TBH, I am hoping for a Cardassian faction. I even wrote up my own little tutorial. Species: Cardassian Jem'Hadar (500 Zen) Vorta Alien Final week of boot camp. You and a group of cadets are in a shuttle on way to Big Ceremony. Suddenly shuttle crash. You and a Vorta Science Officer (VSO) are talking when the shuttle…
Plus, the Typhon pact has members that are already a bunch of different playable races, such as the Romulans and the Orions. Although we could go with the Novel-verse idea of the Breen. Like the Federation, they draw on multiple races and cultures, and no race is legally subordinate to another. Where the Federation…
Another question: What is Barclay's current assignment? I understand that he is working with the SCE on this project, but is he current Captain of the Callisto?
I also have a record of the USS Enterprise and USS Rickson finding a Dyson Sphere ruled by a being known as "Ay-nab" in 2269, along with the Enterprise-D and Excalibur finding one in 2375.
Bonnie-kin, Bonnie-kin, dressed all in red Bonnie-kin, Bonnie-kin, soon you'll be dead! Come on, that mission was released around Halloween. It is also terrifying. So there.
I no rite? In all seriousness, this would be perfect. Bring me smooth headed Klingons, Selkies, Elaysians, and Pahkwa-thanhs, and I'll be a content player for the rest of his days.