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frozenfew Arc User



  • how about a refund?
  • still cant login! I am disgusted why cant they fix stuff without making TRIBBLE worse? what are they doing with the money? All I want to do is play. that's it! I paid for my time, now quit TRIBBLE with the game. I really wish we had some recourse against this company. they should be held accountable!
  • I am sure there is a news channel or 2 that would love to expose a possible class action.
  • this is clearly gambling with real money. I wonder how many gambling laws are being violated here. sound like its time to pull the plug on this. I am tired of wasting money.
  • I have bought 12 boxes and no flippin ship? :mad:
  • My problem seems intermittent, sometimes I can get past the loading screen and other time it crashes. Fatal Error: Direct3D driver returned error code (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED) while checking sync query. Technical Details: Sync query 15 Ox19f51380 GetData = = 0x887a0005 0 NF 466 D3D11 Device removed due to…
  • A few notes I have to add..... who's the genius that decided that warping into a very bright Hot pink nebula was a good idea. It hurts my eyes... What's with the Chessy rewards in the delta episodes? I now have 6 purple phasers that I will never use. the new delta episode maps are just patrol missions.... there is only 5…
  • Hey, I don't mind a challenge. All of these maps take way too long. I had to leave C entity after 30 minutes, and it was only down t0 40% I think they went totally overboard. I really dislike the new expansion. the format is the same. Dialogue. fight a few guys, dialog, fight the next level up, more dialog, then top level…
  • Ummmmm its happening again????????
  • an entire Saturday afternoon? really? No updates? No communication?????? and now you want us to pay more money???? this is total BS. we need to revolt and boycott this game.
  • I don't really have time to read everything... so I am unsure if someone has mentioned this... My chief concerns with the queue are: Captains who attempt and or play on levels they should not. experience level or lacking weapon power. I cant count how many time I have been in elite and played with captains who have no idea…
  • do tthey ever think this carp through? it really seems like they choose things that most of us already have from completing a mission. I got this from a Klingon mission I think. who cares about the other things like uniforms.. what about us beta vets? the ones who have paid the most, and supported this silly game when it…
  • how nice..... they are giving away something I already own.... I am really sick of this.
  • BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!:eek: I have been paying for this since day one... what really sucks, is no matter how long I have been on, I get no credit toward a lifetime account. I cannot afford $300 in one pop to go life time. I have een paying $15.00 a month for 4+ years the only credit I get is a pitiful 600 Zen. I buy…