I pull this of extremly well with my breen ship. I run 2 x breen cluster torps up front, coupled with the omega plasma and the romulan plasma torps, the on the rear ive got the cutting beam (my only energy weapon), with 2 x tric mines and another plasma torp. It absolutly tears through the gates etc in stfs and always does…
To help with ESD & DS9 load times, just before you dock, go into your graphics settings and enable 'half resolition'. This massivley helps to cut loading times in heavy social zones.
I use this Aux2bat build too but on my Eng Armitage, and it is very effective with DEM2, but on a Tactical officer with Tactical Initiative I just wouldn't bother. Tac Init works better because it reduces the global cooldown not just the power cool down, and it free's up active space Doffs. It does, however, provide an…
Thats kinda what i'm getting at. I think they can do it if it looks nothing like the Worf we know, but this new guy is the spitting image of Season 1 Worf. (Great job though Cryptic, his face is very accurate)
Nice...very nice. Pretty un-expected aswell. And it's free. One thing though...how did you get the likeness rights (or other legal talk) for season 1 Worf? :confused:
I had a clear-out of all my Doff's that i didn't use or want on my five toons the other night, and by simply listing them slightly below the other listed items, I made 47 million EC's in 2.5hrs. As soon as i was posting them they were being snapped up. On each of those toons i started all of the recruitment missions at the…
I have had this since Beta when I ordered the digital delux version, and it just isn't worth the time spent making it. It does very little damage and takes up one of your precious tactical console slots, for which you are best using to add a damage console. I did try to equip it in a STF once just to see if it made any…