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What is the Arc Client?
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evilbenfranklin Arc User



  • Ah, so something out of the Tal Shiar operating manual, then. Okay, thanks!
  • For comparison, here's the tracert coming over the Verizon hotspot. Note that I do not have any problems on this network (aside from the obvious metered bandwidth, but nothing I can do about that), and I think a significant difference is that this way, I am not coming across Cogent's network: Tracing route to…
  • Normally I'd agree... especially since I'm on hotel wifi at the moment, but I don't really have issues with any other game or service. Netflix goes for hours without a hiccup, as does Diablo III and The Secret World. If it was a hardware issue, then the problem would be pandemic to all connections. That said, I have tested…
  • Not seeing any issues with the launcher here, but I am getting "Server Not Responding" for about 20s then a disconnect. I can log right back in, but all too often it will immediately go back to "Server Not Responding" and dump me back out within 1-5 minutes. It's made the game nigh-unplayable. The primary ISP I use is…
  • I actually have an Odyssey Science variant kitted out like this: Fore: 3 Fleet Plasma Single Cannon 1 Fleet Quantum Torp Aft: 2 Fleet Plasma Turrets 1 Kinetic Cutting Beam 1 Omni-Directional Antiproton Beam The power drain from both the KCB and the ODAB can get a little staggering at times, but it can be offset by using…
  • Let 'em come... I felt it had to be said, and I've said my piece. There's really nothing they can do to get a rise out of me. :)
  • Technically speaking, Kirk violated the Prime Directive so many times it could've sued him for child support and won, so I suppose they were just following the very finest traditions of Starfleet. ;)
  • For TOS... Hm. I can't really think of any. TNG: "Code of Honor" for the racist undertones, "The Naked Now" because it was a rehash of "The Naked Time" from TOS, and "Skin of Evil," because we really need a melodramatic alien sludge monster who just kills people for the lulz. DS9: "Move Along Home." An entire race of…
  • Commander Moira Elayne Stern, native of Cardiff, Wales, has several 'finer things' in life she prefers: - A good stout beer. None of that Ferengi swill, that's only fit for Cardies and gingers. Conversely, she also enjoys a good rotgut distilled product, and has figured out how to make a warp coil do unnatural things to…
  • Rather good job! I know for my main captain's uniform design, I kept the gold on her duty and combat uniforms to indicate that she started out in Engineering. I haven't decided if I'm going to keep it that way, or shift it to red to indicate command, for one reason: The Federation is on a war footing. From my own military…
  • Personal Log, supplemental: Admiral Quinn was na' ... delighted, let's say, 'bout my bein' marooned nor the events wha' transpired on that lovely wee planetoid. Th' words 'Conduct Unbecoming' were used. In my defense, let me back up a bit, though... First, Ensign Cabana Boy did'na care for me choice of music while workin'…
  • Well, here is my contribution. If it seems a bit rushed, it's due to inspiration hitting me during my lunch hour, putting me under a time constraint. :) Commentary welcome!
  • Captain's Log, Stardate... eh, who bloody cares? Runabout Miskatonic, on detachment from the USS Paragon, Commander Moira Stern commandin', etc, etc. Cor, it's nice 'ere. No bleedin' idea where we are, though, but at least it's 'abitable. Reminds me o'th' beaches back 'ome in South Wales. I didn't think I'd ever enjoy…
  • The theory is relatively elegant, it obeys Einstein, and all that good stuff. The power issue could potentially be resolved by more progress on this, at least short term: http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2012/09/fusion-energy-breaking-even/ The big bugaboo with this idea is the "exotic matter." This exotic matter would…
  • Go back in time to ancient feudal Japan, meet your idol, only to find out that he's a lecherous drunken douchebag of a white guy who is, incidentally, immortal. (Heroes, Season 2) Finally make out with the gal who's been giving you the eye for the last two seasons of the show, only for it to have never happened. (SG1,…
  • Commander Moira Stern currently helms the Advanced Heavy Cruiser U.S.S. Paragon, NCC-946478-A. Why Paragon? Call it homage. I came back to STO after the announcement that City of Heroes was shutting down, and needed a name for the Cruiser I was flying at the time. Given that I've been sort of following a pattern of naming…
  • Been having the same issues here for the past week, intermittently. I live in the Austin/Round Rock area in TX, and hey guess what? I'm on TWC. Cogent's backbone gateway in DFW seems to be one likely culprit: Tracing route to patchserver.crypticstudios.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms…