Yes, it's that dipshit again. He's bragging about it as we speak. Funny thing is, he PLAYS on an Arc Game, never winter. So Cryptic knows the person and/or has his IP and mac address. If they would just give me that info..... We'll never know who this person is unless you're either an IT pro and can dig up info on your…
Same here, can't complete it either. All I can say is this, they had better F'ing fix this and fast, as in right F'ing now ricky tick. Otherwise I'll be yanking BOTH of my paid accounts and won't be spending the money I planned on with my tax return this year. I couldnt care less about "exclusivity" and all that bullsh*t…
I did. Didn't help much, if at all. Even with transfer shield strength, EP2S, and science team, I couldn't keep them up. Hense why I came here to ask WTF!!!
Yes, AND No. Do I want to see a miranda class as a T6 ship, as it was when it was first built or upgraded, NO. Absolutely not. But I would like to see is the next gen version of ship that is directly derived from the miranda. I think it's called Hokulea class? Sp? It has the exact same configuration as a miranda, but it…
Usually I can get a "feel" for how I'm doing based on how well or bad I can handle specific targets that I have dealt with before. And earlier I used the borg spheres from any of the borg stf's, or the probes in infected as a reference point, as to how well I can handle one or two by myself. And it just feels off right now.
Then you are reading something that isn't there. As for "oh the non violent solution can also be used blah blah blah", you're confusing real life and a video game a weee bit too much. Either that or, it's just an excuse to blur the lines between abuse of mechanics and what is acceptable. Me, I'm a skeptic and hold a very…
Would you guys please just modify this stf so it cant be stealthed or have the mechanics cheesed. Really kills the fun when you get all ready to fight and then boom, the npc's fly away because someone else has cheesed the mechanics and get the ships free without any real effort. It really makes this STF suck badly.
Let me get this right.... First you say it's more efficient and requires less effort to do things that way, suggesting that's what you do, IE put in the least amount of effort possible to get what you want. Then you blame the community for not putting in enough effort to get what they want. Isn't that the pot calling the…
But do you honestly think it was an "intended" tactic? Secondly, So what if you can roflstomp them. You're supposed to be fighting them anyways. If you are roflstomping them, perhaps YOU are outgearing the content and level. Just because you can, doesn't always mean you should. What I'm saying is, there's 4 other people…
Add me to the list of... "I have WAY too many missing items to remember what they all were....from mail system (exchange & character to character), account bank, and even my normal bank and normal inventory." group of people. It's at least 100 items from each account, 2 paid accounts, all characters. IE: millions of EC…
Having to have the mission available is NOT a good way to have this set up. I leveled so fast during a bonus XP event a while back, that I hit 50 long before I even got close to doing the Cardassian missions line. So, that mission is not even available to me. Not yet. By the tme I get that mission and can collect from…
I would rather not get ANY ground stuff at all. And certainly now since I have rep ground weps for every single boff I have, even those who don't do ground with me, plus a bunch of extras for when fighting a certain type of enemy. Don't need any more. That's for sure. And as far as RNG's not truly random at all,…
Cute. Schnauzer Clause. Ya, it's really really gotten bad lately. Well, basically ever since DR came out, I've had nothing but bad luck and non stop TRIBBLE rewards. If this is the direction the game is going..........
No one is saying don't adapt to the team. And that's not the problem. It's more of an issue of drag race between you in a Pinto and them in a Ferrari. You can try your best, but since you both have roughly the same start time, you're not gonna win and it won't even be close. That Ferrari is going to be so far ahead out…
The irony is, a lot of what you said I normally do anyways. AND, I'm usually the first person there anyways. They load pretty quick on my comp. And I always try to have something like THY or TS up while flying to the target, so that I can get a quicker second use out of it...Something anything where it'll come off CD soon…
I would agree to a point. There certainly are some of those around yes. But, to play devil's advocate a little, the grind can get a tad....annoying.... at times. My 3 mains, yes 3, are all sufficiently geared to run advanced with little to no problems. I was running elites long before Legacy of Romulus came out. Never had…
I am also running a plasma build. And yes, it is on a Assault cruiser, /eye roll. Have 2 blue plasma infusers Mk X, 1 photon detonation assembly very rare (purple) Mk X, 5 Mk X rare plasma beam arrays, 1 MK X very rare plasma beam array. 2 Bio-molecular photon torpedoes, 1 front one rear both MK XII, one rare, one very…
Um, I WAS ready for a normal queue. Have all appropriate gear at X level, all blues. Not the best stuff I'll admit. But appropriate for my level, ship, and the queue I was in. Have my traits set right, Doffs on active to boost abilities etc. And tell me this. I did a Crystaline entity right before this STF. First place…
I don't mind grinding for my gear and earning it. That takes Dilith and marks. Can't earn those with what happened earlier. But where the heck am I supposed to go for it other than NORMAL STF's? Right? It's not like they have to "Target" anyone. Just when you reach a certain gear level, no more slumming it in lowbie queue…
Yes it was a pug. And it IS cryptic's problem because people too geared for content are flooding low level queues for the easy marks, and hurting lesser geared players, like me in my case, to the point of getting not only NO rewards, but a temp ban as well from STFs. Is it MY fault they could clear it faster than I could…
I'll have to agree with some of you. I'm not a very happy camper right now. I've was a F2P player for about 2 years before subbing 100 days ago. (just got that "accolade") Had a little extra cash left over and decided to sub on both F2P accounts. I basically have to smoke 2 packs less each week to pay for the sub. Not a…
That's all nice and dandy for you. And I'm glad you are satisfied, really I am. I however, don't get a lot of time to play, 1-2 hours at most per day. IF I'm lucky. Work 6 days a week, have a 1 year old daughter I am a single father to. The events are too few and far between to be of any practical use for me, now. Not to…
I for one am completely disgusted with the way cryptic has done the whole ship thing. The ONLY ships that are even upgradeable are the ones you spent real world money on, IE Zen ships. I include the lock box ships because it cost someone zen for the key to open it. Out of the 6 characters I have and about 30 or so ships,…
MY dream ability would be this" Being ale to ban all those AFKing DB's in STF's. Oh how all the galaxy would fall to their knees in praise of me for such power.
Problem NOT solved, really. I shouldn't have to accommodate another players bad behavior. I shouldn't have to change what I do, how I do it because PWE/Cryptic can't/refuses to enforce their own rules. It's their JOB to fix problems and resolve player issues. And they are simply not doing their job. I could never…
Just ran another STF, same AFK leech was there. Didn't notice at first, as he was on another character, not his usual one. But it was the same @name. I'm tempted to post it in here. If I get in trouble for that, then why the hell are they NOT doing anything about the cause? How could they justify punishing me when they are…
Ya well, I've about had enough of this game as it is. This might be just enough for me to leave. From the horrible amount of bugs, glitches and constant game crashing, to a serious lack of content and anything new going straight to the C-store...well, I guess F2P type of games can shove it where the sun doesn't shine. I'll…