I like the kobali set for the set bonus that heals hull points. Currently i'm using besides the kobali set, the Romulan Hyper plasma weapon set 3-pieces (beam, torp and console) I want soemthing that brings more tanking power and if i can more dps. (currently i finish 1st or 2nd in CCE Advance)
I hit 60 yesterday, and i really want to have more things to do :/ I started my Romulan in early January, so almost 2 months from 0 to 60; the Episodes are kinda fun; but when finish them there isn't too much to do. Im currently doing DOFFs / R&D and Reputation (all of them in mid 4 level, Dyson and Undine in 1). How many…
Hello!! I have a question, i want to buy a TAC ship and i was loking for these: -Fleet Tactical Escort retrofit. -Charal / Kumari -Avenger Any suggestion? thanks