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hellroarer Arc User



  • Going by "true cannon" Starfleet should have transwarp beaming by now...
  • It really is. Hell y'know what my wife said when she saw what Science types can do? "So... They do magic?" That pretty much sums up all the arguments: who has better magic? Starfleet is actually a pretty tough act to follow on the whole "science" front really, they did have a couple of junior officers build a shuttle that…
  • Just when I think I'm out... Ok, if this "triaxillation" BS is so great please remember that 'ol Seven came back with Voyager and was on the special anti-Borg committee for quite a while giving the inside dope on Borg TRIBBLE to Starfleet for a good few years, including this technobabble TRIBBLE from one ep that you quote.…
  • You do realize that the particular bit of technobabble you are quoting was used against a race so backwards that they were entirely assimilated in a matter of days? Picking on the weaker races of the galaxy will not gain the Borg anything but bodies in leather and implants (which they can clone). No wonder the Borg seem to…
  • That's the best argument for doing it ever. I long for the day when hundreds of Tac characters are going Chuck Norris on one zone or stf or another. That will be awesome. :D
  • Besides, aren't all situations in a freakin' video game (MMO or otherwise) artificial?
  • Ah... Another day on the life of the hero! :mad: Besides, if we want an experience much like the show we already have it: the Borg aren't weak, we have plot armor! :D
  • Well. I love trolling as much as the next internet gamer. :D But I do agree. No one wins arguments on the internet.
  • Almost isn't good enough. Almost will lose. The Borg get stopped all the time. Yeah, I watched it very recently, the cube was cratered, limping and looked as bad as any of the Starfleet ships that were circling it like a pack of hyenas around a baby zebra. In fact, we never see the Borg take on and beat anyone that isn't…
  • The Borg are not gods. Why do so many want them to have wanked-out abilities that make them nigh-unbeatable? Other than Wolf-359 they have NEVER been portrayed that way. If the Borg were unstoppable they'd already own the entire Delta Quadrant at least. Did anyone else see the beginning of First Contact? Y'know where the…
  • It is actually appropriate and right that the Borg are beatable. Voyager proved the Borg could be beaten, brought back a bunch of anti-Borg tech and then that tech has been improved on and expanded by both Starfleet and the KDF for 50 years. What's amazing is that the Borg are still a big bad threat at all. But they are,…
  • I want the Narada. Five miles long and made out of barbed swords. It looked like something out of Hellraiser. I want that ship BAD. Sure, the turn rate would be glacial, and speed might be an issue overall, but it's a five mile long ship made from barbed swords!