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Fatal Error Decompressing Data



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    SuperTank wrote:
    Also, my exact error message from hog_errors.log is :
    120208 04:11:17 2 InvalidType[1]: Error decompressing data. Verifying Files in the launcher may fix this issue.: texture_library/costumes/Avatars/Klingon/M_Uniformu_Klingon_01_Nx.wtex:
    120208 04:11:17 3 InvalidType[1]: Read wrong number of bytes: texture_library/costumes/Avatars/Klingon/M_Uniformu_Klingon_01_Nx.wtex: 13

    I had almost the same issuse myself, but it wasn't Klingon, it was some other costume piece. I was running through a map and randomly got the decompression error, then when i closed STO and tried to re-lanch, I couldn't launch. Launcher logs in and get to "Patching..." bar but freezes there. I already had the latest patch...so I uninstalled STO and re-downloaded from the site via torrent and re-installed to no avail. I am currently uninstalling, thoroughly cleaning my registry and pc with CCleaner, and manually deleting the "Cryptic Studios" folder from C:\Users\Public\Games which will delete all STO .hogg and .pigg and every other file, then I'll try to re-install. If that doesn't work, I'll delete all the TRIBBLE again and the new download and I'll install from my physical STO disc and see if that works.

    Also on a side note: I had just finished installing Diablo 3 when the decompression error occurred. I know the other posts here were before that game came out, but on the off chance this is some weird kind of conflict, I will uninstall Diablo 3 and reinstall STO and see if that works (assuming my current idea doesn't).

    I'll update this when I have tried these solutions to let others know if they do or don't work.

    Anyone have any idea how to fix this?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I'm having this issue now :(

    My hogg_errors.log file says:
    20517 17:37:14 10 [1]: Error decompressing data. Verifying Files in the launcher may fix this issue.: texture_library/costumes/Ships/Borg/Ship_Brg_All_Type2_Nx.wtex:
    120517 17:37:14 11 [1]: Read wrong number of bytes: texture_library/costumes/Ships/Borg/Ship_Brg_All_Type2_Nx.wtex: 13

    I have deleted texture.hogg, texture2.hogg and texture3.hogg and I am now patching the game again, hopefully that works.

    I have flown into a system that causes the error, so every time the game loads it crashes instantly after loading the system.

    This better fix it or I cannot play any more :(

    -- EDIT -- This has fixed my problem :D yay!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Have you tried Options > Force Verify and let that complete ?

    You can try disabling on demand patching and see if that helps too.

    You can try logging into another character, lower the video/graphic effects, and then go back and login to the trouble character to see if that helps.

    If you need further help, please let us know in a customer support ticket if it only happens on one character, that character’s name, and any quest(s) you were doing and where you were in the game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Have you tried Options > Force Verify and let that complete ?

    I did - see ticket 120203-000053. Note that it has been open since february 3rd.
    You can try disabling on demand patching and see if that helps too.

    Done. No change.
    You can try logging into another character, lower the video/graphic effects, and then go back and login to the trouble character to see if that helps.

    Done a number of times. No change. Still cryptic is unable to provide information about WHEN that texture is used, or if there's an alternative one, and when it would or would not be used.
    If you need further help, please let us know in a customer support ticket if it only happens on one character, that character’s name, and any quest(s) you were doing and where you were in the game.

    See above. Not that it helps, it took them a month to provide an answer and the answer was "your computer overheats instantly when you hail lt.ferra, but works fine for days if you don't."

    Typical cryptic customer support: useless, blatantly incompetent, and arrogant. :mad:
    Glad to see i'm not the only one though :(

    EDIT: what if we compile a list of what cryptic tells you to try, so we all get that over with and make sure support actually LOOKS into it without spending months doing one stupid thing after another?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I had almost the same issuse myself, but it wasn't Klingon, it was some other costume piece. I was running through a map and randomly got the decompression error, then when i closed STO and tried to re-lanch, I couldn't launch. Launcher logs in and get to "Patching..." bar but freezes there.[/qupte]

    that's cause game client.exe does not crash - it stays there, frozen. you have to open the process manager and kill it, then it'll proceed with the crypticerror thingie and relaunch normally. Took me a couple days to figure this out ;)
    Anyone have any idea how to fix this?
    wish I did :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    The thing is, I've never suffered any of the issues described in this thread on my Windows Vista machine.... If it was actually a coding issue, then I should be suffering these issues.... And the fact that I don't implies that its not a coding issue but something else...

    Do not make assumptions based on things you don't fully understand. This IS a coding issue. Why am I so sure?

    1- It's SYSTEMATIC. When it happens to someone, it ALWAYS happens in the same conditions, and can be reproduced. This rules out driver interaction problems and memory issues.
    2- Removing the software and reinstalling it doesn't either fix nor move it to any other file, texture, or situation. Also force verify ends normally. So the HDDs are ruled out as well.
    3- The game does not CRASH. It ENDS with a cryptic-originated error message (and they're not even able to actually close their software correctly...) - there's a clean log file specifying the error, the error is identified by the software.
    4- It's called a DECOMPRESSION error in a hogg file - as hoggs are compressed, any failure in reading bytes would corrupt the entire file... not just one single texture.
    5- It can be reproduced in instants by reproducing the situation - in my case, it's contacting lt.ferra or anyone who has a similar uniform (feet, apparently). I can do it anytime I want, or play the game 20 hours straight provided i never go near starfleet academy, cash in commendations, or land at stations. This rules out any hardware problem, as hardware problems occur independently of the game status, and are related to either heat, time, or memory/hdd "locations", or random fluctuations. Neither of this will ever be able to be triggered by a single, clean, and repeateble action for dozens of times.
    6- if it were a texture error, it would happen to everyone on the same texture, but it's not. So it must be code.

    Your information gave me a lot more to add to my support ticket report... thanks. If any solution is found, please share.
    I'll also urge you guys to repeatedly and aggressively demand that cryptic fixes the fact the gameclient doesn't correctly close (if that happens to all of you) but must be killed via task manager. That'll provide them (and us?) with a LOT more information from those who are not technically savvy enough to figure out by themselves that...

    EDIT: and sorry about the triple post.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I had this problem on some of the Romulan missions it can go through one of them fine and crash on another vefify files is useless and I gave my game files to one of my freinds and he got the same issue on intergrated graphics (i have dedicated so no problem there). I uninstalled and reinstalled the game and havent had the issue since. Although since it dosent happen in a particular mission maybe its not fixed.

    Edit: I used the torrent download option because I don't like the file download rubbish that gets installed with mmo's
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    calimar wrote: »
    Do not make assumptions based on things you don't fully understand. This IS a coding issue. Why am I so sure?

    5- It can be reproduced in instants by reproducing the situation - in my case, it's contacting lt.ferra or anyone who has a similar uniform (feet, apparently). I can do it anytime I want, or play the game 20 hours straight provided i never go near starfleet academy, cash in commendations, or land at stations. This rules out any hardware problem, as hardware problems occur independently of the game status, and are related to either heat, time, or memory/hdd "locations", or random fluctuations. Neither of this will ever be able to be triggered by a single, clean, and repeateble action for dozens of times.
    EDIT: and sorry about the triple post.
    So... Can you reproduce the issue on another machine.... If it is a coding issue, then it must be reproducible on more then a single machine...

    Also, claiming that it must be coding issue doesn't explain why I can do all of the above items with my characters on my Client with no issues at all.... Unless you can explain why this 'coding issue' doesn't occur on other player's Clients, no one is going to take this 'coding issue' claim seriously...

    (Come on now... this is down to basics debugging technique... That is, if you do know what your talking about...)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I had almost the same issuse myself, but it wasn't Klingon, it was some other costume piece. I was running through a map and randomly got the decompression error, then when i closed STO and tried to re-lanch, I couldn't launch. Launcher logs in and get to "Patching..." bar but freezes there. I already had the latest patch...so I uninstalled STO and re-downloaded from the site via torrent and re-installed to no avail. I am currently uninstalling, thoroughly cleaning my registry and pc with CCleaner, and manually deleting the "Cryptic Studios" folder from C:\Users\Public\Games which will delete all STO .hogg and .pigg and every other file, then I'll try to re-install. If that doesn't work, I'll delete all the TRIBBLE again and the new download and I'll install from my physical STO disc and see if that works.

    Also on a side note: I had just finished installing Diablo 3 when the decompression error occurred. I know the other posts here were before that game came out, but on the off chance this is some weird kind of conflict, I will uninstall Diablo 3 and reinstall STO and see if that works (assuming my current idea doesn't).

    I'll update this when I have tried these solutions to let others know if they do or don't work.

    Anyone have any idea how to fix this?

    I uninstalled STO and tried to delete the Cryptic Studios folder but I was told I don't have administrator access (which I do, I am on the admin account on my machine) but I WAS able to delete all of the individual hogg and pigg files inside the folder, once I did that and reinstalled it worked fine. Haven't had the error since. Hope this works for others too.
  • cappadocian1cappadocian1 Member Posts: 0
    edited June 2012
    Hey Guys,

    just downloaded the Game yesterday and the whole Fatal Error mess started right away in the Tutorial Mission.

    I wonder if i should uninstall the Game since it seems like the Devs don't really try to solve the Issue.

    Or are there any Updates?
  • mgmirkin426mgmirkin426 Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    And we're back to going rounds with the texture decompression error on my friend's machine. They had abated for several months, but now they're back in force, for no apparent reason. Have been getting them pretty frequently lately after several months of good behavior...

    Tried deleting all the HOGG files and repatching 12GB.

    Got launcher errors. got past those. Got errors while patching. Got past those. Got errors in load screens. Got past those. Got errors getting to character load screen. Got past those. Got texture decompression errors trying to log into the actual maps...

    This is frustrating!

  • mgmirkin426mgmirkin426 Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I've been trying to get a solution for this problem for a month now.

    Is that all? We've been trying to get a reliable fix for this since early this year... Good luck!
  • mgmirkin426mgmirkin426 Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    To be honest, I have no idea what's going on.

    I've read this thread and it seems that it's different for everyone.
    It's a different texture for each individual.

    What I find unusual is that, after deleting and replacing the suspect HOGGs, the error remained exactly the same!
    The same textures/objects cause the crash.

    I'm sorry, but you're not correct. I can attest that deleting HOGGs has resolve the issue for ONE texture only to magically have a different texture become the issue...

    The BASE ISSUE is the same, some random texture fails to decompress and completely crashes the game. Force Verify does nothing whatsoever and won't fix anything at all.

    Deleting HOGGs and re-downloading 6-12GB generally fixes the issue temporarily until you hit the next corrupted texture some arbitrary time later when you run across it in-game. Sometimes you go a few weeks or a few months, but eventually have to patch again at which point you get "+2.5% chance of game failure." Not a fun passive ability, I assure you. ;) There should be an accolade "Sainted" that you get after 100 texture crashes and complete 6-12GB re-patches.
  • mgmirkin426mgmirkin426 Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Have you tried Options > Force Verify and let that complete ?

    You can try disabling on demand patching and see if that helps too.

    You can try logging into another character, lower the video/graphic effects, and then go back and login to the trouble character to see if that helps.

    Read the whole thread? Done pretty much all of that.

    Force verify does nothing whatever. Same issue persists with same texture not decompressing correctly. Only thing that seems to affect it is completely deleting and re-downloading the HOGG files for textures. But often a DIFFERENT texture file will start failing...

    On demand patching or no on demand patching does nothing. A corrupted texture is a corrupted texture whether you downloade a 100MB of textures or 3GB. The question is WHEN and WHY was the texture corrupted? At time of download? After the fact? Is it actually a corrupted texture or is it an error in the decompression routine? Probably the former as it seems to error on different textures after re-downloading HOGGs...

  • disposeableh3r0disposeableh3r0 Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I apologize for this in advance but I can't help myself.........

    Your computer has cought the bends. You surfaced too fast. If you can find a decompression chamber you may be able to save it but you have to hurry.
    As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?

    Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln

    Occidere populo et effercio confractus
  • mgmirkin426mgmirkin426 Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    So... Can you reproduce the issue on another machine.... If it is a coding issue, then it must be reproducible on more then a single machine...

    It's a slightly maddening error. It seems to be machine specific, but it's unclear exactly WHAT associated with a specific machine is causing the issue, whcih is why we've been going round and round with it for months.

    At my friend's house, their old machine which wasn't designed for STO but runs it (poorly) has NO ISSUES, while the new machine purchased specifically to run STO is the one having issues.

    Both are plugged into the same wired Frontier FIOS router. Both run Windows 7 64-bit. One's an eMachines (old one). One's an ASUS (new one).

    Again, don't know what the issue is, have gone through any number of troubleshooting steps over the last few months... It was good for a while but is now back to misbehaving...
  • mgmirkin426mgmirkin426 Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Okay, final update.

    Warranty expired on the unit (so, decided it was fine to crack the case for further testing & a fix). Started blue screening. One in particular was a big hint. I think it was basically a blue screen saying MEMORY_MGMT or something like that. Whatever it was I looked it up and came across some article relating to memory issues.

    So, I decided to re-run some old memory tests and a new one.

    Basically, run Passmark's Burn-in-Test. They let you use the regular or pro version as a 30 day trial. Also run Prime95's system stress test.

    Whereas prior test didn't come back with anything, this time around Burn in Test errored out all over the place and Prime95's stress test "stopped -- Memory errors" almost immediately after starting on all processes.

    So, I completely overhauled the memory for $80 worth of 4x4Gb (16Gb total) PC3-10600 Corsair memory, totally replacing the 8Gb that shipped with the machine. It was still running slow and having some issues (probably due to corrupted automatic updates, etc.), so I ended up nuking it back to spec (reinstall from built-in recovery partition).

    The slowness and instability post-memory upgrade went away and there have been no further texture decompression issues.

    So, basically, I'm 99.99% sure this error is an indicator of faulty memory modules corrupting downloads. Don't ask me why the verification routines don't catch the corrupted downloads and re-download the corrupted bits and pieces until it finally gets a verifiably 'good' copy. But there it is... Replaced memory. Issue resolved. Period. Fix has been in place for a month or so now with zero recurrence.

    So, if you're having these texture decompression errors it PROBABLY means you have faulty memory modules.

    It wasn't apparent at first, but it seems to have gotten worse over time to the point it became painfully obvious. Original memory tests didn't catch it (or maybe I misread them?).

    So, yeah. Definitely have your RAM tested and replace as necessary. Don't know whether this might also happen if you overclock your memory, etc.? If it causes some kind of instability?

    Can't say for sure that other network connectivity issues couldn't result in corruption of the .HOGG files, but I can pretty much say that *in my friend's case* it was 100% the fault of the memory, from all signs.
  • mgmirkin426mgmirkin426 Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Basically, run Passmark's Burn-in-Test. They let you use the regular or pro version as a 30 day trial. Also run Prime95's system stress test.

    (Burn-in-Test; 30-day free trial)

    http://www.mersenne.org/freesoft/ (Download; use Torture Test)

    These seem to do pretty well in ferreting out memory errors. If any errors come back, you should probably have someone test your memory modules at Best Buy or Frys or something and replace which ever are defective.

    Hope this helps folks. My friend is happy his machine isn't puking up rancid textures anymore.

    Now he can go back to complaining about the rampant 1-shot kills in the game...

  • mriremrire Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I've followed this thread for a while and have I found an explanation in my case and thought that it wouldn't hurt to share it.

    When running memory tests my system passed without errors regardless of the thoroughness of the test to the application used. On a hunch I did some research on the components in my system and found that my main board supplied a maximum of 1.5v to the system RAM and that the RAM in my system required 1.65v.

    I replaced the memory with model of the same speed and size which required only 1.5v, I re-patched the texture files after the hardware change to ensure they were un-corrupted and my system has been stable for more than two weeks.
  • tsioriantsiorian Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Soooo, there's basically nothing we can do until they fix the issue? I've only been havingthis issue since season 7 came out.
  • gmokmoudgmokmoud Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I'm having the same issue, but with the following texture:


    I've verified the files over and over and just as soon as the game attempts to give me the "The Vault" mission and that popup panel attempts to load, the game crashes to Desktop.

    Is there anyway to delete the faulty file and have it reload as the verify system does nothing at all.

    It doesn't affect my other characters, just the newest one that I'm running through the storyline missions.
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