This has been confirmed for some time. Please give us an ETA on when it might be fixed and please add it to the list of Known Issues on the patch notes.
I'm having the same problem with an 88Mb file. It's keeps retrying and getting to different percentages of completion before giving me the error and retrying.
So when is this going to be fixed? The original problem of piercing tetryon weapons reverting to normal tetryon weapons took a loooooong time to be addressed. Please don't make us wait much long to fix the fix!
There's a new bug, now. When you attempt to upgrade the piercing tetryon turret, it instantly transforms into a piercing tetryon dual cannon. This happens as soon as you drag it into the upgrade window, even before actually applying any upgrades to it. Here's a screenshot of the turret in my inventory. Here's the upgrade…
Same here. I keep crashing on certain ground maps. It happened a couple of times on Drozana now it happens on Nimbus III. A character enters the ground map, then the game crashes. From then on, I can log into other characters but not the one that crashed. :(
Same as everyone else. The game freezes 3 out of 4 times I change zones or zone out of a map. I have to close the game and restart it to continue. This only started after the last couple of patches.
"Players could earn currency on all of their alts in one year, and then spend the currency from a single character every year to get the ship immediately." So what? If we played every single alt through the grind, shouldn't WE get to decide how we spend the pearls?
I'm having the same problems but only on my laptop. My desktop computer works fine. Strangely, it only seems to occur on my three level 60 characters. I have three lower level characters and can log in and play them just fine. The only way I'm able to get in on my higher level characters is by using safe mode and even…
And here we go again. ANOTHER great ship (hopefully) added to the multitude of ships we already have. When is Cryptic going to address the lack of space to store these ships? Which ship am I going to have to destroy to make room for this one? A fleet ship? A lock box ship? An event ship? None of those are reclaimable and…
Thanks for the insight. I can appreciate that both software, hardware and accidents can lead to the servers being offline. At some point, this happens so frequently, that the system needs to be reexamined. If the Enterprise's warp engines were offline unexpectedly several times a month, every month, Scotty would be fired.…
I know you're joking but, all jokes aside, it must suck to be in his position sometimes. He's just the messenger and takes the heat when some other portion of the company is performing poorly. Frankly, I'd like to see the person in charge of maintenance and servers step forward and explain why this happens so frequently.
Forgive my ignorance... I believe those are all Cryptic games. Does that mean that Cryptic is responsible for the servers or Perfect World Entertainment? Ultimately, some administrator is responsible for overseeing these issues. Either that person is doing a terrible job or the company is not spending a reasonable amount…
Thanks for the update, Captainsmirk. While I'm annoyed, I also know that you're just the messenger. I must admit that I'm a bit in the dark as to the structure of Cryptic and PWE. When the servers have problems, who's responsibility is that? The downtime often involves several games, so does that mean that someone at PWE…
Now I can't connect to the login server. Wow, I've never played an MMO that had as much downtime as STO. :( I love Trek and STO but this is a business. I'm not sure if other Perfectworld games go down like this but someone should be held accountable. They would be in any other business, entertainment or otherwise.