Hello fellow warriors!!
I created a new toon, a Klingon TAC, have another toon a lvl 60 RRF ENG with a Baratan-quasi-beamboat (mix mk xii and xiii)...and surprisingly i'm having more fun with the Klingon.
Being new to this ''side'' i have some questions:
A)After 50, being a TAC is there any other option besides the T6 Mat'ha ship? i dont think that is wise to buy a T5 or T5U seeing how cryptic is currently selling T6 ship. (altough mostly no new toys for the KDF)
And about the loadout? i want something quasi-canon, so basically will be DHC / Torp FORE, and cuting beam/ omni / turret AFT.
It will be mostly disruptor or disruptor hybrid (not something hideous like AP or Plasma or Phaser)

Social aspect? i've been reading that the Klingon side receives no developer love, and it is mainly an alt faction, it is so harshly? how about the queue times? are them crossfaction? How about the Fleets, are they active?
Thanks! and surely i will come back with more questions.
Dunno about the ships you're speaking of. My Klink TAC flies a FT5U Mogh with all MK XIII VR gear and he does okay. The only real complaint I had was sometimes his hull went "Pop!" with no warning. I made some slight adjustments to BOff Skills and this took care of it.
Disruptors and Photons are what he uses. Although I do tend to mix them up a bit. Sometimes Nanite Disruptors and sometimes the Counter Command Disruptors, which I really like a lot. I also have a set of the Elachi beams, which are disruptors, but the proc for them while very nice, does not seem to happen as often as I like.
Crell has a MU Vor'cha which is set up as a canon Cannon Boat. It worked well as long as I set up everything for maximum DPS. Which meant it was fragile until I learned to fly it correctly.
Social aspects: It has been my personal experience people who play the KDF side seem much nicer and much better informed about the game and what works in it. They also seem to be more willing to share their know how. I am not saying the Fed side has no one who does these things. It just seems easier to me to find people who do this on Qo'noS than it does in ESD. I am not as inclined to look for advice and guidance when I am on the Blue Side, however.
Queing for PUG STFs and Special Events is kinda hit or miss. Sometimes the Que begins almost immediately. And sometimes it takes as long as five minutes. It is rare to get an all KDF PUG these days, but it still happens.
Most big KDF Fleets are paired with a Fed Fleet. And the KDF Fleet usually gets worked on after the Fed Fleet. Again, this is based upon my personal experiences and observations within the game. As to KDF Only Fleets, while I am sure there are some I am also unsure of where they are or how to contact them. To anyone else reading this: Could you help this guy out with finding a Fleet to call home? Thanks. Much appreciated.
OP, if you would please include your ingame handle in your next post, it would help with people being able to send you a Fleet Invite. Again, welcome to the KDF! My KDF chars are named Crell and Cha. Please feel free to send me a Friend Request, OP. And thanks in advance for doing so.
EDIT: OP, please click on the link in my sig for details on a player organized upcoming Event for the KDF!.
To answer your questions:
A. The KDF has fewer ship options than the Feds. But since you have a Rom ENG, I'm assuming you're already used to Cryptic's limited ship options outside the Feds. If sticking only to T6, like the Roms, the KDF has very limited options. But the options that we do have are excellent offensive ships:
T6 Mat'ha Raptor - The ONLY Raptor in the entire endgame lineup that is worth anything. A buzzsaw in damage.
T6 Eclipse Intel Battlecruiser - Only Battlecruiser we have with Battlecloak. Tied with the Fleet K'T'Inga as best turning Battlecruiser with a 10 turn rate but has way more offensive capability. Has full access to Intel, has Gather Intel mechanics.
T6 Negh'Var - Newest ship for the KDF. Great handling and a very robust Cmdr+LtCdr ENG station that is finally supplemented with a LtCdr TAC station.
T6 Tactical Command FDC (Ty'Gokor) - Very good BOFF layout. Has a hangar. But it is hurt by the fact that it does not have the Weapon System Efficiency Cruiser Command to lessen weapons power drain. Otherwise it's a solid ship.
The KDF playerbase is indeed smaller than the Feds. We also have a bit of an infestation of some Feds having farmer toons here. That said, the playerbase is still there just don't expect to see many like playing with the Feds would.
Since you've played the Roms, you know how Cryptic handles faction development outside the Feds. Not well. Since the new year, after the Anniversary, it has gotten a bit better with Cryptic finally putting out ships for the factions on a more even schedule. Compared to DR's release where the only thing they had clearly worked on was Fed ships. Not to mention we have a new EP very recently. So we can only see how this goes.
With the smaller playerbase, some of the few faction specific queues pop a lot slower. But then again, the queues in general for everyone have been a lot slower outside the handful that everyone is running.
Fleets - Again, all down to our smaller playerbase. But as is with the Feds, there are always a variety of fleets out there. Small, large, active, inactive fleets, PVP fleets, RP fleets. They are out there and if you visit First City like you do ESD, you'll eventually see a bunch of recruitment drives.
Last amusing thing: First City is very mellow and you do not need to turn away zone chat when you visit there :cool:
I can't help with fleets because since I came back to the game after Delta I've been too busy with the chain of grinds on my alts (Mirror, Winter, Anniversary, Crystal) to look into them.
handle @duncanael (name Dunc'nah)
Qapla' warrior !
Given the preference for T6 you stated and your preferred loadout - Ty'Gokor, Negh'tev or Mat'Ha, with a strong leaning towards the Mat'Ha. It's the ship you're looking for, for the aforementioned setup and if you're going to use disrupotrs anyway, may as well power up the epic spinal cannon of utter destruction!
B. The population is quite smaller, it's no secret. However that has lead to the KDF players being generally more helpfull and friendly, at least in my experiences. Note that the social dynamics are quite different and don't expect to see endless and pointless chatter about all kinds of TRIBBLE in KDF social zones - they'll be quiet, but usually if you have an inquiry - there always will be someone to help and answer any questions.
The fleets that exist are good and strong, most of them pretty active as well. If a fleet made it and stuck with the KDF side of things for this long, it's probably pretty active. I can't tell about the entire faction obviously, but the ones I'm in are pretty lively and strong. The situation isn't as harsh as you may be lead to believe, after all - we all are still playing and enjoying the KDF around here. There just isn't parity, but that's not something new and something that the new EP seems to be working on improving.
Most of the queues in STO (in general) are cross-faction, so there's that. The waiting time is the same for everyone. There are several faction specific queues that have long waiting times and rarely pop via PUG, however KDF players usually utilize the KDF channels to socialize and form teams for any content including these faction-specific queues.
Here's a link to the >KDF Channels List< that you might find helpfull in socializing and teaming.
And by the beard of Kahless, wellcome to the KDF!
Says a guy who has the tier 6 galaxy in his sig? You should be ashamed warrior!
Sorry had to go there
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
I'm just too happy that she got the treatment she rightuflly deserved, at last. And since I had the 'revamped Galaxy' sig for a year, I guess it's was only fair to have one thanking them for finally getting it right this time.
We do have another luxury for KDF, KDF/Roms that's not replicatable with Fed/Fed/Roms. And that's easier access to the ever popular Plasmonic Leech. Plasmonic Leech comes from one of the low tier Nausicaan Destroyers in the C-Store. But that ship on the C-Store than all your KDF, KDF/Roms can claim that ship and grab the Plasmonic Leech. 1 purchase, faction account-wide access.
My KDF Tac will be using the BOP. Once I get her up to lv50. Since my main KDF Eng is using Battlecruisers. So I will be using the free T5. Unless they come out with something else before she hits Lv50.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
I think you should follow your own suggestion. Your post is an excellent example of the things I experience whenever I am foolish enough to spend time over on the Blue Side at ESD.
Unless you're going to contribute something positive to assist our new battle brother, sod off.
(And maybe dreams of fitting out a T5U K't'inga once she's grown into her Qib.
no, he's right. I'm continually correcting people in the fleet group I'm in who refer to Klingons as "Klinks." I find it personally insulting and infuriating. I've spent a lot of time developing my KLINGON characters, and frankly, they do better than a lot of said fleet groups feddybears on almost everything, including pure damage output. Plus, as we all know, the Klingons have a distinct code of honor that the feddybears lack.
My Delta Recruit is my 2nd KDF tactical captain, however, this time around I have decided to go with raptors for this toon. Therefore, eventually this captain will be flying the T6 Matha which came with the DR Ops Pack that I purchased.
I am hoping that a T6 BoP will be released. Also hoping for a KDF and Romulan T6 science vessels as well.
Klink is a bit of a derogative term in my view. I much prefer Kling or just plain KDF or Klingon. But I suppose one could say Fed or Feddie is also derogative.
I really want some decent science ships for the KDF. Said it before, said it again and will say it yet again until we get some.
I usually play Engineers as Fed and Romulan because Engineer/Cruiser works well. Now is there anything different about the Klingon Engineers or do they work as good? (been a while since i played a Klingon)
My character Tsin'xing
A note on BoPs and raptors. Raptors are your traditional escort so not much to talk about. BoPs however all have the flanking mechanic, meaning you do more damage when you're shooting the enemy from behind. Interestingly enough, structures can also be shot at from behind, you just need to know where it is. I'm personally flying a BoP with my KDF tac and the first thing you will notice is that it is very easily a good day to die if you fly it slow. The BoPs are very squishy so you need to always keep your eye on your shields and hull and be aware of your surroundings. There's no parking still next to a Tac Cube and hoping it won't notice you!
Many of the end game KDF ships are cruisers so your tac will only have up to Lt. Com. tac BOff options. If you want a truly tactical ship, the Mat'Ha is your best bet. I usually buy my ships during ship sales unless I really need to buy that one ship I've been eyeing. However, we just went through 2 recent ship sales so the wait may be a long one. They might have a ship sale a month or so after Season 10 but it can be hit or miss. Good luck finding your ship!