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fluf2 Arc User



  • Same for me. I can finally see my shields, engine trails and all the other effects including my ground weapons which I haven't seen in 6 months. Kind of cool seeing all the stuff I have never seen before. Please Cryptic, don't change a thing.
  • I can send them all kinds of pictures, but since this has been going on for over 2 months now Im not holding my breath. I just want to see my shields and weapons again. Yes I can zoom in and see them but then cannot see anything else with my ship plastering my whole screen.
  • Im wondering how big this problem really is or if its just a select few of us. From the reports I have seen, it seems to be affecting people on both low and high end systems. I myself am just running a single core Pentium IV processor with a GTX520 Nividia card, but some of the reports I have seen have been Quad core…
  • Yeah still no fix. I've been playing this game for 3 years now and this has been the worst graphics glitch I have encountered. Most missions are damn near impossible to play without shields, or knowing if you are running over a Malon plasma cloud, or being tractored... and on and on. This needs to be addressed ASAP. Or at…
  • Actually have had this issue for a couple of weeks now. Seemed to get better the first 2 days of season 10, but reverted back after that. Its not just Epohs, there is general lag in all interactions. Its just the Epoh tagging can cost you extra days in the process because of this.
  • Its worse for me. I have no shields or engine trails or any effects what-so-ever, unless I zoom all the way into my ship on all 5 of my characters. The only thing I can see in combat is beam weapons. That means I don't see tractor beams, gravity wells, warp plasma, or any of my other effects unless I am completely zoomed…
  • Wish it was just the engine trails. I'm missing shields and all other effects on this ship except for my weapons firing. Using the Aegis set and get no effects at all. Only time I can see my shields is if I zoom all the way in on the ship, which makes it impossible to see anything else on the screen. Tried messing with the…
  • Been having the same problems since the patch on 4/7/15. Gets especially bad after 5PM EST with server timeouts and disconnects. Tonight it became totally unplayable by 7PM EST and I just gave up. I have never had these problems before. 1 1 ms 1 ms <1 ms homeportal [] 2 22 ms 20 ms 23 ms…
  • Still broken after the last patch. Appears the yellow box graphic only appears sometimes and the whole systems seems to be suffering the same lag that the ship UI is having. You just have to guess you have hit R or T the right amount of times and hope you hit the right ability. Only other option is to use your control key…
  • Yep same here, cant change the ability, but at least we have something there now.
  • Same with me. Science Commander slot works but Commander Tactical slot doesn't work. Tried switching to tac mode, change tac boffs and switching instances and still nothing. Have APO2 slotted there.
  • Signed. Its been really hard to get any missions going lately, especially for fleet marks on the KDF side. Both my Fed fleet and KDF fleet have seen 50% losses in player activity in the last 3 months, even with the events that have been going on. The inability to schedule daily fleet events due to the lack of the hourly…
  • Unfortunately, I screwed myself. Game was starting up fine after Season 8 came out and the only issue I had was the Crystaline Entity would crash as soon as I entered it. Thinking that changing direct x setting my fix it, I changed to direct x 11 on the video settings. Wrong move. Now I cannot get back in as the game…
  • yep still bugged after the patch. Will only let you in after the entity is dead.
  • Same here, all 4 of my characters. Crashes and soon as you enter the mission. Allows me onto the map once its over and the entity has been destroyed. No problems anywhere else in any other missions. Have forced verified and adjusted some video settings and still no luck. Never had any problems with this mission before.…
  • I noticed this problem 3 weeks ago after a Windows 7 update. The next day I started TS3 and then the launcher and the launcher crashed 4 times as soon as I hit engage. I did a system restore and it worked fine the rest of the day. Windows did the update again that night when I shut my pc down and I had the same problem the…