of you if small fleets get discounted projects or whatever help the powers that be deem fitting? If you are happy in your mega fleet and are all beavering away levelling up then you have something you all worked for and can be proud of the achievement. Giving smaller fleets a…
  • Then we are at cross purposes. I did not pick up on the fact that you were talking about elites. Poor reading comprehension on my part and for that I apologise. I would expect there to be a higher level of entry for the elites and I certainly would not attempt them but I still think it a tad off that you would dump the…
  • I am sorry OP but that attitude is exactly why stf's are so daunting for newer players (or at least new to stf-ing). Quite apart from the fact that your justifications for why you should be penalty exempt smack of self entitlement you come across as unreliable and totally dismissive of anyone who does not meet your…
  • It did seem a little terse to say the least but I can't really blame him. He has come in for some pretty heavy flack throughout this thread and if it were me I think I might be disinclined to smile and stroke some ego's too. Not that I for a second disagree with the sentiment expressed in the thread .... I just think…