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gmokmoud Arc User



  • Season 8 is more like Capture The Flag in the Battlefield or Call of Duty series than anything. There's hardly any storyline in it at all...it's run over here and shoot something or fly over there and shoot something else, depending on where you're at. It's a First Person Shooter brought into STO. I guess that's what the…
  • I'm having the same issue, but with the following texture: Texture_Library/Costumes/Avatars/Klingon/M_Forehead_Klingon_Kahless_Nx.Wtex. I've verified the files over and over and just as soon as the game attempts to give me the "The Vault" mission and that popup panel attempts to load, the game crashes to Desktop. Is there…
  • Many thanks for this information, it's the only post I could find concerning this issue. Only problem is, it would be more helpful if PWE actually ANSWERED the phone, though. I've called for the past 2 days, every hour on the hour and many times in between, and I get the same recording over and over...." All our agents are…
  • I have the same problem, regardless if I lock my tray or not (which I never do anyway). I only use 1 ship at a time per character (unless I buy a new one) and my BO's are set in their slots (never switched) and just warping into another system causes my tray to add abilities every time. It's always the same abilities that…
  • I'm not big on "chilling out" when I'm paying for a service. If I was a Play for Free player, then I wouldn't have any reason to be in a non-chilled mode but since I do pay cash for this, I have every right to be in my current non-chilled out state. :D
  • I finally got logged in...after 3 attempts...but now, I get a "Login Queue" message, saying that the game servers are full and I'm # 301 out of 2500 or so. Is STO running on one server now or something? :eek: Edit - After finally getting to my turn in the Login Queue, I got the ever popular "Server Not Responding" message…
  • I get the "Timed Out" error message, then if I try to log in again I get a "Unknown Error" message. So far, I've been able to log in ONCE since downloading the patch. Utterly ridiculous is all I can say, especially for something I have a subscription for...utterly ridiculous.
  • It was made yesterday evening and I seen the post in the Forum, so I'm pretty sure it went through. Are the Powers That Be going to change the Borg C-Store BO description so it's not misleading as it is now? It's not available for any character on someone's account, as per the description.
  • Thanks for the info....so, basically they haven't updated the information concerning it when you buy it. Pretty misleading if you ask me...I'm sure a lot of people bought things like that expecting them to be available for all characters on an account, according to the information posted. I know that I would have…
  • Thanks...I'll post there and see if I get an answer.
  • I have the same problem with specific skills in the Space tray, as well. Not all of them, just certain ones like Gravitic Anchor from the Omega space set.
  • Ok, then why do I have an increase of +30 on my Ground Shields skill level at all times, regardless of any BOff mission boost, since I selected that as the Passive Skill after reaching Tier 1 in the New Romulus Reputation? Yet, I don't have that same increase in my Space Shields after selecting that for my Tier 2 Passive…
  • Same here...three times so far.
  • The video is viewable by getting close to the shuttle at the top of the hill.
  • From the Release Notes: Duration of all T1 and T2 Reputation XP projects has been reduced from 40 hours to 20 hours. Once you start on Tier 3, the timers go back to 40 hours.
  • Same exact thing happened to me doing this mission.
  • Had the same problem...only fix I found was to select the first officer listed in the dropdown menu to the slot as it was the only one that would actually set...then, I could select any officer in the list. It took multiple tries to get this to work, too. Had to do this for all bridge slots.
  • If you blast/knock the Borg Queen off of the platform in the new mission featuring her, there's no way for you to finish her off and end the mission.
  • I currently cannot run STO, a game that I am paying a subcription to. Ever since the 10/25 patch, I continue to get a constant "corrupt texture" error message when the game crashes to my Desktop. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game multiple times now, to no avail. The error keeps happening over and over. I have run…
  • Did what you recommended with the .hogg files and with the launcher sequence, went through Safe mode and tried running at minimum settings....now, it's crashing even more rapidly. :confused:
  • The only thing I've found that is a temporary fix is to reboot my PC and start again. Even then, the corrupt texture crash will happen, it's just a matter of time. I've had it happen as soon as the game attempts to start, I've had it happen in the middle of STF missions, I've had it happen in the middle of Episode…
  • Thanks for the information....so, If I've got a 3-month subscription, I'm a Gold member is what I understand. If so, good to know. Now, just gotta get that straight with the STO folks if that's the case. Again, many thanks.